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Everything posted by nyantler

  1. You do not like my posting style? That's a shame. Again dodging the issue with what you call witty banter? And you use the word shame a lot... the word must have big meaning in your life
  2. Te fact is: Even in states where crossbows are permitted (nearly every state) during reguar season only or for the handicapped.. the user is required to have a valid ARCHERY Safety Certificate and ARCHERY Licence... sounds like archery equipment to me... but I'm sure somehow that is irrelevant too.
  3. What you aren't getting guys is Arrowflinger and other hunters like him are the obstacles to many of the things that are trying to be accomplished in hunting. Their selfish motives need to be attacked and questioned. The fact that someone like Arrowflinger is so against the crossbow, yet can't tell us why it is so harmful to the sport of hunting is alarming... He says he is against it on principle.. but doesn't say what that principle is or how it affects bowhunting and the bowhuting experience. These types are just as dangerous as anti-hunters in my opinion...
  4. Always dragging the perfectly legal and acceptable compound into the discussion to muddy the waters. Shameless diversionary tactic. Why not just discuss the admissibility (or lack thereof) of the crossbow on its own merits? you continue to pick and choose little snippits out of context .. then try to act like you are actually making a point... the more you speak the younger you sound
  5. Sorry Rocket , But you still make positively no sense to me.. I can't understand a single point you are getting at...Honestly.. Do you smoke weed on a regular basis?? I'm serious!
  6. Are your hunting skills tha bad that you need someway to parade deer to you??
  7. I'm having a ball here Bubba.. Arrowflinger actually akes less sense than Rocket.. hard to believe but true... meet ya back at the AR thread..lol
  8. I would willingly give up a portion of MY deer season to make room for crossbows, but keep bow season separate. What say you now, Mr. Know-it-all? That makes less sense than you weren't making before.. ???
  9. I've seen bucks hang on to them right to when the new antlers start to push them out
  10. I suppose it depends on the type food plot... but my initial thought would be no
  11. All I can say is.. if you didn't know how silly the NYB stance is on crossbows before.. after listening to these two guys you do now. What they are really concerned with is losing a portion of THEIR deer season to a crossbow only season... and that might be a legit argument... but relating it to a gun is a total nonsense argument.
  12. well from what you were saying about the future evolution of the crossbow thats what i thought you were getting at... it is kind of ridiculous isn't it?
  13. In order to be a member in good standing you MUST hold the same crossbow position as NYB...you can't be just a bowhunter...
  14. And I'm sure they will make a crossBOW bolt travel 2000 fps... just like a rifle :
  15. I'm with you Culver... and I don't think feeders would make anyone happy
  16. So if it takes less practice to be proficient, then it must be more than "a bit easier." Like I said....you are contradicting yourself. ;D It is not. It refers to cards...would you feel more comfortable if we said "let's call a diamond a diamond" or "a club a club." I will wait for your apology. I believe a compound need less practice than a recurve or longbow... and has a much greater range... but that makes no diffence as far as the weapon threatening my bowhunting experience. I still would like to know why the big push against crossbows by the NYB. If it is because of its simplicity to use then the same argument could be made about the compound vs the trad bow.. As for the calling a spade a spade .. you both are wrong .. the term originated in Ancient Greece and origianl meant "bowl" and was later translated to as "spade" meaning "shovel"
  17. Arrowflinger.. I am finding most of what you have been saying irrelevant
  18. agreed... AR wouldn't serve the same purpose all across the state...but isolated areas definitely could benefit from a good management plan consisting of a well thought out AR
  19. Most qdm plans have plans and tips to help protect buttons as well... it has to do with not shooting lone antlerless deer and waiting for more than one deer or groups when taking an antlerless whitetail.. it also involves picking the largest deer out of those groups to avoid killing buttons... in the north much of this might not apply.. especially in the adirondacks... there a management plan might be less centereed around AR and more around improving the quanity and quality of food, especially during the winter months. A good management plan just isn't a willy nilly one rule fits all but just what it says.. a plan. Based on need and feasibility in a given habitat area
  20. I am not be for AR unless it is part of a good management plan.. with all aspects of herd benefit put into play.. If it is used with a sound management goal and plan it has already been a proven concept many times over. Too many guys are still thinking of the plan as just a means to create big bucks. If thats all it accomplishes without taking in to account all the other aspects of a quality herd then I agree it can do as much harm as good... so when I speak about an AR plan I am thinking of deer management not just buck management
  21. we need to make it so that one doesn't have to be wealthy to even run... we are not getting the best minds or people that have the public in their best interest... just wealthy power hungry individuals that want the free ride that we somehow have been duped into giving polititians..until that sort of thing stops we will continue on this horrible path
  22. As well.. I have no affiliation with any crossbow association either... so your turn Arrow. I am a bowhunter that hunts with a recurve and will continue to.. I see no problem with crossbows entering the bow season
  23. Usually the reponse one gets from someone lacking a legit argument... but keep trying if you like
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