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brownclown last won the day on November 29 2015

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  1. Thanks. i tried google and Saw that post but not much else . I wrote the number and will give a try at lunch but saw the date and first reply was by a guy trying several times but got no answer so was hoping some of the other 3n 3s guys might have experience.
  2. Well i know this a NY site but i"m sure i cant the the only one affected by NY's new law. I hunt right over the state line, actually half is NY and half Ct near Danbury sometimes. Since You can no longer bring out of state deer into NY anyone, anyone know of any deer processors in the Danbury Area?
  3. i have used the real tree, hawk go gadget arm , hawk mega extendable bow arm and now a canford ezy 3 arm. the canford is like the real tree bow the hook pivots which works a million times better. i like to have the bow hanger right above my headed straight out in from of me this way it wont interfere which my limbs if i shoot off to the side. it also put less torque and less likely to spin which i have had bows slowly start fall and sagging using the real tree style. i loved the Hawk go gadet but it is huge and the screw that goes in the tree snapped off and in research saw others have same issue. had hawk send me the maga extendable and felt too short and unless perfect parallel would move too.
  4. Most of the properties i have hunted have had numerous rock walls. I have found as others said deer do indeed take the path of least resistance. They will definitely use breaks in walls and low spots when traveling there typical routes.
  5. i have heard pressure washing is a good alternative but havent tried yet. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QewQKZKMj1Qi have also heard you can bury them and the bugs will pick them clean but havent had much luck. i have had one buried since last fall and when i checked it this past summer it still had quite a bit of flesh. Maybe its not berried in the right area or soil , i don't know but lots report using this method successfully.
  6. great video and great shot. i agree with others on the lighted nock, would include the slow motion clip and would of liked to see other side of deer. You said something like "always disturbing not to see blood on the head". like that has happened to you before. not to derail but have many others seen or had this happen. i would of guessed that wouldnt be possible
  7. I have a like new Stan PerfeX long neck black out medium size. i have box and everything included as if purchased new but did replace one of the posts to lengthen thumb barrel position. I had over tightened and snapped the screw so had Stan send a replacement. The replacement one isnt black more of a gunmetal color. otherwise its as if new. email for any questions [email protected] . i would like 200 OBO , would prefer cash and meet-up in Putnam, Dutchess or Westchester area. i will ship at buyers costs and shipping preferences.
  8. I have a brand new unopened box Spypoint link Evo verizon 4G. Im in Putnam county and can deliver or meet up in Putnam, Westchester or Dutchess area. I will ship at buyers cost and shipping preferences. I would like $200 OBO. You can email me at [email protected] . email me for any details or questions.
  9. Thanks all. Gonna go with Kurt Fox. Doing a search saw several people recommend him. We Also happen to share a first name. He isn't the biggest of deer but I'm beyond happy for a 3N deer. Will post proper story when time allows. Tried to post a pic here but it saying choose Facebook or Google. Gonna have to figure all that out latter. Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  10. Got my best in 8years of bow. Last evening. Will put pic and story later but busy and racing cloxk. I have had on of my firsts done with by true life as that's who my butcher used and I knew nothing and it convient. Think they did an ok job. The processor I have this deer at recommends Andy Kinash and as of now that who will be picking it up but this morning my hunting buddy pushing me in another direction. Any one have any experience with him? Im in putnam county ny. The only other I have heard of is Jonas brothers and they want like 800 for shoulder which is put of my league. I don't mind paying up for quality work tho. I'm willing to travel up to and hour . Also any tips on handling when I get the cape from processor Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk
  11. congrats. Made it life myself . to this day i still regret not going all the way. Its an awesome accomplishment.
  12. its unfortunate that people suck and there isn't more leeway in the regs for legal shooting as light and conditions can vary significantly. Some of my locations i can easily identify target and believe i could take an ethical shot after or before legal hours and others i would wouldnt feel comfortable even with in regulated hours. There so many variables that can influence that time. I find my greatest difficulty in lower light is with using a peep. i just cant see it. through the years of practice with muscle memory, proper anchor and form im pretty confident I would be taking a good shot but for me it wouldn't be ethical. I need almost total confidence when i decide to take life before i pull the trigger.
  13. 18 . missed how long to wait on liver. i went with longer
  14. can any of you who hunt from blinds let me know what u think regarding the window openings. im torn between the the 2.0 and standard. leaning towards the 2.0 because of a review on amazon from a guy on the standard model who loves everything but the windows. unfortunately i cant find any info on the 2.0
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