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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Typically, from what I have found, the deer dont eat the hog radish tubers, just the greens. Thats crazy that they didnt touch the greens though, those are the first things that get hammered on our plots.
  2. And there you go taking something that is a completely valid point, and twisting it into something completely different, an extreme. Shocker
  3. Have you been reading the threads? Ive addressed all of it multiple times, given my opinions and ideas on how I believe the issues would best be handled. I dont claim that any one or even two changes are magic bullets to solve everything. Your descriptions are bunk.
  4. You said... "There are a lot of dumb people out in the woods and some of them shouldn't have kids let alone kids that hunt ." That is what my response was about. In any case, generalizing if a kid is ready to hunt at a certain age is a very broad brush approach. Ill tell you right now that my daughter has been ready for at least the last 2 years. Other kids her age may or may not be, but she is, and NY cant make that call. I can though, because I know her and I know her capabilities. As a parent of 2 kids that are becoming active in school, sports, etc, I know all about what kind of distractions are out there for kids entering the NY mandated hunting age range. Its not going to be an easy feat keeping them in the woods. I cant imagine how hard it would be to get a kid that hasnt been introduced to it at a very young age, started at the age of 12. You wonder why the average age of hunters keeps going up in NY? Well, making people wait till their kids are already eyeballs deep in school and sports is one of the reasons.
  5. Cool pic of the housecat. Meow.
  6. Have at it there boss, if hes aging deer by their nose shapes, then he probably doesnt know what hes doing.
  7. Thats the answer you will get from DEC, retailers, etc. Where did I say that I believe thats who is buying it. I actually dont give a rats patoot who buys it. I really dont care who uses it either. I just get a kick out of people that post pictures of their cams with a big bait pile and then get all defensive when someone gives them crap for it.
  8. They sell it because it is legal to use for livestock (deer farms, etc) and so that guys heading out of state can pick it up before they leave for their trip, camp, etc.
  9. I dont keep up with the bear stuff too much at this point, but I know they are becoming alot more prevalent than they used to be. Have to agree that DEC needs to get ahead of that one. Dont want this to become New Jersey.
  10. Id like to see: -backtags go away in the SZ -year round coyote hunting -sunrise and sunset rules go to 30 mins before and 30 mins after -1 buck rule -no more either sex tags -all antlerless tags be for designated WMU -crossbows in all of bow season -allow baiting in high population zones -minimum hunting age lowered or removed
  11. If they would do something stupid with a 9 year old, you dont think they will do the same stupid thing with a 12 year old? If lowering the age limits would be such a bad thing, it should be easy to find stats to show it, since many states have a lower or no age limit at all.
  12. Come on NYAntler, go back and look at what Doc has said multiple times. Magic bullet (not plural), cure all, etc. He always acts like any suggested change is being proposed to be THE single fix for all of NY's management woes. Thats nothing but a facility that he puts out there to justify the point hes trying to make. 20 years ago they upped doe tags because previously they issued few in order to bring the deer numbers up, then they wanted to drop them. Did they do a perfect job? No, but it was better than what would have happened if they left it the way it was. Heck, we obviously still have areas with too many deer despite raising the doe tag numbers in those areas. These days, its pretty obvious to me that the DEC doesnt have a flipping clue what to do, and not changing anything is not going to do any good. I would rather see changes that make sense, and have been proven to work in similar circumstances, put into place, than what the DEC has been doing as of late.
  13. Cant have a single post without calling one rule change a magic bullet, or a cure all can you? I know you arent ignorant enough to really believe that anyone that knows anything about deer management would think there is such a thing. Nobody said any state is perfect, just that some other states are alot better than NY in the way they manage deer. But just keep blowing what is said out of proportion, twisting words and statements so you can try to justify your opinions. Also, you complain about proven management practices, you complain about new ideas, you say the DEC has no idea what its doing. Its gotten to the point of being just plain funny.
  14. Muzzle doesnt matter, they dont all get a big roman nose. Not sure which pic is showing you the back line good enough to go by. I know what kind of bucks come out of LI, similar to what comes out of this area.
  15. Hes young, Id let him go. Thats just me though. He does have a cool rack.
  16. That buck is not 2.5, hes not a 3.5 either. Forget the rack, look at the body. Belly sag, shoulders and quarters evenly sized, legs look proportionate, bottom of neck connects fairly low on the chest. 4.5 minimum, but Id say 5.5, possibly older. Those pic angles are tricky, but if you look, you'll see what I mean.
  17. If you do a little looking into the type of machines we are talking about here, Im sure youll see that they arent just beefed up golf carts lol.
  18. How about you back up your claims for once? Other than the ability to take a rest easier, and the fact that its pre-cocked, lets see some proof that they are any better.
  19. They will hit them as soon as they start growing.I planted them last year and they could never really get going, as the deer nipped them off when they were less than 2" tall. Put a containment cage in the plot, youll see how they are using them.
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