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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BowmanMike

  1. I saw bucks cruising a field edge and checking doe trails in the morning last Sunday. A buddy observed a big buck in a hay field running off three smaller ones. Seems like the bucks are ready!! I have found a few rbs and scrapes as well,this is 4F.
  2. Second one is the cauliflower mushroom,hen of the woods is darker i think and a little more open.
  3. Welcome,and nothing wrong with shooting does. I like to eat. Being mobile is fun of you don't have to carry 50# of equipment. My climber is on the heavy side and limits how far in i am willing to go. Keep us posted about what you learn!
  4. Welcome aboard,you are not far from me,i am in Otsego county
  5. BowmanMike


    welcome fishdo. There is a great group of people on this site,enjoy!
  6. Two does stepped out and one busted me when i tried to shimmy into a better shooting position.
  7. I am sitting in the apple hedgerow,perfect for the east wind.
  8. What are you waiting for? This could be the year. I just moved a ladder stand to a field edge where.my buddy has seen a big eight entering a few nights in a row. I always wanted to put a stand down there and now there is one tucked nicely into the branches of a big pine tree. I was hurrying or would have snapped some pics. That will be a killer stand,literally i hope.
  9. i plan on getting one down,every time i have been out i am getting closer to pulling the trigger. Drew back the first time last sunday,and going out tomorrow afternoon. You are a good hunter to emulate,but notice i am not offering going one for one with you. 4F where i hunt is pretty good as far as deer population goes,but not quite like your spots. Anyway,i want some deer in the freezer and not one wounded deer this year,so i am only shooting when i am 100% sure of the outcome. Best of luck to you!
  10. It always feels a little dirty typing bareshaft,now it's worse,thanks pygmy
  11. I also think the rut happens around the same time every year,moon or not.
  12. not to derail the topic,but i heard that deer feed more readily in the daylight when the moon is up. So far this year it seems to have some merit,opinions?
  13. Damn,now you are on the board. That means my window for achieving my goal this season is closing slowly...I wanted to get a deer before @Hock3y24 gets 5. Well,i can use the challenge,and congrats on your doe,even though it wasn't as smooth as usual.
  14. Teeth and cables down on my summit climber. I think it is the sd model. I put the top section on the ground first with the cables down. Then i try to sest the bottom section into that with the v shaped toothy part above the top part toothy part. Then i slide the seat rest through. I also use a strap to really tighten the two parts together so they dont bang on each other when i am walking. I attached a quality hiking back pack frame to the bottom section of my climber because the supplied straps are torture instruments. I used a quality frame because i had one i wasn't using.
  15. The old seat you had on there was supposed to slide through the bottom section.and act as a back pad against the bottom section. That's how mine is. It took a while to get good at packing it up.
  16. Shot a bareshaft at 20 yds and fieldpoints. Great group,no change from before. My quiver stays on! Upside down,but it is right for me.
  17. Good thought moog,i haven't shot a bareshaft with it on. Going to see what happens tonight. More weight let's you hold steadier generally. I dont care about those several ounces difference,my bow is heavy to begin with.
  18. I have never forgotten my release,but one time i took some layers off while still hunting and also took the release off,guess what happened?. That's right,i kept on still hunting for a bit and then realized I left the release where i took my sweater off. Had to back track and try to find the exact spot i did that. Of course the release has a camo pattern. I looked for close to 1/2 hr but finally found it. Have you ever tried to find the exact spot you walked through 200 yds back? I got lucky...
  19. I used to remove my quiver as well as soon as i got to the stand,but i think i am keeping this one on the bow at all times.
  20. My quiver is on the right side of the bow,i am a right hand shooter. It is completely out of the way of everything.
  21. No,a matthews web quiver for 4 arrows that bolts on. It is reversible. It really tipped my bow to the right when i had it mounted on the top right side. I felt like i had to torque my grip too balance the bow,never a good thing. I think i might never take it off now. The difference is crazy,like putting your left boot on the right foot,not that that ever happened to me...
  22. I had my quiver mounted with the arrow tips pointing up and it really threw my bow off balance,so much that i wasn't going to shoot with it attached no matter what. I decided to mount it to the bottom.of the bow with the arrow tips pointing down and wow,does that feel better. It is actually so much better that it acts like a rear stabilizer. I don't think i will take it off in the stand either. I am shooting a halon x pro and it is a little top heavy,so maybe this doesn't work with every bow,but if you feel your bow feels weird with the quiver on try switching it. I can not believe the difference on mine. It went from a nuisance to a plus.
  23. Could also be varying amount of pressure on the string from your face. That generally shows up as left or right impact. Go as light as possible with face contact on the string.
  24. I will have to start using tree stands soon. So far all my efforts have been from the ground,and i got close,one time too close. But this week i will get the climber out and try ro get some meat that way. Deer 6 Mikey 0
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