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Black Bellamy

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  1. Again, what a silly debate. The word "sport" has two meanings. Everyone is familiar with the modern usage. But for hundreds and hundreds of years, "sport" meant "a leisure activity, pastime, entertainment" and those who engaged in such were called "sportsmen". So hunting is definitely, absolutely, 100% a sport...if you use the old definition. If you use the new one, hunting is not a sport. So apples and oranges. The entire article over at http://sportingclassicsdaily.com/ is annoying, because the guy spends half the article explaining the modern definition of sport, then spends the other half of the article trying to convince us that hunting doesn't fit his definition. All it does is showcase his ignorance of the etymology of the word. There's tons of words that used to mean something completely different. If 500 years ago I wrote "God is awful" I would be praised for my wisdom because back then "awful" meant "awe-full" or "deserving of awe" or simply "awesome". Today "awful" means something completely different, just like "sport" and a million of other words.
  2. This is why this kind of article or debate is so annoying. People are ignorant of the etymology of the word "sport" so they apply modern definitions to an ancient pastime. Yeah, it doesn't have teams, there's no competition, blah blah blah. Yeah so what? It was called a sport a long long long time, before anyone even thought to throw some ball through a hoop or posts or whatever.
  3. The FIRST thing you do is go to the bank. Not an ATM, they have limits. You go to the bank, you take out whatever you need, call UBER while you're in there. Wipe your phone, wrap it on a deposit slip, write your name and account # on it and leave it on a desk on your way out so you can get it back after production wraps up. You step out with your money, get into the UBER, and GTFO. Make a stop in a 7-11, buy a burner phone for thirty bucks. You have an hour head start. You can do all this in 30 minutes. The pursuers might be former FBI agents, but they're not current ones. So they're not going to subpoena your bank security camera and records. They might call UBER, but UBER won't tell them shit without a warrant. There might be security cameras, but no one is going to let a bunch of private goons access that. A Stingray will dupe a phone into thinking it's a valid cell tower, but these don't exist outside valid law enforcement actions. Now it's just you and the cash money, and you're on your way. Go to a train station, to a bus terminal, or a street corner where another UBER picks you up. Go to another city, wherever. Pay cash for everything, don't use your real name, don't call or contact anyone you know in any way. Wait. Win. I just can't come up with a scenario where any non-goverment group can catch me if I have sixty minutes head start. Unless it's a scripted reality show and there's a 20 person camera and production crew following me everywhere
  4. If the problem is ONLY on one site we can rule out a virus or other malware. Try this. Install AdBlock. https://adblockplus.org/ This will get rid of all the ads on the page. See if the problem continues. My guess is you're being served some ad that hangs your system because its trying to use some resource you don't have.
  5. Also, doesn't look like an AK to me. That barrel is way longer than 16 inches. Maybe the Norinco NHM 91 ?
  6. Yeah, photoshop is pretty cool. Here is the original, before the alterations:
  7. Preet Bharara will be running for president one day. Just wanted to get this in here so I can point out what an awesome prophet I am ten years down the line.
  8. Yeah, except this is the internet age. Anyone could be an "author" now. It takes zero money to start a blog, it takes zero talent to be one of the "bloggers" on some of these content aggregation sites, and it takes zero effort and time and money to publish your stream of consciousness rant on the world wide web. In effect we have given every village idiot a bullhorn. Your advice is we listen to the village idiots because of the "message". I suggest your advice is 180 degrees backward. Now is the time when we have to be extra diligent sourcing our information because unlike in the old days, anyone could write now. Thirty years ago if we read something in the paper we could get legitimately angry about it because the person writing it was vetted by the paper and was supposed to be a professional. Now it's just idiots shouting outside your window. And you're going to get angry over what some mental mutant thinks? Hear his message? You want to be like Papist? Scouring the dregs of the internet for alarmist unsourced unverified bullshit so you can fill my favorite hunting site with stories about Muslims, immigrants, and conspiracy crap? Or are you going to employ some critical thought and stop giving credence to every moron with a keyboard?
  9. Look what someone wrote on the Internet! It's some 25 year old without any life experience who lacks the ability to write coherent sentences. Why are we discussing him again?
  10. I love the smell of exhaust in the morning. It smells like...victory. Yeah, I'm real fond of my straight six but the internal combustion engine is going away. The future is every wheel having it's own motor. Everything depends on battery tech, so the timeline is not set in stone. It's still more economical to build gasoline powered vehicles but the curve is swinging towards electric. The batteries have to be made smaller and cheaper. That's just a matter of throwing more eggheads at the problem - look what happened to radios, to phones, to cameras - it's all super tiny just like batteries and electric motors will be in a decade or two. If I had a spare 128K, I'd go buy the premium Tesla first thing out. Two point eight seconds, zero to sixty. 691hp. And I wouldn't look like a 50 year-old retard in a Porsche. This is regular conservative looking sedan. A four-door. That 35K Tesla model doesn't seem like a great deal with a 215 mile range - at that price anyway. I bet at 19K, that kind of vehicle would be a game changer. And the price will fall eventually.
  11. So yeah, we would set up artillery duels using carbide "cannons". We would divide up into two sides and set up about 10-15 yards apart. What you do is take a paint can and poke a small hole on the side near the base - that would be the touch hole. Next you get a nice chunk of calcium carbide. You can buy it online now, but back then we were 9 years old and had a guy whose dad had some and you know... Everyone gets a piece and puts it in their paint can. Then you spit on it real good, put the lid on the can, shake the can around a bit and place it on the ground. The spit reacts with the carbide to produce acetylene gas. You brace the can with your foot, aim, place a lit match against the touch hole, and BLAM, the lid flies off towards your friends. If you hit someone, they're out. This goes on until one team wins. You gotta be pretty quick with the match though. If you wait a bit too long the carbide produces too much gas and the explosion blows up your can, so you don't want to do that. But if you do it too quickly, the lid won't have the velocity. Good times Next post: we shot each other with tennis ball cannons made with old-style soft-drink cans, duct tape, and lighter fluid.
  12. https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2013/05/another-cop-claims-cell-phone-camera-could-be-gun/ https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2013/07/police-once-again-mistake-cell-phone-for-gun-but-this-time-they-open-fire/ https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2013/05/new-jersey-cop-panics-over-cell-phone-camera-thinking-it-could-be-a-gun/ https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2016/02/florida-man-shot-and-paralyzed-by-award-winning-deputy-who-confused-phone-for-gun-awarded-23-million/ https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2016/01/las-vegas-police-kill-man-holding-cell-phone-fearing-gun/ https://photographyisnotacrime.com/2016/02/texas-cop-shoots-man-to-death-after-confusing-cell-phone-for-gun/ Not one of the above did the guy have an actual gun. Either cops mistaking a cell phone for a gun, or rationalizing their unlawful behavior by stating that cell-phone guns exists and they are afraid for their life. Thanks for your idiotic comment though, it goes well with your member name. You are probably one of those bootlickers who believe cops can't do no wrong. Try more mouthwash so your breath doesn't smell so much like police anus.
  13. I hope the inventor sleeps well at night knowing that police will now use his invention as a rationale for killing people.
  14. Every single one of you, if you were the president, would be taking your wife and children everywhere you went.
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