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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. NY decided to legalize Marijuana now because of the revenue. With the barn door size hole of revenue in the state there could not be a better time to try to make money of weed instead of spending money on chasing stoners.
  2. There are definetely some bad people out there, I think you handled it well.
  3. Alright,I will play and let you in on my mission. I am supposed to locate Bible thumping farmers that can shoot a deer through the rear because mein Fuehrer wants to use those genetics for a few experiments. Doesn't matter that if they don't look very Arian, we can fix that in the lab. But seriously, my mission in this world is to enlighten everyone I come into contact with. Hahahaaha,is it working?
  4. No matter what Floyd's record was, a cop is not judge jury and executioner. So you can leave that bs out of the discussion.
  5. Yup you very well may be right about that. They are toeing the line. Similar to China claiming little islands for bases. Not big enough offenses to invite a world response. Because what would that really look like. No one wants to mess with the big military powers.
  6. You are nuts if you think any of those countries would start an all out war. How do you even think a world war would work at this point in time? And for any country to try to invade the U.S would be a logistical nightmare as there are a few small bodies of water to cross.
  7. You got to be kidding me. So folks come to America to settle a land that native Americans lived in for thousands of years and they were supposed to just move aside and gladly accept living on reservations until they had to move again when gold or oil was found there? That is a hell of a reason to fight and I would like to know how you would justify the settlers agenda. Anyway,I just brought that up to show that the American history is not all rosy either. It is hilarious how you are trying to spin this into leftist propaganda. It's news to me,but grouse knows how the left operates,haha.
  8. Futile discussion as neither of us was alive when either things happened. And I would place a bet on germans learning more about the holocaust in school than Americans do about native American eradication.
  9. You can get of your high horse..Americans were much more efficient at killing native Americans than germans were at killing jews.
  10. for abortion. A woman can choose what she wants to do. I don't care about unborn. I do care about people after they are born though, do you?
  11. Couldn't agree more,the brainwashed have no use for facts. Enjoy your freedom above all else mantra and don't give a damn about what your actions do to others. Me first is a great attitude for problem solving in this world.
  12. Hr 1 is about allowing people to vote,not making it harder to vote. Republicans in Georgia know damn well that they don't stand a chance when the working poor get to vote. You are OK with criminalizing handing out water to people waiting in line to vote? The U.S. is one of the few countries where you vote on a weekday,workday for most. But you go ahead and make this about voter fraud that didn't happen. Perpetuating a lie to pass laws to disenfranchise minority voters.
  13. Haha,good one. The courage of your president is mind-boggling. Too bad his bone spurs prevented him from serving he could have been a hero.
  14. check on infrastructure, gas prices and definetely corporate tax. That increase will still leave it lower the the pre Trump 35% rate. Immigration is a tricky issue,but don't forget most people's grandparents or great grandparents were immigrants too. Afghanistan is a non controllable area as the Russians demonstrated. So I don't know what the u.s is doing there in the first place. I am pretty happy so far!
  15. Plenty of stupid people on the right sucking up a different narrative. At least you know Trump is one of the most loyal people out there.
  16. Proof generally helps with an argument or a court case. But hearsay is OK for you.
  17. Still no proof in the pudding? Oh,you just have to repeat bs often enough to make it true? How convenient.
  18. That's exactly how I felt about the last president. Your first paragraph is spot on!
  19. Since when does the president set gas prices? Do you know a thing or two about supply and demand? Gas was dirt cheap last year because the worldwide demand was at an all time low because of the made up pandemic...Not because Trump was president.
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