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Everything posted by Elmo

  1. I totally agree. I watched a few shows on the Versus channel to gain a few tips. All I saw were people "killing" animals and taught me nothing. I bought a video from http://www.real-hunting.com/ and found it to be much more helpful for a beginner like me. Its just follows two average guys going through 2 seasons of hunting and they show everything including their misses and their mistakes. One of them even had their tree stand stolen. It gave me a real sense of what hunting is really like.
  2. My brother bought the Savage Mark II FVXP package online (came with a 3-9 variable scope attached and bore-sighted) for around $250. He is very happy with it. I know that's a little above your range but I think you can find it without the scope for around $180 or something like that. Be aware that your FFL will charge you $50 or so to do the processing if you order online.
  3. I have the Nikon ProStaff 3-9 on my .308 which I plan on using as my deer gun. I figure an animal the size of a deer and the power packed in a .308, I came come away with a humane kill as long as I get anywhere near the vitals. But even at 9 power, when I look at a paper target 100 yards out, it's hard for me to see the bulls-eye. I got the .223 as a fun gun. Target practice. Range shooting. Coyote and raccoons. For that, I want to be able to hit the target between the eyes. Also I think there is something wrong with me. On a 3-9, I don't see any real difference until I'm all the way out to 9 power. I returned a 10X binocular because I didn't see any difference then I did with my normal eye and got a 18X instead. I had Lasiks done on my eyes so I would joke around with people and tell them I have bionic eyes. Maybe it's true? I also need to consider budget. Between hunting and photography, I have two of the most expensive hobbies possible.
  4. Savage Model 12 in .223 with custom choate stock and stainless fluted barrel I won on auctionarms for $400 ($490 after processing). It's really a bench gun (26" barrel and weights 11.2 lbs) but I still plan on making this my primary coyote gun. Can't afford good glass right now so I'll probably end up getting the Bushnell Banner Scope in 6-18 X 50.
  5. The employment landscape has changed. Companies are trying to cut cost and they think they can always find the younger guy to do the same job for less money. My company just went through a round of "lay-offs" as well. Basically they went to all the senior staffs and gave them a vonluntary seperation package with a wink that implies if you don't take it, we're going to cut your position anyway and you'll end up with nothing. One of my staff who has been with the company for 22 years was offered the package. He told me when he started working the common thought has always been to find a good company, stay there, and retire there. Now it seems that anyone who stays with one company for too long is the abnormality. My guess is a year or two later they will re-create his position and I'll end up hiring someone new.
  6. Went to Calverton over the weekend despite the rain. I didn't bring tape so I couldn't put up my targets. Every where else I've been to provided all that stuff. Yes it was a bit unorganized but at $15 for a full day and the freedom they give you, I'm pretty happy with that place. I would sight in at Davis in Goshen (the mechanical retrieve is key) but I'll practice at Calverton. I'll check out Brookhaven next but honestly, if I'm stuck with Calverton, I won't complain.
  7. The burden always falls on the judicial system. By loosely stating the law, judges are allow to use the "discretion". The law should be very specific to the criterias that must be met before anyone with a history of potentially violent mental disorders can have their rights to bear arms reinstated.
  8. I have not problem with having it re-instated with proper evaluation but according to the article, judges have been re-instating it with absolutely no evaluation at all.
  9. This is NOT cool... http://www.nytimes.com/2011/07/03/us/03guns.html?_r=2&ref=us&pagewanted=all
  10. I clean my guns every time I come back from the range. Complete with Hoppes #9 solvent and Remington oil. Even if I only put a dozen rounds through it. Is this over kill?
  11. I always thought there was a 3 point rule when shooting deer. That they have to be of a minimum age before you can harvest them.
  12. So much animosity on this site this pass week or two. Is this what happens during the off-season?
  13. Haha. Next one's either going to be a bow or a Henry Repeater. I'm way ahead of you.
  14. Thanks BBallHunter11. I took your advice on auctionarms.com and tonight I just got the winning bid on a used Savage Model 12 in .223 for $400. Once shipping and processing fee kicks in it'll be more like $500 but for a gun that retails at around $800-900, I'd say I'm pretty happy. I won't say it's official until the rifle sits in my hands.
  15. If it's close enough to NYC and fits my schedule, I'll consider stopping by and shaking some hands.
  16. There's this basketball forum I was on and they had a thread where one guy was arguing about how horrible he thought Danilo Gallinari and Mike D'Antoni were. Others would defend the player and coach. As the argument went back and forth, someone state the poster was racist because the player and coach was white and he was black and next thing you know entire pages of the thread was filled with nothing but insults and name calling. It got to the point that the rest of us reader forgot what the actual argument was even about.
  17. Where would one look for posting of people offering their land to hunters? Is there a network of some sort or is there no other option but to do go door to door like a insurance salesman?
  18. I don't agree with captive hunting either. That's not real hunting and many of those who captive hunt should not call themselve true hunters because they never hunted the animal down.
  19. Plaxico pledged to promote gun safety. Then again, Michael Vick vowed to bring awareness about dog fighting. I have yet to see anything from him on that subject and Vick's been out, what? Over a year? Plaxico caught the winning touchdown so I'll cut him some slack. Vick, on the other hand, is a Philly so screw him.
  20. One other observation I forgot to point out were the fact most of the illegal guns I've seen were old rusted and beat-up. Rare were the shiny nickel-plated ones you see in the movies. Maybe criminal don't know how to properly care for their guns or maybe it was people who didn't know what to do with their unwanted firearms and the drug dealer down the block is offering 4 hits for the old revolver? People need to be more accountable for how they dispose of firearms. http://www.ny1.com/content/top_stories/140398/latest-nypd-gun-buyback-program-collects-354-weapons
  21. I'm super jealous! I hope one day I can take a picture with something like that.
  22. Wow. Finally catching up to this thread so forgive me if I'm behind. 1. I support some gun laws but I do agree that some are just ridiculous. I live in the strictest city in the country (NYC) and I grew up in the Bronx in the middle of the crack era. I've been held up at gun point 4 times in my life, had my hands on maybe dozen illegal guns before my 16th birthday. The system is broken but that doesn't mean there shouldn't be a system. It just needs to be fixed. First, let's take the phrase "a lock only keeps an honest man honest". Having strict gun laws doesn't stop the criminals from obtaining guns but it stops those who are on the fence about it. But yes, some of the laws are down right ridiculous. Forget that I hate the fact I can't own a pistol...did you know I can't own a sling shot or a blowgun? Yeah...I'm waiting to see the day someone walks into a bank and holds it up with a blowgun. 2. Allow people to buy guns reduces crimes. Maybe in some area. Maybe not. I don't know. I looked at the statistics posted by Elmer Fudd (I attached the chart pulled from the site) and I find it to be inconclusive. If I can recall, it shows that a gun law was set in 1977, gun related crime jumped dramatically starting in 1986 (crack/cocaine era), kept climbing and peak at 1992 then started to drop. Gun ban was lifted in 2008 while the statistics had pretty much drop close to pre 1977 levels but continued to drop after that. Again, I am not arguing for or against the statement. I'm just saying I'm not getting that from this chart. I do recall once as a child someone in my neighborhood got robbed because he had guns and the criminals wanted them. If you can argue that criminal will get guns anyway and ingore those on the fence about it then you also have to acknowledge the criminals who holds a shootout that still happens regularly now in one of my old friends neighborhoods. They don't care if you have a gun. They're not afraid of it. Especially after the way rappers like 50 Cent and The Game glorify about how many times they've been shot. 3. I am all for the NICS checks. Go ahead. I'm a law-abiding, tax paying, legal citizen. You can check all you want. Sure it took 4 months but I can wait. What's the rush? I got my guns in the end eventually anyway. If I have to wait 4 months just so that 1 crooked lunatic was denied his firearm then that's my contribution to society. Did I make a difference? Ask me that when you ask me if I should vote or not. The wait is ridiculous but you do realize that they aren't doing a more extensive test than say my brother who got his national top security check passed in like 2 weeks. It's just that they saw his clearance as a top priority and they'll get to mine when they get to mine. 4. The one problem with the NRA is that they might need a better marketing campaign. After 9/11 my brother left school to join the army. I switch jobs and went to work for the Red Cross. Working for the Red Cross means I had to work with a lot of peace loving liberals. They associate the NRA with the white supremecist and bible-fanatics. Now, before everyone starts bashing me for saying this please keep in mind that I am not saying this is what I think. I am saying that I notice some view the NRA that way and I ask why and how do you change their mindsets? Someone had said so earlier that a large portion of gun owners are not supporters of NRA. A good amount of that are the cheap lazy types. There's also a portions of those that has misconception of what the NRA is about. Just an off question. How many NRA advertisements feature a person of minority decent?
  23. I'm deciding on the Savage Axis. The prevailing factor is money. I just spent over a grand less than a month ago on a rifle (Remington 700 VTR, Nikon ProStaff optics, Harris bi-pod) and this is actually some left over cash from that budget. I held the Venture and the Axis and I must say the Venture does feel a lot better and of course, I like the 700's. But at $500 for the Venture, why not throw another $100 and upgrade to the 700 SPS? At $600 for the 700 SPS, why not throw another $100 and upgrade to the Tikka T3? At what point does it stop? My brother was the one that suggested to get the one that's fit comfortably in my budget, play with it, beat it up, and then a year or two from now, I can upgrade and won't feel bad only spending $350. Another factor was the girlfriend giving me the evil eye about my spending habits. Why can't I just win the lotto? The other reason I posted this question was because I have 4 friends that are some what curious about hunting after hearing my stories. Of course, money is always a concern so it's great to be able to show them that they can hunt if they want with a quality gun without spending a lot of money. Thanks all.
  24. Forgot to mention was looking for a .223 caliber. I already have the 700 in a 308 caliber. Didn't hear a lot of good things coming from the Mossberg camp. Also removed the Stevens 200 because I heard they're discountinuing that line.
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