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Arcade Hunter

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Arcade Hunter

  1. Split pea soup... One of my favorites. Crockpot since 5 am while out hunting all day.
  2. I am a bit late to the party... Congrats to you and your father! I think we will be seeing some Biz buck dinners in the WFDT! Again, CONGRATS !
  3. The best hunting stories sometimes do not involve a deer... Good things happen to good folks and you guys are in that caliber. Good luck with the rest of your season and I hope your son has a blast!
  4. Hey Dino, Thanks for posting your adventure! This must be what heaven is like... Good luck out there
  5. 8G also... over the last week I have found 7 new scrapes but only one rub
  6. No trouble getting a few 8G tags at the town clercks office at noonish. Like Wolk said, probably a good thing to have extra tags for the new holiday hunt
  7. 6 gigantic bags of suckers, Trick or treat started at 6:pm and we were all sold out by 7:10 pm. I never saw so many kids in my life. In Alden
  8. Awesome evening to be out... By buddy is set up in a great spot as well as me... I expect to see something by 5, 5 30. Just hope they come out close enough for a shot.
  9. A few more chores to do and I can head out... Congrats to everyone that scored yesterday!
  10. I did get a really good pic of treeguy and Mrs treeguy but I won't post unless he says it's cool
  11. Found a recipe on iamhomesteader.com for Italian sausage soup, so I tried it. Highly recommend it.
  12. That looks really good.. what do you serve that with?
  13. We had such an awesome time helping you celebrate! It was great to see everyone and meet some new friends too! I did manage a GTG picture ... Guess who is who
  14. There's too many does where I hunt, so I would gladly take one. And like Nomad says... It's going in pint jars!
  15. I made it out early this morning... Beautiful morning too. I kicked up one but never got a look at it, then 30 minutes later, I had a big doe and a fawn in front of me... They were at least 50 yds so I didn't even think about it. This is my fifth time out in a row that I am seeing deer.. I need a plan to get closer.
  16. Arcade Hunter


    That's how you get it done.. congratulations to you!
  17. I got some hunting in this weekend and Kelly and I got a lot of work done too... Not to mention an amazing evening with forum members last night... Lobster ravioli with chefs sauce and some of my canned butternut squash.. so delish!
  18. Good morning all! Heading out now... Going to try a slightly different bedding area this morning. Good luck to all today!
  19. Off topic a bit but it was great to catch up with you tonight! Fill the freezer and make some horsepower!
  20. Speedy recovery for you Larry! I was really looking forward to seeing you tonight...good luck with your season and do take care!
  21. I'm glad you are getting stuff done! I hope you get a slammer when you do make it out!
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