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Everything posted by Bionic

  1. Maine 2020 is less than 2 weeks away, any interest in scenic pics, etc??
  2. Love ravioli, but as said earlier never had “fancy” ravioli, these were killer. I’d try those you pictured, without a doubt.
  3. Lobster & Shrimp ravioli, sautéed in butter, parmesan cheese, Old Bay, minced onion, parsley, chives, and a sprinkle of bread crumb.
  4. Please explain...looks like something I’d enjoy. looks like chicken, rice, lettuce, tomato, cheese...almost like burrito bowl dumped on a platter.
  5. I wouldn’t even have tried that shot with the fake hand
  6. Don’t be cheap with the cheese! Looks good though, they are great
  7. Extra-Bacon, Extra-Swiss, 1/2 lb Burger night Oh, and hey @Biz-R-OWorld I picked up some Lobster/Shrimp ravioli tonight. Your posts inspired me to try it.
  8. How about the rectangular exhaust tips on the sillyrado’s? AKA fork lift pockets....to stack them easier at the scrapyard.
  9. I can hear chest hair finally sproutin’ on you from here! Nice! Now get some wings, and zucchini fries in there.
  10. I think I ran 350, but it was a good 20 mins or so, until they were tender but firm. Id do 400 just check after 13-15 mins. My slices were about a 1/4” thick as well
  11. This is my dads smoker, he built it about 20-25 yrs ago. He used stones from the yard, concreted together, and I believe the siding is oak from pallets, the roof is cedar shake. He just replaced the roof this summer. The firebox door is lined with metal, because his first run the door caught fire. He has bars running front to back to hand meat using old school meat hooks like you see in my dinner pics. He can also run cold smoke using an small old wood stove with about 20’ of woodstove single wall pipe that pipes into the fire box door. He monitors the temps from inside the house using a LEM transmitter type thermometer, tell him the temp inside the smokehouse from inside the house.
  12. Home hickory smoked sausage, and string beans, as I always say, my ultimate comfort meal. Its missing the potatoes/onions though which make it perfection.
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