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Everything posted by phade

  1. I don't pitch my wares here nearly as much. But, one of the reasons why my customers come back is because I stay on top of the present market and have a good grasp of what is reliable. Too many tire kickers here who want help but go buy elsewhere or buy elsewhere and PM me when they need support. It's caused me to roll back my interactions on cams in this forum as a result. The amount of people here who want something for absolutely nothing here only rivals one other group on FB, ha. I'm sure they'll get it figured out at some point, but that cam isn't going into any "must have" spot for me any time soon.
  2. Moultrie has never been dominant in the cell game, so I wouldn't put much decisioning behind that rumormill. Plus, Moultrie is owned by an Umbrella group that is a giant compared to Tactacam. They have the resources to compete properly if they wanted to do so. They are a Pradco brand which is a subsidiary of EBSCO Industries. That company does more than $3B per year in revenue.
  3. Night pictures went from usable to…you’re drunk.
  4. Daytime went from normal to…you’re drunk.
  5. Delta is having MAJOR issues. So much so, I haven't paid for my plan in two months....they've been crediting me. They're having serious firmware issues. It's why your photo looks like some preteen got ahold of it in editing mode and moved adjustments to one end of the range. Cams were whiting out, and now nearly black images. They haven't been able to get it right.
  6. Back from a vacation. Light is up. Wife loves it. I’m “meh” on it. I think it blocks the wall view from the one door. Looks fine from the rest.
  7. Angle the camera more so it's less perpendicular to the area you are monitoring. Or place small 1/16-1/8" electrical tape on each side of sensor. The sensing is wider than FOV when matched with the trigger speed - prime example of why trigger speed claims don't mean much without a matched sensing capability and FOV.
  8. My 20 turkey is drying! Will be done soon!
  9. Sorry to hear sir. It’s no fun feeling helplessness; being there and time spent with her is probably the best thing you can do. Wishing for the best for you your mom and the family.
  10. Havent thought much about it. Too early. Plus we also have Missouri.
  11. Would love to see daylight images but better than nothing. Shows potential of what is in the area. It’s also not in dense cover either. Maybe 50-60 yards from a field edge.
  12. This is pretty darn confirmatory. I sincerely hope he resigns. This should really be the beginning of the end for his politics career.
  13. Says the guy who got scammed on said site. No offense.
  14. The seven day old - they had to do a spinal tap, catheterize, the whole nine yards. Currently fighting sepsis from Pneumonia complications. All sprung from COVID.
  15. There are a ton of illegals down there. Tons. That said, even as an ardent build the wall fan, I have no idea if these were illegals. Either way, seven day old kids in a US hospital negates talk or relevancy about illegal status. Help the kid live.
  16. That’s a stat / fact. You can believe or have an opinion about any stat or fact.
  17. Yes. She sent a 7-day old in, COVID positive yesterday. She had three births also to COVID positive mothers. Every case she saw yesterday was child/birth COVID related as a pediatrician. Im not sure which hospital she is at, she moved to Tampa recently from Jacksonville. But I can check although I don’t see what that has to do with the scenario. I guess neither did me playing hokey pokey with her either ha. But in all seriousness she said it’s bad from her perspective. Worst it’s been since the start, again from her POV. I’ll also say she is very right wing. Mother was JAG and her father was an F18 pilot with my pops. Very right wing. She doesn’t see politics in this though.
  18. I don’t proclaim to know anything but a really nice girl who I used to play hokey pokey with is a pediatrician in Tampa. She admitted 9 kids into the kids ICU in one hospital shift this week. Everyone has their opinion and belief. Good luck whatever you choose.
  19. That probably explains alot of things.... JK
  20. It has been several years since I did this heavy of a remodel. But I will say the price of materials is obnoxious across the board. I felt like I got better deals on the TV, soundbar, ceiling light, couch, Mini split, etc. than building materials. No deals to be had there. I haven't added up everything, but I'm likely in about $15-17K for everything. No less than 14K best case. The backside of the garage wall had work, new lines were run for electric, etc. More than just the interior walls for the room. Buy once cry once perspective on this remodel.
  21. Barnwood is done. Onto the finish work!!!
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