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Everything posted by The_Real_TCIII

  1. 319 kids died of the swine flu in 2009-10 & we didn’t shut schools down. That’s over 10x the number of kids who have died of the coronavirus. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  2. That's a lot of KE. Are you grouping? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. Whats your poundage and draw length?? Whats this target made out of lol??
  4. I agree, Im going to have both a heavy arrow and a heavy broadhead combined for proper FOC
  5. It appears ill need approximately a million grains up front of these FMJs to get the FOC I want
  6. Thursday Im guest lecturing at the smaller, not yet accredited SENY Academy which also serves as a safety school for mid state folks
  7. Last minute decision to soft open, next week is FULL SEND and we expect a turnout!
  8. Nothing improves a climber like the Thirdhand straps, they are the best $20 youll spend on hunting
  9. Theyre as good as the water they come out of, so we made an excellent decision
  10. Three misses, one recovered. I yacked one at 30, brain fart at full draw Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  11. And some sweet new trucks. I wish I could post video we took a ton of shots at 70 and 80 with pretty good results Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  12. No plexiglass, no masks, no social distancing, just a lot of shooting a lot of fun, a lot of laughs, a couple misses, a few beers, and an awesome time! Soft opening tonight just me the@sodfather and @JeremyK but we expect a better turnout next week Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  13. My only channel Cat is above in this thread, TF and I each got one on in-line spinners Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  14. About 40 yards from where he's standing lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  15. Looks like he got grazed across the pedicle by a 7MMWTHRBYWINMAG Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  16. I'm an idiot for not doing it when they discounted it a few years back, it would have paid off already Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  17. this was a three Kolsch project Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  18. Actually some tomato cages to mark plot progress at known yardages would be a nice touch
  19. Gotta be him right? I think we should cull him this year lol
  20. DeBlasio should resign. Being unprepared for this pandemic as far as basic PPE, let alone ventilators, is an absolute embarrassment. You manage an island with 9 million people on it and H1N1, SARS, and swine flu are very recent history. And he blames the federal govt of course, easy target.
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