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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. my neighbor said he doesn't add anything to the ground. If you make burgers you have to be careful flipping them. And i would also think it makes the ground drier.
  2. Wow,dont you just hate that. Joy and frustration of a camera,haha..I hope you catch up with him...
  3. I saw a lot early October,then it dropped off and i got lucky getting a doe Saturday. I agree that things are really heating up now,so get back out there! All it takes is 10 secs for the season to go from bad to great.
  4. The best is yet to come,and i used a similar tactic with my wife. It can be difficult,she says i am always hunting,i say i am hardly ever hunting. Who's right?
  5. Dont feel bad,my bow is always on my lap,i dont own a bow holder. good luck out there today. I saw a buck at work yesterday,running around like an idiot looking for love,well,sex really. I think this weekend will be epic.
  6. i just got a vortex harness for my binos,just goes over your shoulders..No pockets,no cover,but makes carrying my 10x42 a breeze where it used to make my neck sore with the provided neck strap.
  7. This is the more likely cause...i ran out yesterday for the first time in forever
  8. Your up next Rob,you will get your own freezer filler or better yet a nice buck!!!
  9. it isn't really 40# either,but it is friggin heavy. I even put a nice backpack frame on it to replace the original straps,and it still gets very uncomfortable after 1/2 mile. I am in pretty decent shape too,dragging my doe 3/4 of a mile on Saturday didnt kill me. Not saying i didnt feel it a little the next day.
  10. I think the opposite,shoot high when you look over the peep. Think about it,if you are dead on and then look over the peep you will be aiming under the target.
  11. It just comes down to personal preference. I know i wany something lighter than my 50# summit climber. Ok,maybe only 40#. As far as things catching on,seat belts weren't even offered in the old days,and if you go further back cars didn't have windshield wipers either. Some things just take a while...
  12. I say we have a Gtg after the season and have chris and buckmaster climb two trees side by side. I have a feeling they both are good at it. I go slow with my climber to keep the noise down,heck,it takes me a couple of minutes to get the two sections on the tree. Betting on who wins is allowed...we just have to agree on a location.
  13. I don't think i went through any sort of routine when i shot the doe on Saturday. I just drew back,tried to get around the tree and made sure i cleared my climber rail. I think i forgot to bend,didn't check my grip or anchor much. Damn adrenalin messed me up,also things were happening fast,i do better with more time for a shot. Maybe i should practice quicker shots.
  14. You are right. I am very happy it ended with a dead deer in my freezer and not as coyote food. My shot entered between the 4th and 5th rib from the back end and exited between 2nd and 3rd back. I think i may have just clipped the diaphragm,which probably also helped to keep the doe from going too far. Half or more of her meat is in the freezer,still have to finish trimming about 15#. I am very thankful it turned out good in the end.
  15. Saw a buck chase a group of does around Saturday. Rubs and scrapes are popping up everywhere. This is in 4F,looks like the boys are about ready.
  16. Congrats Jeremy,you did better than me. All my bow practice and the shot was a good 4 " right,boooo.
  17. I finally got to report a harvest after a two year archery drought. I hunted most of the day Saturday,saw one doe in the distance in the a.m. In the afternoon i got set up with my climber at a friends property 40yds into the woods from the corner of two ag fields,corn and soybeans. The woods were full of acorns and even some hickory trees and some beeches. After sitting until 5.30 without any deer activity I was seriously questioning the point of hunting. I had been hearing turkeys not terribly far of most of the afternoon. Finally i saw them in the soybeans,and then a deer as well.The turkeys worked their way back in the woods and i was hoping the deer would follow. Now i saw three of them..Then they all started running and i saw a decent buck chase them out of the field and into the woods away from me. I thought at least i saw some deer. I tried grunting but nobody showed up. The turkeys were still milling around 50 yds from me. When i watched them i saw a deer through the trees as well,or so i thought. I kept loosing track of it. Now it was close to sunset and i was about ready to climb down when this big doe cautiously came from deeper in the woods on the way to the field. She walked behind my tree,so i had to lean some around the right side of it to get a shot at 25 yds. I thought the hit looked good but didn't sound so good,pretty dull. The lighted nocks were great. The doe just ran off maybe 25 yds and stood there tail tucked. My heart sank. After my horrid season last year where I lost two deer with the bow and one with the gun,more deer than in all my years combined,I was devastated. The doe was too far for another shot,so i watched her and tried to mentally mark her path. She did not want to move,maybe travelled 40 yds in 15 minutes. I climbed down as quietly as i could,which was awkward since i dropped my haul line earlier and had to carry the bow.I went to get my arrow to get information and backed out. Dark blood covered the arrow and no gut smell. That was a good sign. I made it back to the truck and my buddy and he told me about a big black bear he had seen 30 yds from his stand. I told him about my situation. He was nice enough to agree to come back with me several hours later. We wanted to get the doe before the rain started,midnight in our area. We got back to the hit site and looked for blood where i thought she stood but couldn't find any. Off to a bad start. Then we checked another area where she stood behind some fallen logs. There we found sparse blood and managed to pick up her trail. Blood was really spotty,and we came to the first bed soon. I had hoped to find her in her first bed,but no luck. We manged to follow the track,barely. We found a few more beds,then the blood trail got good and she was only 20 yds further. It seems she had been dead for several hrs. All in all she only went a little over 100 yds from the hit site. Took us maybe 25 mins to find her,Chef was right. We got her just as the rain started. I was super excited,I dont know if I could have stood loosing another deer. I was also very glad my friend came out with me,i would have been on edge for sure in the dark with a bloody carcass behind me and a Bear not too far off. Ones imagination tends to run a little alone in the woods at night. I wasn't happy with the beginning of the hunt,but it ended well. It payed off watching the hunting public show on YouTube. Backing out and coming back later saved the day.
  18. just got back home and got her hung up!! A very big girl,she went maybe 100 yds altogether and felt like she had been dead for a couple of hours. Bloodtrail sucked,maybe the montecs are not that great. Full story in the harvest thread when i wake up,i am beat. Had to drag her on a sled for a mile.
  19. Thanks. I am mad at myself,should have been a chip shot. I must have hit just an inch or two back from the lungs. Maybe i clipped one,that would be helpful. Either way,i doubt she went far. Headed out now,it is an hour drive.
  20. Of course i backed out,last thing i wanted to do was push her. It has been almost 3 hrs since i shot her,gonna be at the hit site at 5 hrs after the shot. I think she was still close when i got my arrow,it was getting to dark to see..I think she will be right there. A buddy whos coming along to help,which is very nice.
  21. Shot a big doe a little before six. I watched my lighted nock and it looked good,but she just ran 20 yds and hunched up,tail down..I watched her for a long time,she did not want to move. I climbed down as quiet as i could and got my arrow. Dark blood,must have been all liver. No gut smell at all..Sounded like a low thud on impact. Anyway,i marked everything and backed out. Going.back for her in a few hrs. What is the rule of thumb for liver again? 4-6 hrs? It is supposed to start raining around midnight,so gotta go anyway. I am not loosing this one.
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