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Gencountyzeek last won the day on October 12 2022

Gencountyzeek had the most liked content!

About Gencountyzeek

  • Birthday 12/06/1982

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  • Location
    pemboke, ny

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  • Hunting Location
  • Hunting Gun
    AR 6.5 Grendel,870,788,336,10/22,50 cal ML,
  • Bow
    Mission Ballistic
  • HuntingNY.com
    cruising the web

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  1. Selling my beloved Tikka, probably 200rds or so down the pipe. Purchased with the hopes of getting into longer range shooting, only made it out to 700 yards with it. Amazing, accurate rifle. Bare rifle asking 1700 With Bushnell xrs ii illuminated g3 reticle and nightforce rings 2700.
  2. Little Zeek strikes again. Thanksgiving 10pt.
  3. Sitka Fantatic bibs and jacket. Base layer- under armour 3.0 bottoms I have thin kuiu merino bottoms that ill put on also if its really cold Top base- sitka merino quarter zip Kuiu peloton 200 hoody over the sitka I almost never wear the jacket walking in, and have the bibs side zip opened up to vent also. If you had a long walk in id probably pack it in and dress at the tree.
  4. Started with red lights, still use hand calls almost everytime I go out. It definitely is very addicting, and can be very expensive if you so desire lol.
  5. Sighted our guns in yesterday, went out tonight. Call was goin for not even 2 mins and here comes little Zeeks first victim of the year and first fox ever. Shot it at about 90 yards. Plenty more to come!
  6. Update...no deer, had a great guy from deer search come out with cooper the dog. Never really got on anything, did a total of 1.5 miles. Son is obviously devastated but its a learning moment and we will get better from it.
  7. My father stopped by while im at work to look for my sons buck. He couldnt find a trace of anything, not looking good.
  8. Hair was around 2", brown and black tipped. From what i looked up it appears high shoulder/back area.
  9. No deer...no blood at the hit site. found half the arrow in a path, no trees around, looks like the buck jumped some downed trees and the arrow snapped. Close enough to his shoulder when he jumped he snapped it...not sure. Hair in that area, 2 pin drop size spots of blood. Theres 14"-16" of arrow in the deer. Left a msg with deer search, we'll see if i get a call back tomorrow.
  10. I dont plan on pursuing, I want to check hit site, and trail leading to were i last saw it. If it looks like we have lung blood ill continue. If not im back till half time.
  11. Wish us luck, son hit a buck little before 6. Shot was liverish area, it spun on the shot but was quartering away on impact. Heading out in an hour to check were i saw it last before it went into thick cover.
  12. Had this happen 2 years ago. Turned out my rest decided to quit working.
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