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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Dont need to build a whole new rifle, just build a new upper.
  2. Travel insurance is a must on a cruise. If you get sick or injured, you are going to rack up enormous medical bills, and your regular health insurance wont pick up the tab. Ever see the bill for being airlifted off of a ship at sea? One cruise that I went on with my sons mom, her mother went, got drunk and fell asleep on a deck chair. Sun poisoning. I had to loan her close to $5k to cover the bills she had, and they werent going to let her off of the ship until they were paid.
  3. As far as cruises go, I would probably hold off a bit. Once the Corona virus ordeal is over with, the cruise lines will be begging people to book with them and deals should be great. I have been on cruises before, the best part about them, to me at least, is getting to see a bunch of different places on one trip. If you find somewhere that you really like, you can book a full vacation to that location. I have a couple of trips to places in mind from visiting them on cruise excursions. Until I was talked into actually going on a cruise, I was one of those "no friggin way" people.
  4. If you think that doesnt happen in just about every restaurant, youre kidding yourself. A buddy of mine owns a fire supresion system company, and I have done some of the installs with him in the past. I stopped because the number of "nopes" in my "will i eat there" list was becoming too long.
  5. Here are a few pics from our stay last summer. The first two are from my drone, in the first one you will see the proximity of the house to the beach, its the one with the reddish orange roof. The second pic is from just above the house looking East toward Atlantic Beach, where the closest retail shopping and restaurants are. The third is sunrise from the 3rd floor deck.
  6. I couldnt recommend this more. The neighborhood is nice and quiet, the house is amazingly beautiful, and the location is very convenient to a ton of great restaurants, plenty of shopping and a number of area attractions. Last year will not be our only vacation there.
  7. Things they havent seen yet. I actually love it out there, once you get out of the city, its great. Its really too bad the politics that happen up in the northern areas makes it look like a looney bin. Everyone I met and talked to in SoCal was pretty normal, and sounded like many of us in Western NY where theyd like to see the liberal hell holes broken off into their own state. It really is beautiful out there.
  8. LOL, yeah Im SOL on that one this year. Kids are bugging me to take them to Cali for vacation this year so Im not sure what we are doing yet.
  9. I run an ATN NV scope along with a Wicked Lights IR/red gun light, a red scanning light and a red headlamp. If you look over on some of the predator hunting sites like PredatorMasters, etc you can find great deals on used equipment to keep your budget in check. My next move will be thermal, but I have other things to spend money on before I do that.
  10. Great price on that, too bad its the angled version or Id buy it.
  11. Im not going to be there this year, Evan has a hockey tournament that weekend.
  12. Im a Crown guy mostly, but Jack, Jim and Johnny are also in the running when I want something different. If its a choice between drinking really cheap whisky or not drinking anything, I wont drink anything.
  13. Geeze, thats the opposite of my weekend. Ill be in Canadia with the GF and both kids for a hockey tournament. I am getting out of doing anything for actual Valentines day for now though lol.
  14. I stopped justifying new gun acquisitions a long time ago lol. I just buy what I want.
  15. I would keep it honestly. If you have an issue with the thermal, you can set the rifle up with a regular scope and this light. Thats one of the reasons I bought the Wicked model with IR and red visible modes, so I can use the red light if my NV scope dies.
  16. Very cool, congrats! Brantley Gilbert puts on a great show! Ive seen him around here and in Nashville.
  17. I was just commenting on what you posted. I know how PETA operates, no need to nit pick what word I used. I have no issue with any type of hunting contest, as long as the participants are following all of the laws, no problem as far as Im concerned. Half the reason why the hunting community falls short with organizing against the threats to the sport, is because you have all of these little factions that have their mind made up that something is awful because its not what they would do, regardless of the legality. Alot of those factions act like they are afraid of their own shadow when it comes to anti hunting groups. "Dont post pictures of dead animals online." "Dont wear camo in public." "Legal contests are bad.", etc etc. To hell with that stuff, be proud of being a hunter, and support your fellow hunters that are doing what they do legally, even if you wouldnt choose to hunt that way. If someone is hunting illegally, go ahead and be vocal about it, but stop bashing other hunters because they dont hunt like you choose to. If we dont start supporting each other and standing shoulder to shoulder against these threats, we are going to seal the fate of the sport that we love.
  18. Practicing at night isnt necessary, but its not a bad thing either. The more familiar you are with your equipment, the more proficient with it you will be.
  19. You actually think PETA only hates hunting because of pictures on the internet or coyote hunting contests? Just keep on bending to their whims and see where it gets us.
  20. Sure, a tractor with a brush hog raised up. When Im knocking down brush, Ill raise the cutter up as high as I can and back it into the brush slowly. Just make sure theres noone around when you are doing it, as stuff tends to fly everywhere. Theres also an attachment now that mounts on the front loader, you can have it twisted to different angles for trimming the sides of trails, etc. Im sure it isnt cheap though.
  21. Or any politics for that matter. Good lord, the guy was a basketball player, give the Trump and Clinton crap a rest for once. Im not a basketball fan, or a Kobe Bryant fan, but damn. All further comments in this thread that even mention politics in any way shape or form will be deleted. Any trash talking about the people that died in this accident will also be deleted.
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