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Everything posted by phade

  1. Your hunting partner mentioned you drew KS. Kill a big one there.
  2. Otto - I can get more of them I believe, when I head back down to Ohio. I bought a case, but they still had another 5-10 boxes left. I believe short of some insanely good hunting conditions here in NY, that we'll be back down in Ohio again this coming weekend. We can ship too, as we have our FFL.
  3. Don't rule out a bad SD card without verifying. New doesn't equate to good. SD cards are the second most common failure after low battery power. The image could be showing bad spots on the disc, and when it writes to that part, you get said image. Poor signal can also do that - which signal can vary from moment to moment. Measurements on the app and cam are point in time, too so don't over-rely on it. I have several places where a cam will work 10 feet from where it won't and then sometimes it'll send and sometimes it won't being on bleeding edge of service, when heavy cloud cover comes in. CMOS is alot less common - possible, but that isn't something you can fix if it is going bad. I'd look seriously at the first two, first. Treat the troubleshooting like fixing a car, start with the simplest, most common point of failure and then escalate once you have verified. Car won't start, but the battery is new. Do you automatically go to the starter being bad, or do you test the battery first to ensure nothing is wrong with it? You test the battery. There are a few other much more obscure causes, but not worth pursuing until you rule out #1 and #2. Welcome to cell cams. *Edit - View the SD card. If the full-size images are on the SD card like that, then the cell reception is OK. Replace the SD card with a new formatted one, and see if the problem persists. If it does, then you are onto more fatal scenarios. If the full size images are OK, then look at cell reception/modem/servers.
  4. The mini can call (the Lil or mini I think it is marketed as) will bring in adult does - the mini mimics a fawn or yearling and oftentimes adult does will respond inquisitively to it. I think the science behind it is their mother instincts. Been many years since I purposely tried doing that but I have definitely called does in on purpose with the mini can. No way I am doing that now, lol. I will call to bucks if they turn away or if they don't appear to be coming my way. I can attest to a few bucks on the wall due to that. Will also call when I decoy once in a blue moon (usually once every other season to break things up). Last year my hunting partner and I were hunting the SE and NE side of a thick brushy area that bucks were tending does in. We knew one good buck was in there based on a loose sighting through the thick stuff. I gave a grunt sequence and that buck made his way over to me grunting several times on the way so I could track his movement, enough so that I was able to down him within a real small shooting window. He J hooked over to me in that thick stuff, which was real interesting, but I was on the down wind side on a tree about 30 yards from the timberline. I am not a huge fan of blind calling. I rarely do it. That said, there have been a few times where I did and when you get a response to it (by a buck coming in) it is a jolting experience LOL. Didn't expect that to work and it did, ha. But that to me is like 1 in a 100.
  5. Bad SD, poor service connection, or CMOS is going. One of those three, in order.
  6. Congrats on punching some tags. Cams are starting to show bucks moving a bit more - a few daylighters and a few bucks hitting same cams at dark and day. Need a different wind though to hunt those spots, ugh.
  7. LOL I am in the work office today. I'll follow up with a photo of him. I hit him 3 of 3 times on that run. Once high back that stumbled him but he got back to full speed, the second follow-up shot went between his antler and ear, and exited out the opposite ear hole and third shot was when he was on the ground flopping. That deer did an end over end flip three times like a gymnast when I hit him in the head and he may have at one point been 8 feet off the ground due to the momentum. I had two other hunters witness it from afar and by the time the season was over that story was 10X more dramatic than it already was, lol. In fact, I saw one of those guys last week randomly, and they still brought it up, 25ish years later. I remember there being a photo with the entire crew but also neighbors from both sides of the farm - Probably 15 guys in there. Wish I had it. That same afternoon, I missed a doe three time 20 yards out standing still. I killed the poor tree in front of it though. I was so nervous I never saw the tree. Fond memories of not really knowing a damn thing and getting lucky.
  8. I was fortunate enough to shoot a 2.5 yo 8 for my first buck. We took photos of it with one of those disposable cameras and I couldn't tell you where those photos went but they are long gone. I surely would like to see them again. It was quite the local story amongst the hunting crew and neighbors, more so because of the shot ( I got lucky but killed the buck on a dead run 75 yards out with a smoothie Remington 870) and had witnesses to it that made the tale even bigger, lol. My mother had the good sense to get my buck mounted - everyone else insisted that we rack the antlers and screw it onto the wall - she ended up taking a second job for a few weeks to pay for it. I loved having that thing in my bedroom as a teen, but I don't think I had the appreciation for what my mom did back then, as I do now. She is a good one. I just redid my hunting room and that buck is one of the ones still sitting in the basement due to its lower stature/age/size, but this post is making me rethink that I should get him into the hunting room to display. Thanks for bringing this back up.
  9. This is it sir - solid shooting will cover up alot of opportunities with caliber and round selection. I am not the best marksman but I certainly have a favorite go-to that I feel very confident and capable with. So much so, when production was stopped of it, I went and found another barely used one to literally lock up in a safe place should my primary be out of commission. It reminds of that western saying about being aware of the cowboy or rancher with only one rifle. He likely knows how to use it well because that is all he has ever needed.
  10. Its the servers, same issue. They are working on it.
  11. Shoot me a PM and we can connect sir
  12. We did have a day lighter of one of our shooter bucks yesterday PM. Seems like he was following either a doe or small buck in prior images. Always hate missing those October opps but this one we were DOA, wind straight to him from pretty much the only huntable spot on the parcel due to property lines. No way we would have been able to make a move. Such is life. First scrape action too in Ohio.
  13. I’d figure it to be a good morning. Good luck to those out.
  14. Planning Nov 6-21. Late start but we will be in Ohio and Missouri in most likelihood. Adventure awaits.
  15. I know people who like these have a hard time finding them. In slug areas. I was fortunate enough to pick up a few in Ohio. I have 7 boxes left if anyone is interested. 2.75 20g. Be aware they’re not cheap, it’s amazing how expensive they are when you can find them on shelf. 30 plus shipping per box.
  16. Apparently Sitka camo works well. When the mother asked the dog if it saw a deer I wanted to reply No. didn’t want to give them a heart attack. Sigh. They have permission to be here. Decided of all days lol.
  17. None - always run a camera at native resolution or the closest to it. Anything over is wasting card space and writing time and battery power. The sent quality is also unaffected.
  18. You can turn off the loop if you need to - loops deletes the oldest pic first. 32Gb should hold alot of images and you can drop the image down to the lowest MP which is what you should be running anyway. The pics may reappear after the server issues are resolved and a full restore is done. I would doubt you would be only affected - and it would be in larger volume as other users are also impacted by same design structure.
  19. Hunted this guy for several years. Came close. Most notably the year he was killed when he was on the decline losing 20-30”. Had a ruptured disc in my back and hunted a short stand. Sat until I locked up and couldn’t take the pain at like 3ish. I made it halfway to truck and had to lay down and rest. I pushed it too far. While dealing with the pain and general crappy state of affairs, my phone dings and he goes by that stand while I’m sitting in misery about 400 yards away and couldn’t do a thing about it. The plot image is the image I am speaking to. Had him nailed. But alas…
  20. When we ran across upland bird hunters we'd always let them know we were there and ask if they saw any deer - sometimes bird dog hunters are simply that and don't get into deer and will let you know where and what they saw.
  21. That gadget downloaded and replicated a file in my iphone photos like 10,000 times - all with zero photos in it. Had the phone for two years, and still deleting empty folders. Have to because sometimes a folder I need will be folder 4,237 of them in order....at this point it's a running joke with my wife and hunting partner. Oh let me get that photo for you, 20 minutes later.... Small laptop and two SDs per cam. Swap and move.
  22. pictures will not be better at 20mp. They'll all be same as the thumbnails are a set pixel range.
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