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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. Wowzer,good luck with catching up with him. What a stud,especially now. Love to see your posts again.
  2. Hunting is one of those hobbies that will have you learn things for a long time,like fly fishing.
  3. I went for my stillhunt this afternoon. About 30 mins in i spotted a doe below me at the tiny creek flats. She disappeared after she took 3 steps. She was maybe 50 yds,i didn't feel like going after her. I kept moving along the side of the ridge about a third of the way from the top. The wind was kinda swirly,not helpful. I thought I heard antlers clashing in the bottom,but couldn't be sure,never heard that before. I went through thick beech stuff and a bunch of blowdowns. Looked like good bedding. There also were a few trails through it,some with fresh tracks. As it was getting close to dusk I heard crashing and wing flapping in the treetops. Turkeys roosting i guess. Just before dark i heard another sound,not sure what it was. Shortly after two raccoons ambled past,i spooked them when i tried to get my phone out. Then i started to walk out and almost right away found a single bed where i thought a buck might bed. It looked pretty fresh, the leaves were compressed. I think he/she must have caught my scent when the wind swirled. I probably should have sneaked along that ridge from south to north instead of the other way around. That ridge turns a west wind into a south wind. Oh well,learned a thing or two,back at it in the morning. I will try a stand in a bottom where a few draws drop in behind a pond. Not a productive stand,yet.
  4. Ok,still hunt it is. I was leaning that way because the conditions are so perfect for it. I will use my binos a lot! And maybe get one #fromtheground #noblind
  5. I need a nudge in one direction or the other. I will be out this afternoon and can't decide if i should sit in a stand at a hay field edge that has a brushy lot next to it for bedding. It faces east so i think it is a very good chance deer are bedded in there today. The other option is stillhunting a north/south ridge on the downwind side where i kicked up a nice buck last year and where i suspect bucks also bed on the downwind side of thick young beech trees. This could be a recon mission as well to luck for some fresh buck sign. There are oaks along my path too. Which is it going to be? Help me out...
  6. Awesome @Hock3y24. Good job. It is great to see someone get something. I am hoping to get on the board this afternoon possibly or this weekend. Gonna spend a good amount of time in the woods.
  7. I drove home from Boston last night and when i got off the interstate and closer to home the fields were just packed with deer. 11 p.m. And i saw a real nice buck,at least 3.5 year old on the same ridge where the stateland is located that i want to try out. Exciting stuff.
  8. I can hardly wait to get back out there. I have not been hunting hard yet,but that is about to change. I am thinking about exploring a few spots on stateland close by,haven't done any of that in my bowhunting career. There has to be some good buck sign in the woods now...
  9. It has crossed my mind that the academy is not too far from there
  10. I live in central NY but might relocate to western NY. Does anyone know that area around Friendship and how rural it is? I live in the country now,and the biggest city close by is 25 mins away and only has 30000 residents. Albany is 1.30 hrs,Syracuse is 1.45 and Binghamton is 1.10. So i am in the middle of nothing. Is it flat out there or some rolling hills? I see Alleghany Forest isn't far from there..
  11. The biggest thing really is to hunt the way you enjoy most. My best hunting buddy always sits in trees,and he does well. I wanna know whats happening all over,so when the conditions are right i will be still hunting. I will sit in a stand all day if i have good reason to believe i can have success. I do like to be quiet and not alert the deer of my presence if possible,but they are clever creatures. A doe followed my trail in a week or two ago,and i was wearing rubber boots. She was like a bloodhound. She ended up 4 yds from me in the other side of the bush i was hiding in. At least i was in the right spot.
  12. I am seriously considering sneaking out and going for a still hunt adventure. Wind is certainly up,but the rain is supposed to hold off until 2 p.m.
  13. I think i might have to go test sit the stand i moved last week. Like @Robhuntandfish trying to save this thread. If a nice does comes to the hay field early she is getting it. My new to me bow needs to be broken in,just shooting targets does not satisfy it.
  14. Problem with that is one would actually have to be out hunting...
  15. One would think you know better than shooting groups at that distance. Unless you are like Moog and dont want to walk and dont mind replacing arrows. Tsk tsk. Nice shooting though
  16. I concur dinorocks,you should start a thread on bark tanning and the other things you play around with. I feel inspired reading your posts to up my game a little. There is some exploring to do...
  17. Seems kinda slow so far this year as far as bow kills go,doesn't it? I will be back at it starting Friday,maybe Thursday if the rain quits. Might move a stand on Thursday anyway,maybe two.
  18. Don't you just love those things when you accomplish two things with one chore? Recon and harvest,good luck crappyice,get one!
  19. Ouch. I watched the video,i may try those BH next year...
  20. Oh,the head itself has a twist to it? Sounds pretty intriguing.
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