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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Elmo

  1. It's not that bad. My girlfriend is Hispanic. They find any reason to throw a party. That means all the girls show up wearing clothes that resemble bikinis than anything else and I sat in the back the whole time drinking all the beer.
  2. My girlfriend knew before she decided to get into a relationship that she would have to allow me to continue to pursue my passions. Be it sports, travel, the outdoors, etc. But lately she has been a tad bit annoyed that "I'm constantly avoiding" (as she calls it) her friends baby shower or birthday parties or what not because I have to go to the range or some other "excuse" as she calls it.
  3. Where do I go to install the iPhone app? I don't have an iPhone but I'll try it out on the iPad once I get home.
  4. Work slows down. During the spring, clients will get their request completed immediately. During the end of summer to fall, it'll take a week to complete. Socially, I stop going to parties, what not.
  5. iPhone 5 comes out in October. Don't know if you can hold out till then.
  6. If only I can hunt rats and pigeons in the city...

  7. I'm in the same boat and even worst, I have no place to hang the deer so I plan to field dress and quarter on the spot. Another question: assuming I get a doe. I remove all the meat and dump into a meat bag and I leave the head behind. Where am I sticking the doe tag? Do I just fill it out and leave it in my pocket? I recall in hunter's ed that it needs to be attached to the deer immediately.
  8. Noticed all the mail in my personal message box is gone. Am I the only one?
  9. Yes, that Elmo. I bought the "Tickle Me Elmo" doll as a Christmas gift for my niece when I was in college. On the way back to my place, I stopped by the frat house and next thing you know, I'm drinking more than I should be. The next morning, guys in the frat found the package with my credit card receipt and viola...a nickname was born.
  10. Burmjohn, if you can, that would be great! Thanks!
  11. Hi. I figure if we're going to start fresh, I might as well also have a fresh start. I previously ran under the screen name Toruk-Makto which I got from the movie "Avatar". I took a name that's not associated to me because I tippy toed in. Now that I have both feet in the door, I might as well go with a name closer to home. I picked "Elmo" because it's my actual nickname. Not one I picked for myself but one that was given to me. I'm grew up (and still live) in NYC went to school in the midwest which is where I got my interest in hunting but I didn't officially decide to hunt until last year when my brother was honorably discharged from the army which gave me someone I was able to hunt with.
  12. I have not but check out this video. Magnus Bullhead Broadheads http://www.cabelas.com/specialty-broadheads-field-points-magnus-bullhead-broadheads.shtml
  13. I hunt regularly at Sterling. Cougar is really convient for me to get to. I live in the west side of the Bronx so I just jump on the Saw Mill to 87. Have not been to Davis. I'll stop by Davis next time I'm coming back from Sterling and take a look.
  14. What a coincidence. Yeah, I actually been to Cougar Sports a couple of times but for other stuff. The guy really knows what he's talking about and he's the one telling me that I might be better off rounding down to 27". He also was the one telling me about places to shoot in the area. Unfortunately they didn't carry the Bear Charge but I plan on getting my bow adjusted there and buying the rest of my accessories from that place.
  15. I haven't bought anything for it yet. I'm actually a 27.5" but I round up to 28". The guy at the shop said I look like I'm better off at 27". I figure when I take it in to get adjusted, I'll let them make the final call. Finding a spot I can consistently shoot at will be my next challenge. I've shot at the spot in Queens so that's one option. I heard there's an outdoor range with the Westchester Rod and Gun club that's open to the public in Hartsdale, NY. That's a 15 minute drive for me. I was told $10 to shoot all day but I have to bring my own target.
  16. Yeah cause its cheap...... That it certainly is. It's not a $1000 Benalli but they seem to take a beating and still get the job done. Which shotgun would you recommend at their price range?
  17. Bear Charge (RH) Ready-To-Hunt Package. Currently set at 29" at 70 pounds. I'm going to have them adjust it down to 28" later. Bought it at Dicks Sporting Goods and the guy who sold it to actually recommended I go somewhere else to have that done. He leaned over and whispered to me on the side and told me the guys not very good. At least you have to like the honesty. Note: Came with quiver not shown in picture.
  18. So, as it turns out, I didn't even need to replace them. The guy said they look really beat up but since all the pertinent information is still legible, I won't have to replace them.
  19. There's a reason why Mossberg 500 is contracted by the US military, most police forces, and their most widely used shotgun. My brother and I both have one and we have not have any issues. The one he used in Iraq to clear homes with and sand and dust kicked all over it. The personal one he has is a used one. (Mine was bought new) We never had any issues with it. Personally I think for the money, it's a great buy.
  20. Elmo


    If you aren't planning on attempting deer this year (you said you didn't last year) you can always turn those tags over to someone. As for me 3P = Yes 3R = No I'm gunning for deer this year. I mean waste it as in not see any.
  21. Especially for anyone living in Staten Island or Brooklyn. Hope everyone stays safe. http://gis.nyc.gov/oem/he/searchAddress.htm
  22. Our country is surrounded by a "saving him of himself" mentality. That is the reason why coffee cups have "Warning: Contents Are Hot" written all over the cup along with millions of wasted dollars in court proceeding and pay out. Just because some dumb lady decided to hold a cup of coffee between her legs while driving. Now, McDonalds is being sued by parents of obese children blaming McDonalds for making them fat. Even after the food industry was forced to place nutritional content on everything it sells.
  23. I can't complain. She's does more than her share of the household chores. Plus she just got me a FoxPro Spitfire Electronic Caller for my birthday. ;D
  24. I say entrapment jokingly but the simple fact that they allow stores to sell it but illegal to use outside of domestic animals. If so, why don't they just force the store to sell cattle feed instead of something called "BoneDmonium Deer Attractant and Mineral Supplement". Which by the way, the description on Gander Mountain's website reads: "Improve your HUNT or elevate your deer's nutritional plane with BoneDmonium, a revolutionary ATTRACTANT and nutritional supplement designed for whitetail deer." Guess where you find this product? In the hunting section. DEC can easily state that store cannot sell feeds products that specifically advertise towards baiting but they know that store will comply if forced by law where as the general public won't as much. I think in this case, DEC actually wants you to break the law so they can cash in on the fines.
  25. One word. Entrapment.
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