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Everything posted by Bleitten04

  1. You have every right to be mad to!!!!! It makes you wonder if they have been there in the past. Hopefully not though and hopefully they will got caught somewhere.
  2. very nice deer hope you get a shot at em
  3. Whenever I have been apart of a big drive there is always a meeting before anything is even started. They guy that is in charge tells everyone the lay of the land and that you better be wearing orange. Also that no deer no matter how big is worth someone's life.
  4. Bubba, I guess I could have put rifle in there!! I thought that if someone lived where they could use a rifle that is what they would use and not a muzzle loader!!!! Updating poll now!
  5. yea I read all about that in a NAHC book. It says that it is suppose to be a must because you won't be disturbing the deer as much and things like scent won't play a factor during the season. Its also suppose to be a good time to find a bucks bedding area. Basically what it said was that this was the best time to scout. Only problem I see is the book was talking about a "Ranch" which has QDM and less hunting pressure when it comes to deer drives and tons of people being in the woods. I feel like if your hunting state land or an area where there is a lot of hunting pressure the deer may still be hidding and scared of hunters. I could be wrong though Just my two cents.
  6. I agree with the distance factor totally. The range I shoot at only goes up to 100 yards so I can't target shoot 150 where a ML is suppose to still be accurate. However I don't have a scope for my shotgun. If things work out well this year and I get to go out with one of my buddies where we do a lot of drives I would use it there because of multiple shots.
  7. thats pretty good stuff there thank you very much!!!
  8. If i had a choice it would be a treestand however I do use ground blinds also. where I hunt there is one spot where I can't put a stand. All i did was set up a ground blind and conseal as much as possible. I also put the blind up about a month ago hoping that any deer coming through there is used to it by now. One question I have though is does anybody where all black in a ground blind if the inside of your blind is black or do you still where camo?
  9. When gun season comes around how many people use shotgun and how many use a Muzzleloader? I have always had a shotgun and will always have one. This year however is my first season with a muzzleloader and I'm much more accurate with it and I'm positive I will be using this during the regular firearms season for the southern zone. Even with the one shot I know that if I shoot the deer is dead!!! ??? Knock on wood!!!!
  10. very interesting!!! So if I shoot at distance of 20 yrds from the top of my tree stand to the deer I will be shooting higher then I expect to shoot? Anyone know just how high that might be assuming that it is flat ground i'm hunting?
  11. I'm super pumped for the season to start. I'm goin to my uncle's in Batiavia NY. I also have Monday and Tuesday off from school. 4 days of hunting with no school are you kidding me lol...
  12. For sure!!! It just might get something to get out of bed or it just plain keeps me awake!
  13. Ive been apart of small medium and large deer drives. Basically anywhere from me and my dad to 20 people. I would say the drive with 20 people was actually more safe then I thought it was going to be because not one person took a shot that was dangerous. Also everytime a deer was shot at the time was spent to look for blood even if you knew you missed it. I can't say I have had a ton of success doing drives but there is strategy to them to that I don't really think I know yet.
  14. I voted that Yes I have tought other kids to hunt. I figured it was most accurate as it wasn't really a kid. It was one of my best friends which I took out turkey hunting. He really enjoyed it even though he wasn't hunting, he was just there for the sight. This was two springs ago and by the time deer season came around he had his license and a gun!!!! Now we will probably be lifetime hunting partners.
  15. I hunt state land or WMA usually a few times a year and to be completly honest I have never seen a deer on state land. (seen plenty of tracks) I usually end up going towards the end of the season and I feel like the deer are either shot or pushed out. It seems like with all the area though you would have to run into something? But it just seems like there is to much hunting pressure there. Never have tried bow hunting on state land though but have a feeling in might be better with less hunters.
  16. PM for sure has way more deer activity for me. I don't forget about mornings though because you just never really know.
  17. All ive have done this year is ground shoot. I don't really have a place where I can properly set up a stand and shoot out of it without having to drive at least a half hour. I really feel like if you can target shoot from a stand you are greatly increasing your odds of putting a good shot on a deer. I did however take a tape measure and placed it in my stand and marked off places where I predict a shot. I feel that it is better than nothing. Also just a fun fact is that you could use A squared + B squared = C squared to find how far your shots are if you measure from your stand to where you want to shoot and if you know how far up your seat is. LOL!!!
  18. I don't use food plots and I don't have a problem with people who do or really how they use them. I think that smaller ones are more ethical though. I might use one some day I just don't know enough about them yet.
  19. Also another interesting fact I know is that it is legal to sell different types of bait in stores. If the state doesn't want baiting why allow it to be sold? Just an interesting fact I think. Its almost as if they are trying to get the normal hunter who follows all guide lines to break the law.
  20. I agree that a food plot that is 5 acres or less is much more ethical then one that is 20 acres. It is beneficial to wildlife and there is plenty of food there to go around if you take care of your plot properly. When I hear 20 acre plot I think of a game farm. Which might be needed to bring in the deer so that those people can keep a job. Idk if you guys support game farms or not? I personally don't have a problem with them in fact I wish to start my own one day. But for your average hunter who is just trying to get some venison big plots seem a bit selfish to the people around them who might also be trying to do the same thing. On the baiting topic I guess I have mixed beliefs. Thats why I asked the question. I think it should be allowed with some sort of restrictions and limits on it. However, I do agree that there would be no way of regulating it. If you were allowed to bait but had to keep it in some sort of moderation there would be know way of stopping people from putting piles or corn in front of every stand they own. Also is it legal to bait during the off season if your bait is gone during the actual hunting season?
  21. Thanks everyone!!Good luck to you to. Ill try to get my work done but this is the time of year where it starts to get hard if you know what i mean!!!
  22. Now I'm new here and I don't want people to think I'm trying to start a big argument cause I'm not. It's illegal to bait in NY and I'm wondering what everybody thinks on this. Do you think it should be legal or illegal and why?
  23. Hey everyone I'm new here and I'm really excited for deer season. Its great to find a forum that is just NY. I live in central new york and go to college in brockport. I'm also lucky enough to have private hunting land near both spots. Good Luck to everyone this year!!!
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