Any NYer should at least shoot an Elite when choosing a bow, theyre made in NY. I shoot Stan releases for the same reason, that and theyre the best IMHO
Yup and theres a whole lot of folks that upgrade to the latest and greatest every year so there are tons of bows and accessories listed at huge savings
My current hunting and 3D setups were both 2012 and I'd been getting the itch for something new. Especially after I shot Sod and Lawds Rituals. And then I got a magical offer from Moog to buy his Ritual 35 at a great price and jumped on it. Im just getting it set up with sight and rest from my current bow and then I'll post her up. I always buy year or two old used. My last new bow was a year 2000 Darton
Theres a guy on Letgo selling several knives including some older Buck 110s and Case in case anyone is interested. Ronald Kniese in Fredonia. I know nothing about him, I just know those knives are desirable so I thought id throw it out there
If we were closer we could meet at a range for a half hour ML 101, theres not much to it. In exchange you could teach me to start a fire with a lemon and a twist tie!