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Arcade Hunter

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Everything posted by Arcade Hunter

  1. It really sucks when you see something like this
  2. I'm in a perfect spot with a perfect wind... I know they come out from my left and stay down on this end... Hopefully I got myself close enough for a shot this evening. I saw one nice buck right in front of where I'm hidden in the goldenrod and three does just the other night.. they love this green field
  3. I had thought about that but I didnt do it. Ill try that next time. I did eat one of the three unsealed jars. Just put it on the stove and cooked it down until the extra liquid evaporated off. That indeed was a treat. It was so good. I would buy some frozen when I notice it at the grocery store and the canned squash is so much better by far. Ill never buy the frozen crap again
  4. Exciting evening hunt... Edge of a winter rye field at the other corner where I saw the buck Friday night and out come 3 doe, the one was a big girl too. The best the would do was 70 yards... But a really cool experience. I backed out and the never knew I was there. I'll set up closer next time.
  5. I'm in .. good luck to all. Hunting the area where I saw a nice one last Friday evening
  6. This went for 55 minutes at 11 psi, hot pack. I blanched the cubed squash for 1 1/2minutes and used the blanching water to top off the jars. 1/4 tsp of canning salt to hep retain the color. I had a few jars that didnt seal. I think I forgot to wipe a few jars and I realized that I had tipped a few while removing for the canner which may have caused a problem. I had one of the unsealed jars last night and I will say that it was supurb. Dumped the jar in the sauce pan, added a little pat of butter and cooked it down untill the consistancy of mashed. It needed a dash of salt and pepper for my taste... Outstanding!
  7. I recently bought a pressure canner for this very reason. Gave it a trial run and canned 7lbs of butternut squash over the weekend. Im dying to put some venison through the process
  8. Twice now Ive had the bird dog come right up to me to say hello.. I didnt mind that whatsoever. Im itchy to try the stratagy that I was planning for last night but we may have severe weather (hail and wind and rain) by the time I can get out of work today. Im not aware of where this buck was bedded so yesterdays mishap may have had no impact at all. The buck showed up right at sunset the other night, so he may have traveled a little ways to get to the field
  9. I use Onx also. I hunt Allegany St park and I will download the area and save it for use while I am there. Theres no cell service there so downloading the area to your phone beforehand is pricless and it works great
  10. Im not pizzed or anything like that, Im on public and everyone has a right to be there... this was just not exactly how I thought my hunt would go. I have see some bizzare stuff happen on public for sure.
  11. I did a trial run with my new presto and canned 7lbs of butternut squash. All in all, it went quite smooth. I cant wait to try some soups and venison!
  12. Friday evening I am hunting over a large winter rye field and about 6:pm I can hear the thunder movivn in and its just starting to rain, so I decided to leave and as I stood up I see a nice buck out in the field feeding all the way over in the other end... Noted! I know where Ill be going for Sunday evening as I already know I cant get out on Saturday. Sunday evening I am making the trek in towards the field and as I get close all I can hear is a guy yelling at the top of his lungs over and over ... he is on the other end of the field where I want to be. My plan is squashed so I decided to hunt the opposite corner and I get in and set up. As time goes on the guy is moving my way yelling and whistling for his dog, it is obvious that he is pheasant hunting and his dog took off. He passes by me yelling for the dog constantly but it looks like he is heading out, giving up on looking for the dog. I have an hour left so I decided to hang around in hopes something get bumped into the field through the corner I am sitting in. And then the wind kicked up and the lake effect rain came... needless to say I tapped out and got totally soaked on the walk back to the truck. Totally ruined hunt. I thought you had to have control of you dog ? The guy got to within 20 feet of me and never knew I was there
  13. Looks like I can get back out for late Sunday afternoon... I'll need a strategy if there's bird hunters out.
  14. The busted doe was from a few days ago.. beautiful evening so far.... No bugs either.
  15. Damn, just got busted by a doe! Hear some more walking around, putting my phone away... Good luck all
  16. Definatly a strange series, but I couldnt stop watching
  17. Truth! So many hikers out the last few days. I think in some places the deer are so used to them they are not bothered.. but the deer sure know if you are hunting or not!
  18. Good luck out there tonight ! Ill be watching for the pics
  19. Over a bean field now... Vicinity of where I saw bucks during the early season.
  20. Ill be out on public after work today... took yesterday off to visit family. One day off and Im jonesin to get out..lol
  21. Ill be there...lets see if I get deer pushed to me
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