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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by The_Real_TCIII

  1. Man up, @Biz-R-OWorld would go up that thing without using his legs at all
  2. I had a 5 point meander around me, got some video and then a text from Sod with great news
  3. Par three but 190 carry and DONT BE LONG
  4. This pic was taken just before we went back in the woods to shape trees
  5. dozens of pics in the academy thread we pepper that poor thing. The only guy that seems to care about conserving the core is @Arcade Hunter
  6. I did max that one out lol, may need a tree step or two in the mix. By the way those sticks were $50 at walmart and theyre pretty nice
  7. Update, we watched Jaws in the pool and it was a blast. I dont have a projector I just brought a TV out there. They dont weigh hardly anything anymore either, those wall brackets weve all lagged in to studs are such overkill
  8. Had he left that his tomatoes would have ripened
  9. Youd rather shoot a bobcat than a 100" 8 point?? I dont believe you
  10. Which would you rather kill? Theres your answer.
  11. Ive been telling him to put them in paper bags for a month!! Hes a silly, stubborn SOB!
  12. One of my favorite hunting days of all time and I didn't draw the bow. My dad passed on 11/2/2000 so I never miss being in the woods that day and last year was extra special with good friends dropping bucks all over the state! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. Happy birthday! Hopefully there are some new dekes on the way
  14. I was the recipient of one of those salmon, thanks@treeguy! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. I love eating pike from through the ice. But holy mackerel do they produce a lot of slime in the sink lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. I think Biz has a pic Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  17. I'm in a Potato growing contest (weird flex I know), we all bring our container to a party in late September to dig them up, weigh, count etc. it's a blast Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. I don't see anything where's this great camo?? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  19. Its not our fault you only have one decent hunter out there
  20. to be fair, mine has seven more days growth
  21. Hang on let me get pics of all the 150" deer Ive killed in my 26 years hunting here... crickets
  22. Id like that a lot better with stock wheels
  23. We eat them, but they are WILDLY OVERRATED. And are we all just going to pretend that Wolc didnt say he marinades them in blood from forward of the diaphragm??!
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