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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. There arent muzzleloaders in bow season now, Im not sure what you are talking about. Equating a 3 day youth season or talk of a possible limited early muzzleloader season (possibly not even during bow season, only in specific WMUs, and run year to year depending on harvest goals) to saying that the DEC wants to put guns into bow season in the future is speculation on your part.
  2. The other advantages to a stuffer are that you dont have as much left at the end, where a grinder will typically have a bit of meat that doesnt get pushed through, and you cant easilly add chunks of cheese or other things that you may not want cut up into the sausage. For example, I like to do batches of snack sticks with cheese chunks in them. I tried doing it with the grinder and it didnt work too well due to the plate the sausage and cheese had to go through. With the stuffer, it just pushes the cheese chunks right into the casing, packed in with the meat. Stuffers are also alot faster than a grinder.
  3. The air pocket isnt created by letting the grinder throat become empty, I dont let mine become empty. Its caused by the shaft of the auger that is smack in the center of the grinding plate.
  4. Sure there are, theres youth season and small game. What does that have to do with anything? Dont sit there and act like we havent had this same basic discussion at least once a year for the past 5 or 6 years lol
  5. 150% pure speculation Doc.
  6. Its not name calling, its a fact. NYB feels that their way of archery hunting, and their views of what should be considered archery equipment are the end all be all, facts and reality be damned. Thats the definition of an elitist. The fact remains that the NYB was the group that influenced the legislators to put the current crossbow regulations and season in place. In their brilliance, they caused a large problem, because now crossbow hunters dont even have to take the archery course! How freaking ridiculous is that? They are killing deer, with archery equipment, without the proper education (shot angles, equipment considerations, blood tracking, effective range, etc) that they give you in the bowhunters class. Im not going to enter into the discussion of what is archery equipment and what isnt with you again. Im also not going to argue about your theory of adding guns to the "early season". Its not "early season", its Archery (or Bow) season, and the vast majority of hunters and hunting groups want it to stay that way.
  7. Just a heads up, stuffing with a grinder works, but its not ideal. You will get an air pocket in the center of the sausage. While its not the end of the world, I find that they turn out a bit on the dry side after cooking when they have that air pocket. If you are going to want to do sausages, I would recommend buying a stuffer. I picked up a 7lb stuffer from Home Depot last year and it works great. https://www.homedepot.com/p/Sportsman-7-lb-Capacity-Vertical-Sausage-Stuffer-801637/206814675?cm_mmc=Shopping|THD|DigitalDecor|google|D29B+Housewares|_pkw__pmt__product_206814675&mid=spqnFKJHw|dc_mtid_8903yuu57254_pcrid_51166497102_pkw__pmt__product_206814675_slid_&gclid=Cj0KCQiAvrfSBRC2ARIsAFumcm8A_WCH8Ryi7j8NZ7vGJjDfee8kRFr1mrq4_qLvuwnlrvz9jRTm-doaAkS4EALw_wcB
  8. Thats a hell of a stretch, honestly. Mistaking the number of points on an antler at close range is not even in the same ballpark as misidentifying a human for a deer.
  9. No, this is what you get when a small group of elitists like NYB are allowed to influence the legislators that push through laws that deal with things that they have no knowledge about. If NY hunting laws were passed purely by a real wildlife management agency or committee, I doubt we would see as much stupid, arbitrary nonsense go through. Things change and evolve over time, if you cant or wont adapt, you get left behind. Its always been that way and it will always be that way.
  10. I got my Alpha Dogg basically for free with a couple of Amazon gift cards last year. I wouldnt call $169 big bucks though. If and when I decide to upgrade, Ill go with the FoxPro Shockwave or whatever similar call they have at that point.
  11. That is just simply not true. Things are vastly different across many parts of the state, for a variety of reasons. I am personally against ARs because it is just another way that people are pushing their way of hunting on others, which I do not see as being right or fair. Would it affect my personal hunting? Most likely not, unless we are talking about large, more mature 6 points under a 4 on a side restriction, which is the only way it would accomplish anything in this area. I would much rather see the DEC continue with their education on the benefits of passing young deer, and leave the choice to the hunter.
  12. With a 3 per side or even a 4 per side restriction, many 1.5s are still going to get shot.
  13. Happy Birthday Doc! Have a great day and stay warm!
  14. You wont have to upgrade your lights. Wicked makes some of the best stuff out there.
  15. Their newer e-callers have a good reputation. Ive been using mine for about a year so far and have had no problems with it whatsoever. I know a couple of guys that have the model below mine, and havent had any complaints either, other than they arent that loud, as its a single speaker call. The Alpha Dogg actually has 3 speakers.
  16. Belo, tell ya what, I have a cheap e-caller laying around that you can have. Its not the loudest or the best, but I have called fox in with it. It should get you going. Let me get my stuff moved to the new house and Ill dig it out for you, free of charge. If free isnt your thing, then you can meet me somewhere and buy me a beer and we can shoot the breeze.
  17. For sure. Im not far behind you. My next investment will be a new dedicated predator rifle, most likely with one of the ATN scopes on it. My current rig is my deer rifle with a Wicked Light setup on it. I tried to keep it on the cheap for a few years. It didnt work lol
  18. I would say find someone that has the gear and ask to go with them a time or two. I doubt your "friend" would be getting out of getting up early or staying out late though. You should warn your "friend" though, if and when hes there and a fox or coyote come in, hes gonna be hooked.
  19. If hes fine with a single speaker call, there are other, cheaper options out there. I wouldnt recommend it though. for $60 more, he can get all of the features of the Alpha Dogg.
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