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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Screw that. If theres one thing I would never eat from a gas station, its sushi. Nope nope and more NOPE!
  2. I have so many great memories and pics of my daughter and I hunting, I dont even know where to begin. From our first sit in a blind on the small piece that my dad owns, to the first time she saw a deer while we were hunting, how scared she got when I took her out predator hunting at night, the first time she was filming and caught a mature buck on camera, her reaction when she knocked down her first turkey this past spring, the expression on her face this year when she was bow hunting and had a big buck walk out into the plot, to her disappointment after missing a little button buck with her bow on her last bowhunt this year. Its crazy to think she will be gun hunting with me next year! Ive loved watching her love for the outdoors grow over the years, and Im looking forward to sharing many more years with her in the field. The collection of my son hunting with me is growing as well. Heres a few pics from over the years.
  3. Elk used to be a native species in NY until settlers decimated them.
  4. I have a couple of the Ameristep Dominator blinds that I picked up at WallyWorld. Price is good and they have been great so far.
  5. I keep it pretty much the same except for the couple of days during the season that I go out with our group of guys to do drives. When we do drives we tend to try and use the wind to our advantage, and actually want the deer to smell the pushers coming before they get to them, the sitters typically get placed so that the wind is in their faces. Otherwise, its still all about scent control and playing the wind, just like bow season.
  6. But you see, thats where your line of thinking hits a brick wall. You will be playing by the same rules. The same choice of weapons will be available to everyone. If you choose to limit yourself to a particular weapon, then thats your choice. Just like guys now that are shooting recurves are choosing to limit themselves.
  7. Depends on what type of tractor it is. I’m guessing it’s a compact or subcompact tractor based on the weight. That should do just fine. An 8n isn’t much bigger or capable than what you have now.
  8. Just to do 3/4 of an acre, youll be better off with an ATV, 6ft disc (with weights to put on top), a sprayer, tow behind spreader and a lawn roller. All of which can be had for a fairly low cost. A tractor is nice, but an ATV can be used for all kinds of things other than doing the plots, and its way easier to transport. Ive been doing 3-5 acres of plots each year for a while and could be doing all of it with my wheeler. We use a tractor and tiller, which is nice and all, but its not necessary. My ATV does all of the work besides mowing and tilling. I would suggest 700cc and up, and not a Polaris Sportsman due to their belt drive which isnt that great for pulling discs, etc.
  9. Cant judge by the fronts, need to see the rears.
  10. I wouldnt buy one. Ive used WGI cams in the past and every one of them has been a pile of crap.
  11. It was most likely an Encore or Contender or something similar. They are typically chambered in rifle calibers. I had one that was chambered in .260 Rem and killed deer at that type of range with it.
  12. You dont know me from a bag of beans, and apparently have no idea how I hunt. FYI, this year was the first year I have ever used a crossbow to hunt. Ive been hunting with a compound for quite some time. I didnt even use a scope on any of my guns until about 12 years ago, and Ive been deer hunting for close to 30. You sir, can go back to tasting windows. What flavor is it today? Purple?
  13. So, just an FYI, this storm guy is posting with an IP address that resolves to Florida through a T-mobile account. He uses a newly created free email service account. I doubt he hunts here at all. This guy is a troll. Wouldnt shock me if its one of the other anticrossbow member's second account. I have all of the IPs logged, email account, etc. Ill do a bit more digging on it later when I have some time.
  14. Horseshit. Most modern crossbows shoot arrows. The only differences between a crossbow arrow and a compound arrow are the nock is a bit different, length and the thickness of the material used. The crossbow arrows are thicker so that they can get the weight into a shorter shaft. Bolts did not have fletchings. https://www.outdoorlife.com/blogs/master-class/2013/06/bolts-or-arrows-which-correct-crossbows
  15. No they wont. Discussing this stuff with you is pointless. You dont know the facts, and apparently you refuse to even look them up.
  16. If you view hunting as a competition, well then, I feel bad for you.
  17. Thats an airgun that shoots aroows. Its funny how you guys fall for marketing gimmicks and then quote them as some sort of facts to back up your agendas.
  18. Trying to make that kind of point using a marketing gimmick is pretty weak. There are lots of snake oil salesmen out there.
  19. Setback limits, plus most villages, cities, etc have discharge laws. Those do not only apply to guns, they apply to bows, airguns, etc as well.
  20. I dont Want a longer gun season. I’d actually rather have a shorter gun season. Crossbows are just another type of bow. Make it simple and put all bows in bow season.
  21. Maybe among some but not the majority. The only reason why they would be associated with poaching in NY is from when they were not a legal hunting implement. Just a bunch of nonsense that groups like NYB throw around.
  22. Wasn’t my truck lol yeqh he had a really neat rack. I passed On him last year, he had that funky side for 3 years. The year before last it was a single spike, last year it was a double spike and this year it got real funky. His bases were pretty big this year and the rack had good mass for what it was. Theres another one similar to him on the farm with one good side and a double spike on the other.
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