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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. I was in the woods the other day looking for the first rub and to check the distance on a spot i might hide in at the edge of a field for the early days. I walked slow and scanned the area and all of a sudden there was movement 20 yds from me on the ground. I look and thought it was a squirrel at first and it turned out i was half right. It was a Fisher that popped out behind a fallen log and it had a dead grey squirrel in its mouth. Pretty cool sight,only my 2nd Fisher in the woods.
  2. I just remebered my goal. Post in the archery harvest thread before @Hock3y24 gets his fifth post in there. It won't be easy,but i feel ready for the challenge. I am with @turkeyfeathers,really feeling it this year. Might be my breakout year.
  3. I still have to wash my hunting clothes and then put them in a tote with oine branches,my natural scent control. Pack my gear bag and most importantly decide where to go! I shot broadheads at 43 yds today and they are dead on. My shooting is all set,now i have to get the woodsman skills to match that and the deer won't know what hit them.
  4. i can get a short morning or evening hunt in on either of those days,i will see what feels right.
  5. I wouldn't let a bull like that get closer than 100yds,wow,what a big animal. I am also curious how one would get the meat out of the woods,all 500# of it,haha.
  6. I have never shot as much as i have this summer. I feel very confident in my setup and dare a doe to step out and give me a shot at 30yds or under. I have been watching to many videos on deer ducking an arrow to go further than that. I will worry about a buck later. I havent put any cams out,so i am going in blind,but generally there are a few decents ones around. Just a matter of meeting them under the right circumstances. Acorns everywhere this year,so they could be anywhere.
  7. Shooting a doe on the 1st,then i will be more picky and wait for a decent buck. 2.5 year old or better is what i am hoping for.
  8. It is true,high expectations can take the fun out of anything. I will just enjoy my time in the woods,anything besides that is a bonus. I saw quite a few bucks last year,so i am hoping it will be similar this year. I am still waiting for a good size buck harvest with the bow. But it certainly isn't a requirement,since i keep coming back regardless,haha.
  9. i just use a 2x10 plank and slide the deer up works ok.
  10. I need to not wound any deer this season. That is my biggest goal. Last year wounded more than in my 7 years of hunting before that. It was a sobering experience. Got a new used bow and it is tuned well. I am with robhuntandfish,an early doe would be nice and then a decent buck.
  11. I wish her a speedy recovery too. Everyone gets hurt at some point doing sports,i am glad it wasn't a knee injury or something worse. She will bounce back from this one.
  12. I am shooting montecs this year. And bow speeds are a finicky issue,depends on the chronograph and other factors. Most ibo speeds are inflated,so the real speeds are a lot less than what you would think. IMO 320 fps to 290 does not make much of a difference in the real world. Barely 10%.
  13. i got options. hang on stands,one ladder stand,couple of brush blinds and a climber. Not sure what i will use on the first.
  14. The last week and a half of the wait is the hardest. I am thinking about my opening morning spot,not sure which one i will choose...maybe #fromtheground.
  15. I have had mild problems with it and found what helps me is moving my hips forward to raise the pin up. Forget about the arm. It makes you lean back a little and raises the pin.
  16. i have the opposite problem,i wait a while before shooting. But i am sure we will both do ok with a deer in front of us.
  17. Some days it is an inch,some days more like three. I will let you know when i figure out what makes the difference.
  18. They are trying to see if you will just roll over and take it. One letter could save them almost $1000,so they are gonna try it. Jerky move,but it is an insurance company. I hope you come out ahead,but i would be pissed as well.
  19. He looks fat already,hope you see him in October. A big one for sure.
  20. Awesome grampy,i was wondering if you got things straightened out. So glad you did!
  21. I hear deer love white oak acorns,they are not as bitter as red oak acorns i guess. I think the deer will start to load up on carbs soon,but they always seem to like apples too. I think the hay field is becoming less interesting to them soon.
  22. I went through some struggles on my bow,learned a lot. I dont own a press,but anything short of that i tweaked and then had the bow shop shim my cam. I also did some draw length and form adjustments. I had 3 out of three pass throughs until last season. One doe i think ducked now that i have been thinking it for a year,hit her high shoulder/spine and failed to get another arrow in her.
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