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chrisw last won the day on November 1 2023

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  • Hunting Location
    United States
  • Hunting Gun
    browning BAR 30-06 longtrac stalker
  • Bow
    Bowtech RPM360
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I also vote e-bike/ deer cart. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  2. I've had nothing but good things to say about this cart as have most of the reviews. As with most carts, they aren't overly suited to going through the woods, get the deer to a trail or logging Rd and it's a breeze. I get the deer to a suitable place then go get the cart. I hunt a lot of state land that has access trails, maybe in private land it's not as functional? To each their own... Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  3. I think the hunters who aren't willing to adapt to changes are the ones struggling. The stump you sat on for 20 years straight and saw a deer opening day may be a thing of the past. Adapt, move, hunt new land, hunt new ways. I'm not sure why people think there has to be a bunch of hunters in the woods kicking deer all over the place in order to see one? Deer are still out there being deer, they will move more with less pressure therefore negating the fact there needs to be a pile of people walking around. I prefer quieter woods personally. It may sound selfish or blatant but I don't care if the guys that hunt one weekend a year stop hunting or not. They aren't true hunters anyways. The issue I see negatively impacting the sport is land access. There are a fair amount of state lands available but not really for the amount of guys that utilize them. The issue to me is the big money land leasing that is everywhere. It seems impossible to get permission most places that used to be easy to hunt on. You have 30 trucks hunting a piece of state land with 15 deer on it, while the big money lease next door with 3 guys on it has 40 deer eating in a field opening night. I know some of this is coming off as just complaining. I think the honest truth is the hunting shows have ruined hunting in more ways than one. But.... I'll adapt and continue to kill deer wherever I have to, I'm a good hunter, put me near deer and I'll figure out how to kill one. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  4. I think it's very area dependent, certain state lands still get pounded (Montezuma) for instance. I've noticed since rifle was made legal in Madison County there are a lot less deer than there were before on state land after hunting the same area for 15 years. It's just a changing sport, like everything, it always changes. It's more about food plots, tower blinds, cell cams, trophy hunting and high power rifles now. I'm not saying it's all bad, just different. Traditions in all aspects of life aren't what they used to be. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  5. I bought the Hawk Crawler deer cart this year and couldn't be happier, much easier than traditional carts. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  6. I heard the fire whistles going off right around 7AM. I'd assume it happened at very first light or thereabouts. People who shoot at another person aren't considering the shooting hours anyhow, if that's what in fact happened, I'm speculating. My buddy texted me pretty early on and told me about it before I could find anything online about it. I too would like to know exactly what happened. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  7. It was near the corners of Cotten Rd and rt 89 in Savannah on the piece of state land there. Our lease is 3 miles away, shortly after light I heard the fire whistle blowing and assumed something hunting related had happened. I too am curious about the details. All I know is the man died, I believe he was 42. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  8. Saw 6 deer this AM, 5 does and fawns and one unknown right at first light. Then leave at 11:30 and there's a good buck out cruising a bean field 1/2 mile down the road... Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  9. Leg hit would make sense based on what you've said. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  10. Pretty sunset today at least. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  11. I'm here til dark. Not expecting much but I'm in the ground blind out of the wind so, it's pretty nice in here at least. Watching the back corner of cut corn and clover hoping a buck decides to do something dumb, more than likely I'm the dumb one. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  12. That is very little blood. That was the most blood you saw on the track? What did the beds look like? Blood loss doesn't directly equate to knowing if a deer will live or not obviously. The fact that you kept jumping him is strange for having so little blood. Could be a multitude of spots he was shot. Hopefully he lives, for the deers sake, but many don't. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  13. Had a big buck walking through cornfield at noon today on camera, 15 yds from my stand that I wasn't in. Awesome. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  14. Let two does walk today. Just wasn't feeling like shooting one, tomorrow may be different... Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
  15. Cutting the corn really doesn't pressure the deer hardly at all, it just slightly shifts patterns sometimes. Last year I was in my stand 30 yds from the corn while they cut it. You'd think with all of that racket the deer would be in the next county. I watched a few does run out of the corn, 50 yds into the woods and watch the combine then start milling around, they never left. 1 hour after the combine left, there were multiple bucks and does chasing and feeding in the field, literally 1 hour after it was cut. If it's normal then deer aren't too alarmed. My buddy shot a buck chasing a doe IN the corn 50 yds from an active combine, he had to stop the combine to go find his buck before it got ran over. Sent from my motorola edge (2022) using Tapatalk
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