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Everything posted by phade

  1. I am no expert but I guess if there was one thing it would be to not let conventional hunting wisdom override decisions that make sense to you based on what you are seeing, scouting, etc. I'd also glass if at all possible. Sometimes that intel can spring new info into action.
  2. Picked up truck from the shop so looks like I’ll be in stand around 5ish for the last two hours. Deer are out there guys, go get them. This guy has been around a lot. Known 3.5, just not well built. Hope he makes it to 4 and is this visible. But he is just an example that bucks can and will be out in daylight. Watched him go by on Saturday, may end up doing the same again this evening if I can also see his friend I saw with him too about 120 yards away. He’s timely within the same five minutes on back to back days.
  3. phade


    That article was written in June. Starting wages for my open roles are 135% of what they were in June. That's not a step up for employers, that's a disruption.
  4. phade


    There's enough salt in this thread in case salt prices go up. LOL. In all seriousness because labor economics drive some of the business units I lead, I am fortunate to have some insights relative to drivers First, the group that did decide to change work habits more than any other were the tail end of Gen X / Start of Millennials - the 35-45 age group with analog childhoods and digital adulthoods. They often brought forward the prior generation mindset to employment with fewer job changes and employer loyalty (I fall into this bracket). The pandemic really drove a percent of them to rethink priorities and take scaled back roles or different career paths with reduced cost of work when working from home, as well as a shift more toward work-life balance. Younger generations are more apt to have less employer loyalty, value WFH, and experiences more than prior groups. They as a result bounce around to employers frequently to raise their wages and find purpose driven leadership and values alignment. That said, they're not not working, it's just a higher cost of employment to employers, which trickles down. The economic reopening created backlogs and voracious appetites that can't be handled with the current workforce. Having a low 5% UER in this type of environment is almost unimaginable. Matched with more open jobs than ever in the history of the US, and it's a special recipe.
  5. I am fortunate to have six mounts done by WNYB. I'm really hoping to get 7, 8 and 9 this year lol. He has a gift. Can't recommend highly enough.
  6. X2, I believe I'll get out tonight. Observation sit on one of our properties that had material physical changes due to clear cutting on two sides of our property. Some thick tree tops left on the border, which we can shoot into with permission, so hoping to see what moves in there. Haven't seen a ton of promise yet based on a few cams that have sat there all summer.
  7. I can't say I love hunting in warm weather, but it ends up being an irrational excuse IMO unless there is something else in play. Bad wind one thing. Seen too many deer and too many good/shooter bucks in high temps to use it as an excuse.
  8. phade


    I see alot of economists mixed on inflation being more than a short term blip right now. That said, I think the lack of workers in the market is driving a major portion of this issue. 11M jobs and a low UER creates an employee market and wages are rising. Not sure where it gets back to a steady state.
  9. I'm 15-20 min from Ogden. That aint stopping me from having WNYB create the wall candy.
  10. Experience is the best teacher. Should be a fun night.
  11. Ten years ago, I'd treat a single property with kid gloves; now, absolutely not. That was a huge mistake and cost me more bucks than I want to think back on. I'm not saying be overly aggressive all of the time, but matching the right impact at the right time. That rule applies whether hunting one small property or many properties or large properties. I'm no expert at all, and I am sure there are people that have much more impressive walls than me that do things different than I do. But I can't recall someone who is successful at killing mature bucks in high pressure, small parcels or even public that play it safe per say. The only safe play people I know that kill big bucks are those with the means to have alot of targets and land access and they control too much of the environment to make it applicable for real world hunters.
  12. I bet you might be surprised. I hunt postage stamps with high pressure. Opening day of 2018, I saw five other hunters all on their own properties, from my stand platform.
  13. I can't disagree more. I simply can't. That's the exact time when you do, do stuff like that, and get hyper aggressive.
  14. We pulled down a 25 ft tree with an F350, had two wheels off the ground. Killed a 4.5 yo within feet of that carnage 72 hours later. Deer are smart, but we give them too much credit sometime for fear of action.
  15. Two days before the youth gun hunt, there isn't much you can do to drive a quality experience for new hunters. You simply cannot move a property to accommodate. That's not sarcasm, that's reality for how many hunting parents and mentors are feeling right now.
  16. Nothing gets fixed until the DEC isn't drive by legislator input. States that are not handcuffed by the legislators typically have better management of the resource and experience.
  17. That is the exact recipe for "just out of range" results. People at work, mostly white collar guys, will come tell me that they saw a big buck just out of range at the same spot several times this week like a badge of honor. When I asked them what happened when they moved in for the kill, they all have the same result. No shot and didn't move. Didn't want to scare the deer. It's not about high or low impact; it's about the right impact at the right time. Doing all of one and none of the other...well that's just tunnel vision.
  18. We're seeing next generation of these people and so any reasonable form of discussion is out the window; they can't fathom or comprehend some of differences that the first generation of leftists could at least discuss even if there was disagreement. You want to talk about hunting, or government support, and they are so far left because they know no different they simply cannot dialogue. We're slowing moving toward Europe's landscape, but that pace is picking up.
  19. I too admit that I thought there would be more than one county for this....quite shocked really. The world is changing.
  20. Not sure why one wouldn't move or put up stands in season. We do this often and it usually are the stands we kill out of. Failing to move just seems like crazy talk to me. My bow buck in 2020 was killed that way on the second sit in it.
  21. Spoke and a small 5/6 seen from the stand this evening. Saw two pairs of does on walk out. Perhaps most important no bee stings to report. The three year old I passed on Saturday was active again in daylight based on cam pics that were rolling in. Outside of him it was pretty quiet on cams today.
  22. I have never eaten a banana once after tasting it one time as a kid. Safe there.
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