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Everything posted by phade

  1. Wow, that is no fun. I hope you and the family heal up! I suspect the bucks are throwing parties knowing you aren’t in the woods!
  2. Arghh, doesn’t he just come back the same way! Got a better look at him. 150-160” 10.
  3. Just had a good encounter with what I would say is a buck people go to Ohio for. Darn thing stuck tight to a marsh/pond and followed the curve just out of range at 50 at his closest. No chance for a shot. That got the ol ticker pumping. I got in at legal shooting time, not my favorite but the weather covered the sounds and I’m about as far into a big block of timber as I have been since I was a teen. Hopefully something more comes by or he comes back (prefer him).
  4. I hit a high arc to hit the rope last week. Scraping action is much higher last 2-3 days.
  5. Had to flex my topo skills today, I haven’t had the fortune to really need to do that in many years but we are way behind in setting stands for rutcation on our two farms in Ohio. Wanted to get one stand set in a pinch that is also an e-w ridge top. I though for sure we would find a crossing as the field is fenced and has cattle. Was a nightmare to get into and we found little sign on way in until the spot I picked out on the topo. Three scrapes bare dirt and seven rubs within 40 yards of the new stand site. A bit more E-W action than I thought but I’ll take it. Gambled on the work today and I hope it pays off. Getting here though just makes me want to stop being so out of shape. Got to do more conditioning. Set up a Spypoint Cell. Had two new in box laying around. Of course Spypoint luck bites me, only one will connect to network, other gets nada. Typical. So glad I don’t sell them much except to those who insist. Also found Corholio the Great 10 yards off the western property line. A pop up and 50 pounds of corn dumped out 10 yards from it and the thing is in a bottom. Not sure how deer tolerate the scent down there like that.
  6. Up and at em. Brief sir this AM. Light winds. Boo. Saw 11 last night. Nine doe and two little guys. Shooter from afar got up and heade SW toward me but never made himself known after he dipped low behind a roll in the land. Sitting a couple easy access spots where we can also glass. Then to Ohio. We are way behind stand setting (for long term). Going to hunt pm there with stands on back and leave the for the season. I have one ridge that believe is a funnel due to fencing and a field narrowing the woods to 100 yards. Almost everyone I know in my close circle at work and home have a scratchy throat. Woke up to one. Not sure if allergies or what. Fine otherwise. But my managers, hunting partner, family, etc. May the thermals be in your favor this morning. Gonna need them.
  7. Partner and I are in stands. We can see one of our target bucks bedded 80 yards into neighbor. Sun is bouncing off his rack. Problem is we’re 300 yards away from him and only one stand in the area that is likely on the wrong side of the path he will take to our farm. Pretty confident he just heads straight south. Which the wind will allow us to set up on. Trying to figure out an option.
  8. this is all crazy....speculation to the Nth!
  9. Didn’t want to use this lame homemade cam mount my hunting partner made. He insisted. LOL. At least we will fix it tomorrow. This guy has daylighted on two cams in the morning back to back within 10 yards of our stands there. Risky business.
  10. A co-worker just punched his tag on a 120" 8 here in Monroe County. Said there was alot of seeking behavior in his area this AM. Bucks roaming and signposting but no major buck/doe interactions.
  11. A birthday buck would be pretty cool. Just saying! HBD
  12. Soaked. Had four doe around for an hour. Decided to fly down the stand at quitting time due to lightning / thunder strike. Been a long time since I did the run across a field with a lightning rod move.
  13. Mine have been working non stop in Ohio and NY. I’m running 10 X and 1 Gen 1. No hiccups.
  14. Seems like they might be moving ahead of this rain. Hoping they keep moving as I am sneaking out here in five min.
  15. Daylight movement of bucks happening today - Ohio and NY. Significant increase. Cells are blowing up.
  16. The joys of cell cams while you’re in the office working…lame! LOL.
  17. I bought a used UTV two weeks ago and cashed out play money for it. Timing the market....that play money would be up $1K in these two weeks. Ah well, already used it to carry a doe back from the woods. So, money well spent.
  18. There are no fences to home ranges - except maybe hard breaks. Almost all deer will overlap in range with other deer. They may have frequent interaction, some, or next to none. Almost have to picture it like planets revolving around the sun except that each deer has its own sun (core home range). Another example might be like a Venn diagram gone crazy.
  19. Return it. On sale for a reason; I can go into detail, but return it. Complete dud in their line. I won't steer my customers wrong, and for $5.50 more, I can get you the 2021 Max HD Plus that is a much better cam.
  20. Ohio pics here but bucks are starting to cover more ground. Same buck, cams are 0.5 miles apart.
  21. Prices are pretty lousy there but they seem to have a lot more ammo on the shelf. Which in this world, I guess is what is important. I have a personal stash of 15ish boxes so even if they are out I can still get a few boxes to you since you are in a jam with none.
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