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    Savage 270
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    Bear Species EV

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  1. The whole property is very tall timber no undergrowth. I have all contact information for surround properties in case I do take one. I feel like I can't make bedding area and food source on 5 acres. No oak trees. Only a water source. Should I concentrate on one or the other? Food or bedding? I feel surrounding fields offer good food for deer,maybe not year round but should I just make a cover/bedding area?
  2. I am not new to deer hunting but in that regard I am not an expert by any means. I have a few private lots I am able to hunting all ranging from 15 acres to 200 acres. Last winter I purchased a nice log cabin with 5 acres. The place is on a dead end road with 2 neighbors surrounded by farm land. My neighbor owns 27 acres that borders mine. (All tall timber). We are completely surrounded by fields and farm land. Some crops and some pastures. Majority of this land is leased. I have one stand and three cameras. Is this feasible to hunt???I do have a few small six pointers and some doe on camera all 9pm or later..... Have hunted it twice and all the deer I see are in the fields that's are leased.
  3. Been on alot of deer the last few days. Had a few spikes come in. A nice buck that wouldn't come closer that 175 yards. Took this doe. Very low hit. Thanks to my father in law we made a good recovery. Very happy with the harvest and the good meat she will provide.
  4. Pouring rain all day. Sitting in the fair weather hut. Hopefully a nice doe walks put. No buck tag till regular gun starts. 6J
  5. Been hunting in New York state for 8 Years now. Second year bow hunting. Hunted Minnesota before moving here. This guy is my first bow kill. Put alot of work have alot bigger bucks on the property we hunt but I am very happy and blessed to take this nice 3 pt!!
  6. My season starts on monday!!! Hope it's gonna be a good one!
  7. Not my first bird. I have ALOT of birds on my property. Just thought she was a awesome bird. Have a three flocks of 10 to 15 birds a piece running around. Very blessed
  8. Shot a very nice 8 5/8 bearded hen. Pretty sweet bird!!
  9. Ridge rd hard to explain how to get to

  10. I found Webster  Hill Rd... how do you access the State Forest from the road, it looks like there are private lands between. Where is ridge road?

    1. cbandjkcustoms


      Webster hill has a road that runs into it and big turn around at the end. Theres a river. Hunt the river cause there's a field behind it

    2. ridgerunner88


      Thanks! I will let you know how it goes

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