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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. My daughter has been shooting my semi auto 12 gauge for 2 years for turkey season. She shoots the same 3" turkey loads that I do. It kicks a bit, but she does fine. For her birthday this year I bought her a 20 gauge pump turkey gun. She loves shooting it. A .410 is pricey to shoot. Maybe look into a 20 gauge gas operated semi, the gas system takes quite a bit of the kick out of it.
  2. I wouldnt worry about noise. In all the years Ive been going out predator hunting, not once has anyone called the police after I have shot. In fact, theres been a couple of times that I have taken shots within 50 yards of a house (had permission) and asked the people inside if they heard me shooting and have been told no every single time. Most of the time, you are going to be almost 3 times further away than that. Its the dead of winter, almost everyone has their windows closed, and some have storm windows, etc. They wont hear a 223 or even a shotgun. Heck, I shoot my 308 (with a brake on it) out of my basement window, directly below the kids rooms, in the middle of the night and dont wake them up.
  3. Check out the Primos Alpha Dog, great call, most of the same features as a FoxPro and quite a bit less money. I picked mine up on Amazon last year for under $200. I wouldnt bother buying a single speaker FoxPro, and cant bring myself to spend $400 on a Fusion. They do have the new HammerJack coming out, which looks like a good deal at $300 retail. Dual speakers, great remote and a built in decoy.
  4. You need someone to trap coyotes for a couple of years at least. That’s insane. I’ve had 2 deer torn up by yotes but never anything like that. My bait piles last weeks usually.
  5. Well, when you have to repel down a cliff to get at them, most people wont put that kind of work in. My spots that had issues werent that tough to get into though lol.
  6. Post up pics of your 2017 - 2018 Trapping kills here! Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
  7. Post up pics of your 2017 - 2018 Predator kills here! Only pictures with the associated story will be allowed in this thread. If you want to congratulate someone, please do it by clicking on the "like this" button for the post. There will be no exceptions. Feel free to start a new thread if you wish to have comments in addition to posting the photo / story here.
  8. Yep, but better. Ive been using ScoutLook forever, but onX is alot better, and has way more features. If you primarily hunt one state, its $30 a year. If you want all 50 states, its $100 a year. It gives you all property lines, property owner info, shows all town/county/state land parcels and boundaries, different overlays for their maps, etc. The only thing that I like about ScoutLook is that "scentcone" thing they have that gives you a good visualization on wind direction. Check it out: https://www.onxmaps.com/
  9. If anyone ever hacked into my onX account, theyd have them all lol.
  10. Doesnt matter, people will put it together. Ive had it happen, which is why I dont post pics until they are dead. If I shot anything really big, I might post it on FB and here, but I will most likely be lying about where it came from.
  11. Absolutely. I have a bait pile out again, but wont get much of a chance to shoot anything off of it this year, as we are moving to our new house this weekend. My sister lives about a mile from our new place and they have a terrible time with yotes over there, so Ill be doing my best to get after them this year. I dont need them killing all of my chickens and turkeys.
  12. If I were to shoot it, I wouldnt really care what anyone said about it. I havent gotten a single pic of it since the one I posted, and I havent seen it while hunting. My guess is its dead.
  13. Yeah that was pretty funny actually
  14. further comments that continue this argument, such as the one above, will earn the culprit a time out. No exceptions. If you want to continue with the discussion about the dogs, fine, but enough with the arguing.
  15. Ok let’s chill out with this. Thanks
  16. I apologize If you took my comment as a dig on where you live. It wasn’t meant that way. My mom lived in 2 different trailer homes when I was a kid, which meant I did too (part time). I have quite a few friends that previously or currently live in them. There’s just as many trashy people in houses, apartments, etc as trailers. Honestly I think Someone else turned it into something it wasn’t, but again, if you took offense, I apologize.
  17. This thread is almost as ridiculous as the Bigfoot one.
  18. I hope You aren’t expecting warm weather. Here’s what it looks like in Charlotte right now...
  19. Lmao, the vacuum sucked the eyes out of it. What a know nothing jack wagon.
  20. Right about 4 I saw A huge buck back in the swamp, pretty much on the other side working his way in the direction of the corn. I got Down out of the stand and quickly made my way over to the area I figured He would come into the hardwoods from the cattails. I waited There till almost 5 but he never came out. Must have taken a different path or just hung in there. When I get Back from NC I’m getting my waders out and will try to get back to the stand we have back there just inside the wood line from the cattails. There are some spots that will be about waist deep right now but it should be doable. If he takes the same path that I saw Him on, he should be about 40 or 50 yards from the stand.
  21. Took a super slow walk through some bedding areas, saw 2 doe and a young 8 browsing in one of them. I was Careful not to bump them. Now I’m sitting in a stand that sits between a swamp, hardwoods and standing corn. Seems like a good spot for a cold, snowy evening sit.
  22. There was a similar story posted on here 2 or 3 years ago. People reacted the same way, saying it was the work of poachers, people should be drawn and quartered for doing it, blah blah blah. Turned out it was the town or county highway department dumping roadkill animals. Maybe people should hold off from jumping to conclusions.
  23. Had some car trouble with my girlfriends car this morning so I had To stay home from work and deal with that. This snow and light wind seems too good to bother going to the office for the rest of the day. Gonna head down to the farm this afternoon. I’m leaving for a trip in the morning, so I dont Have time to process a deer, but if I see Something big, it’s going down and will be dropped at the local processors tonight.
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