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Everything posted by Elmo

  1. Just like there are people who call themselves catholics or christians but don't go to church regularly, there are people who are jews but don't really practice it. It's a matriach system so if your mother was jewish, then you're automatically jewish whether you follow it or not. Then of course there are those who follow every jewish law, hasidic jews, etc.
  2. Yeah, the videos I was watching were from youtube. I watched several and they didn't wax the section that loops over the cam. I was just wondering if you don't have to wax that section or the videos only did the sections between the cams and servings just as an example.
  3. Yeah, I'm almost positive it's not kosher. Which is why I keep the fact that I hunt quiet in the office. So much so, I don't even ask.
  4. I've never. I guess I should. I was watching videos on how to do it. In the videos, they only wax the exposed parts. Do you ever wax the part of the string that loops over the cams? If so, how do you do it? Do you use a device to draw the string back or something? Thanks!
  5. No. As a trade-off for working at a Jewish establishment I don't get a lot of the regular holidays that everyone else gets. I get all the Jewish ones. Overall, though. I win out in the end. The only down side to it is that when ever I'm off, all my friends have to work and whenever they're off, I'm busy.
  6. #1. I am against it. The whale population in the world is in danger and that's a shame because they are truly magnificent creatures. #2. Since its an international affair, you can't really put a law on it. The Sea Sheppard's way is costly and can be labeled as assault. The only way to really stop it is a global boycott of the meat. #3. Unfortunately, a friend of mine tried it just to see what the fuss is about and by his own words. "I won't ever have it again out of principle but damn! It was the tastiest meat I've ever had in my life!" I only mention this just to state that it is an uphill battle.
  7. It was more of a curiousity question. When I was squirrel hunting last weekend I must've seen over a dozen chipmunks running around. Some within 10 feet of me. When I mentioned what I saw I was asked and didn't have an answer for them. I don't like not having answers.
  8. FYI: Called DEC and they confirmed what you guys already stated. You can bring someone as long as they don't help or participate in anyway. Also, from another thread. Chipmunks can be legally taken but if you're not on your own property you would need a small game license.
  9. Thanks, WNYBuckHunter. I called the numbers you gave me, got a voicemail, left a message, and they called me back within 20 minutes and answered all my questions.
  10. Based on their website, it seems membership is by invite only. "Prospective members must be sponsored by at least three current members" Otherwise, I would totally join. Most convenient one for me to get to.
  11. Does anyone know the rules regarding bringing someone out hunting with you if they don't have a hunting license or safety certificate? I've been trying to get a friend of mine into hunting for some time. He wants to go out with me once just to watch and get a feel of it. He's just going to be a spectator.
  12. I've never been on a stocked pheasant hunt but I think the true ethical question here isn't so much that the pheasant was on the ground but that it's stocked which isn't as bad as a caged hunt but itsn't completely natural either. Would I go on a caged hunt? No I wouldn't. Would I attend a stocked pheasant hunt? Yeah, I might. Would I shoot one on the ground? I would too. But it'll be like Barry Bonds home run record. It'll have an * next to it. I also think that if I've been hunting long enough, I'll also probably let it pass not so much as that I think it's too unethical but rather from the lack of the challenge and allow someone else the opportunity to take that bird.
  13. What's the DEC's email address if I want to ask them a question regarding hunting regulations?
  14. I have no experience I don't really know but logically, if a rifled slug goes through a rifled barrel and the rifling doesn't match, the iron barrel will bend the lead slug but wouldn't that slow down the bullet tremedously? I mean isn't it basically ripping the bullet as it's travelling down the barrel? Just asking.
  15. I was told differently but then again, I never actually tried it. I only have smooth barrels so it was never an issue for me. I just buy rifled slugs. I always figured, why risk it?
  16. I've been waiting months for this Dicks to open because I got tired of driving so far to get to the Dicks in White Plains or an hour to Gander just to pick up a couple of items here and there or just some extra ammo. This new Dicks is just 15 minutes on the freeway from where I'm at. To find out they don't have a hunting section was a heartbreaker.
  17. Great post, noodle. Thanks for sharing.
  18. That's the catch-22. The most populated areas (that means the most "potential" new hunters you can market towards based on pure head count) means areas with the least hunting land while the areas with the most hunting land are less populated.
  19. I also killed about a dozen mosquitoes. I used my own body as bait.
  20. So I visited the grand opening of the new Dicks Sporting Goods in Yonkers and guess what? No hunting section! WTF!!! Aarrgghh!!! I did see a mangly yearling run around the driveway all confused before jumping over a fence and back towards Sprain Brook Parkway.
  21. Had a couple of hours to kill so I drove up to Sterling Forest for my first action this season. Hunt between 3PM to 4:30PM. Saw a few squirrels. Tons of chipmunks. (Anyone know what the rules are for chipmunks?) Shot one squirrel. Very top of a tree. Maybe 20 yards up. Bullet went through the jaw and exited the top of the head.
  22. What's the New York rules and regulation for chipmunks? I see them everywhere.
  23. When you get up early and drive 2 hours to Stewart State Land and the forest rangers tells you to come back later because every spot is already taken...that's not enough land.
  24. Pygmy...is that a tactic I'm not aware of? Distract the fox and make it stand still? I need to take notes.
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