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  1. Somber and a cause for reflection, rolling up on these fallen beasts. Share pics if you've got them! Sheds too! The season goes on forever........
  2. While relocated to another FH, buddy took the keys to the personal car of a ball busting prick of a Chief and made 22 prohibited right-on-red turns at a camera protected intersection. Haha!
  3. PD played right along, said they had spare Windows installed on their cruisers too. Another er one I just remembered: Another FD dude bought a VW TDI diesel for the commute, due to the excellent fuel mileage. Well it wasn't long before we got tired Of his daily fuel economy reports, so we started adding some diesel to his tank every day . He was convinced he was getting 90mpg. Haha!
  4. Buddy at Firehouse had a new to him truck. Swiped his keys, rolled down the passenger window, left brick on seat, sprinkled broken window glass all around. I was hoping to see how long he drove around with plastic taped over the opening in the windows place. I did not plan on him calling the PD. I convinced him to check for the factory installed spare window as the PD arrived. Haha. Still makes me laugh. Long zip tie around drive shaft is also good for many laughs. More subtle though.
  5. I think the frustration in deer hunting rises quickly to the surface in an emerging generation of hunters who: 1) Grew up with more "tv hunting" time than real woods hunting time. On the tv shows, they kill deer all the time. Not a lot of shows depict sitting in the woods enjoying time afield, even if that time afield is only watching blue jays and squirrels. I think "the shows" paint an unrealistic picture of game encounters. I grew up hunting squirrels, so by the time I was ready to hunt deer, I knew where they hung, I knew how often I'd encounter them, I knew how they acted, and had already looked at dozens of deer in my scopes crosshairs. Not a lot of squirrel hunting goes on these days, but I'd argue there is not much that better prepares you for pursing deer. 2)Think that it is necessary to have: multiple stands,scent control clothing, scent control soap/detergent,laser rangefinder,cameras all over gods green earth,evercalm (whatever the F that is),330 fps bows, magnum rifles,expandable broadheads,,deer calls,deer rattles, etc, etc, in order to be a serious deer hunter. After spending all the money on all that "gear" one could begin to think that killing a deer is forgone conclusion. When no deer is killed, frustration arises. 3) Have their hunting limited by time and geography. I read on here of a lot of people who need to make fairly lengthy drives to hunt, and/or can only hunt certain times( weekends/holidays etc). I am thankful that I can walk out my door and be afield. When the weathers right, I hunt, if it's not good, I do something else. I have to drive 20min to the marsh I duck hunt. That drive alone restricts the amount of duck hunting I do, more than anything else. Best of Luck to All My advice for fighting the frustration: Feel the good energy that comes from being outside. Look up and around, not down at your phone/call/rattle or other distractions. Spend as much time in the woods off season as you can Relax, and don't take it all so seriously.
  6. Bow season was great for me in 3F. Tons of deer cruising around on some new property I bought next to my ( small ) farm. Took a meaty 5 pt buck and 3 plump does. The warm weather was a challenge. I cut my hunting pants off at the knee, and quartered the deer immediately to get them under refrigeration. The best part was getting the bulk of the deer harvest done early so I could concentrate on knocking down some pheasants and ducks, much to my dogs approval. Hoping to take my time and fill my last tag with a slammer of a 10 pt that walked up to me in the duck blind Im sorry some of you reported poor archery seasons, but I hope you still enjoyed your time afield.
  7. I shoot some with the montec 5s, and really like the idea, but recognize better penetration and wound channels from Magnus stingers. Im sorry theRage didn't anchor your deer. Lots of people do shoot then though.
  8. I'm sorry you were shooting a Rage broad head.
  9. Hi Skully! Do you have someone lined up to lease the property? Im a Fireman in LaGrange, and a couple of the younger guys are looking for a spot to lease. Thanks!
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