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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. If its not town, county, state or federal land, its owned by someone.
  2. You are 110% wrong about this. I have had people ticketed for trespassing on land that had NO posted signs. Their tickets stuck and they paid fines. I have not posted my property, and I can guarantee you, if I catch you trespassing, you will be ticketed. Bottom line is, there are no parcels of land that are not owned by someone. It is on you, as the party that would like to utilize the land, to gain the proper permission to do so, otherwise you are leaving yourself open to legal issues, and you are just being a plain disrespectful jerk. If you dont own it, its not state land, and you dont have permission, stay off. Pretty simple really. People that carry around the "I can go wherever I want if its not posted" attitude are the reason why land access is the number 1 problem facing hunting today.
  3. I was thinking the same thing.
  4. Only thing with that shot is you blow both shoulders out. Not much usable meat from the front quarters if you hit them right. I had 1 buck run about 70 yards once, with my muzzleloader at 190 yards. My 308 has dropped every one of them in their tracks. With shotgun slugs, it’s like you cut their legs out from under them.
  5. Yeah it carries great. I bought A Magpul QD sling for it and it barely feels like it’s there.
  6. Gotcha. That’s where I like To hit them, most of the time they drop in their tracks. Maybe I’ll play with bullet choice and give it another try sometime.
  7. I’m legally blind in my left eye so I cant switch. If I had No other option, I’d try it out, but working the bolt with my right hand comes natural and I dont Feel like experimenting any more this year. Between last year and so far this season, I’ve been going through a rough patch with my deer hunting. I need Some success. I’ll go back to my trusty 308 next season when I’ve had time to put her back together and get things right.
  8. I know A couple of guys that use them. Deer don’t go far. Just have to be aware of meat damage.
  9. Same as what I read, which was why I have Been using it. Maybe it’s just the bullet I chose. In any case, I’m not screwing with it anymore this year. I’ll test other rounds out on yotes later on.
  10. I dont think it was. Looked pretty square in the shoulder. I dont have any confidence in it at this point. The blood trail was pathetic. Might be fine for yotes but it isn’t what I want In a deer round. This season has been giving me a kick in the nuts so far. I’m done experimenting for this year. Unfortunately my options right now are limited to my dads old Remmy 7400 308 which isn’t the most accurate thing I own, or the Browning 300 Win Mag I bought This year. My VTR is still in pieces from having it Cerakoted. Overkill is better than limiting my range to 100-125 yards with the 7400, so I’m dropping a scope on the Browning tonight and sighting it in Saturday.
  11. It is a 6.5 grendel, not a Creedmor. Hornady SST 123gr. It’s only 17gr less than the 140s I use In my 308. Charts show 1000 plus ft/lb at 300 yards. You’d think it would be finest under 100. Entry and exit were small with a very weak blood trail. Not what I like In a deer round.
  12. At 11am today I shot A nice doe from 90 yards. I was Aiming for mid to high shoulder. At the shot she buckled a bit and then took off into the brush lot next door. I had a smoke and went to look. No blood, but I could Make out her tracks. Followed for 75 yards before there was blood, but it wasn’t much. I backed Out for a few hours. To make a long story short, I tracked As far as I could And then a small grid search and found her about 1/2 hour ago. Coyotes had already gotten her, tore up a back strap and rear quarter. I could Make out the hit, right where I aimed. She had gone 450 yards. I am putting the 6.5 away and getting one of my other rifles together and sighted in Saturday. I can Say that I would Not recommend that round for deer based on my experience. Maybe I’ll keep it around for yotes, or maybe I’ll get rid of it. I dunno.
  13. Just had 2 does come running through, I waited To see if there was a buck trailing. Instead, another doe was behind them, limping hard. I followed her in the scope to see if she would prevent a clear shot, but she didn’t. I could Clearly see a bleeding wound on her right rear leg. I feel Bad that I couldnt Put her out of her misery but it was just too thick where she went through.
  14. Took a slow walk in this morning just after it got light. Found 2 sets of big, fresh tracks despite only having 2 deer on camera all night. Not sure if I’ll do another all day sit or not. It’s back to work for me tomorrow, and the 9 days off starting Saturday.
  15. This afternoons sit was completely dead. Didn’t see a single deer after about 1pm. It was so slow that I sat Right up till dark just to see if they came out late. Nope. Nada.
  16. Not bad. Tons of tubers and clover in there still. They have been feeding in it a lot. Digging things up, etc.
  17. I just Watched this mink hunt down and catch a mouse under the snow. So cool. He was about 15 yards away.
  18. This morning I had To take some of the kids to school so I was Late getting in the woods. I wanted To sit in one of the ground blinds so I headed There only to find the roof caved in from snow. Rather than cause a racket monkeying with it, I went Down to the tower. About 15 mins after I get Here I spot Some movement about 150 yards out in some thick stuff. I got My binos on it and saw it was the big 10 working scrapes. I grunted a couple of times but he didn’t respond so I just Watched and waited to see if he would get into a spot for a shot. No such luck. Watched him for about 20 mins working scrapes before he vanished into some pines. ive also seen 2 doe groups moving and currently have 2 young does at 30 yards feeding in the plot. Lots of movement so far today.
  19. Well, got down a while ago and walked over to where I saw Her fall. No deer. Bright red blood spots everywhere. You could see she had rolled around and gotten up. Looked at the spot where she fell and from the imprint in the snow, chunks of fat and bits of bone along with black hair, it wasn’t giving me a good feeling. I tracked Her for about 100 yards until I came Upon her. As she ran I could Clearly see I hit Her in the back straps Above the shoulder as she disappeared into the thicket. im starting to hate hunting this place. I’m going to take the rifle out and see where it’s shooting to figure out if it was me or if the scope got whacked while it was in the closet after I sighted It in.
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