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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. My ML is way more sexy than my rifle anyways. Its so much nicer to carry, and anything out to 250 yards is in trouble.
  2. As long as theres no primer in the breech plug, it cant fire, and is the same as being unloaded. You can drive around in your car with them like that.
  3. I really miss hunting exclusively with my ML. I was going to wait to go back to using it for all of gun season until I took a buck with my rifle, but I think next year its gonna be ML only for me again. Its just so much more fun.
  4. BTW, I should add that the ramrod you use to load your ML is not long enough to push a load out of the breech. I used a Bic pen as an "extension".
  5. 30 seconds or so while i stood there in disbelief lol
  6. I premeasure out the whole bottle of BH209 and put each load into Lanes Tubes. Sealed up, never have to worry about humidity.
  7. I use Blackhorn 209, I dont have to worry about it as long as you pay attention to temperature fluctuations. Unloading a ML full of loose powder isnt easy without spilling all of the powder. I dont like wasting money. One year I had a misfire on a nice buck. I was stunned, as I had loaded the ML that morning, and had the misfire in the evening. I was able to push the bad load out and reload in time to shoot the buck. What had happened was, it was one of those days where its was in the high 20s in the morning, jumped to 60+ degrees in the afternoon and then down to the lower 40s or upper 30s late in the afternoon. Thats all a part of ML hunting.
  8. Doe tags, yes. Buck tags, no. Everyone can get 2 buck tags. Not everyone gets DMPs.
  9. It is for me. As long as we dont get large temp swings, my powder and sabot stay in the gun for days on end, sometimes a week or more. After that Ill just pull the breech plug and push the load out of it, or if I feel like it, Ill just fire it to unload it. Speaking of which, I need to unload mine tonight and get it cleaned up and back in the safe.
  10. Ive had it happen before, my ML never came inside and doesnt go in the truck either. Condensation can happen just with the temperature swings we get this time of year.
  11. Love from the toilet? Thats something that belongs on a completely different site....
  12. Im going to have to go huff Lysol to get rid of those images...
  13. You should get more than just a click if the primer is firing but the powder is wet. Ive had it happen, it sounds almost like a 22 rimfire going off.
  14. Just be careful how large of implements you buy with that machine. My Viking is a 700 and I have pulled some 6 foot harrows and discs with it. I would not recommend that with a smaller machine though. For a trailer, if you want a flat bed, check out those cheap 4x8s they have at Harbor Freight, they work great for that.
  15. LOL, not at all. Its just a conversation, if we all agreed it would be a boring site. Even though I dont completely agree with your opinion on this, I still respect it.
  16. I dont think that at all. See my reply to stay at home nomad above.
  17. Where I see the gain in a one buck rule, would be the guys that shoot the first buck they see and then "trophy hunt" with the second buck tag. It might make them be more choosy about the buck they kill, without mandating that they kill a certain size deer.
  18. Your numbers are nonsense. Had that deer moved just a tad, been at an angle you misjudged or something else, it could have been a different result. Im not saying you have to wait for a perfect broadside shot every time, Ive shot my fair share with quartering to angles with a gun, Ive killed running deer, but a texas heart shot is low percentage from the get go. Im not going to try and justify my point by throwing arbitrary numbers into the conversation.
  19. Yes I know what the criteria is, but he wasnt cherry picking anything, he was summing it up.
  20. Im right with ya on the second and third things, but 3 on a side isnt going to save many yearling bucks around here anyway, so why bother? Every year I have pics of multiple 1 1/2 year olds with 4 points on at least one side. Take the option of spikes and forks away from the guys that dont care, and the first legal buck they are most likely going to see will be the 6,7,8 or more point 1 1/2 year olds. You know, the ones with the most potential. Its a setup for high grading IMO, and teaches them little to nothing about how to tell an older buck from a younger one. I would much rather see the DEC make an educational push, maybe spend more time in the hunters safety course talking about the basics of aging deer on the hoof, and the benefits of letting younger deer go. JMO.
  21. No he didnt. https://www.qdma.com/qdmas-position-mandatory-antler-restrictions/ " In general, QDMA prefers the voluntary passing of yearling bucks to mandatory antler regulations. However, we recognize that antler restrictions may be justified in some situations to achieve specific deer management objectives. Regarding our position on specific antler restriction proposals, QDMA examines each on a case-by-case basis and applies a three-part test. "
  22. Dont compare yourself to someone that is just starting out, thats two completely different things. As far as not getting a deer every year, Im not saying people new to the game should expect to get a deer every single year, let alone everytime they go hunting, but if you are mandating that the guy that just started hunting at 30 years old has no right to shoot the same buck that a 17 year old that just started hunting does, how is that right? Just for the record, I am 150% completely against any mandatory ARs.
  23. Being a slob doesnt just mean you injure deer and/or not recover them. Its about safety and ethics. Taking shots at ranges further than you have practiced, taking low percentage shots (like up the ass), not completely identifying a target, etc etc etc. If you are admitting to crap like that, I can only imagine what you do and keep to yourself.
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