They said its either Covid-19 from riding your bike and your toes get jammed in the front of your shoes. Shes been riding her bike for the first time in months but the doctor wanted a test
Love that! I ordered them at Ohare airport once and they were purple. I said what the heck is this and they said "Oh thats our take on eggs benedict, they have burgundy wine in them". They were disgusting. People should leave perfect things alone
@turkeyfeathers and I drive that road about 40 times a year taking our girls to ballet, theres a guy that has a slammer buck hanging in his front yard every single year
Look for a shim style mount that goes between the stock and receiver. Moog turned me on to them although I still havent ordered it yet
And Taco Tim? And NWTF Marty smoked one near the Academy. I spent a while reading about the moon on Old Gobbler too, the consensus there was no effect. My only concern was it being so light they'd see me walking in so I didn't go far in