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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Exactly. Ive been in the same boat many times with critters. Hell, Ive missed fox at 50 yards at night before. They can and do change directions quick. Sometimes I bring the shotty as well as the rifle.
  2. From Treeguys accounts from last year, you might want to use traps with a shorter chain Bob.
  3. Do any of you guys in the WNY area have or know someone that has an enclosed car trailer that would be willing to transport my Hellcat? Im moving in a couple of weeks and have to get the car from its current spot in my garage, to a space I got ahold of in Greece. Im not looking for free, Ill pay of course. I am not driving the car there with salt on the roads.
  4. If you guys need some company this year, give me a buzz. I already have my rifle checked and fresh batteries in my scope, caller and lights.
  5. Yep, Ill actually be right around the corner from you for a while.
  6. If I wasnt in the middle of moving and all of that good stuff, Id consider it.
  7. https://parts.subaru.com/p/subaru_2019_forester/REMOTE-ENGINE-STARTER---P/78572584/H001SSJ001.html Go factory.
  8. hahahahaha seriously though, you could smoke a whole field of hemp and not get a buzz
  9. There was a certain member that used to be wayyyyy into alternative food plotting, and they swore up and down that deer love hemp plants. Up in Honeoye Falls, there are hemp fields, but Im not sure how hard the deer hit them.
  10. This one had probably the longest spikes I’ve ever seen on him. His brows wouldn’t have been long enough to count as points though.
  11. Just had a spike with brow tines walk through at about 100 yards.
  12. Evan and I are out for the evening sit. Haven’t seen much action on cameras, but figured we would get some hunts in none the less.
  13. Oh those thoughts have been mulling around already. Love the action on this rifle. It’s so much more smooth than my R700, and that’s comparing a lower end Browning with an upper end R700.
  14. I’ve been a bit on the sensitive side with recoil, generally I dont like a lot of it, which is why I couldnt get away from slug guns fast enough. Now that I’ve been shooting this one a bit and have hunted with it, the recoil isn’t really bad at all. When I shot my doe last weekend, I didnt even feel it. The one thing I dont enjoy is the length of this rifle. That 26” pipe is longer than I like in a hunting rifle, but there could be worse things. If it really starts getting to me, I can always switch back to my 308.
  15. I shot it off of the rest. It depends where I hunt If there is opportunity for long range or not. Most shots are not though.
  16. Got the scope put on my Browning AB3 300 Win Mag last night, and picked up some ammo today. I went With Fusion 180gr ammo, and it looks like I found A winner! I think I also Just found my new favorite hunting rifle! The recoil on it is nowhere near what I thought It would be, the action is silky smooth, and man oh man can she shoot. I put 3 rounds down range, adjusted the scope to them and knocked out a 2 round group, slight scope adjustment and a single shot dead on.
  17. LOL, If Im using a rifle with a magazine, and I drive between hunting spots, I dont unload the magazine, I make sure the rifle is unloaded, put the round that was in the chamber back in the magazine, and put that magazine in my pocket with the rifle in the back seat. Good to go! The one kinda silly law that you can and will get pinched on, is leaning a loaded firearm against a vehicle. I was there when two of my buddys got those tickets. Rifles leaned against the tire, even with no round in the chamber, they got tickets.
  18. Oh it will cost you money. You either pay the court or the lawyer, or both.
  19. I just spit some of my drink on my desk
  20. Yep, they have some room to interpret the laws. This time the judge stuck to them.
  21. It was a woods/field area. Some of the people that were ticketed that year tried to fight it, as we didnt have posted signs up. The judge told them that they were trespassing, posted signs or no posted signs, and handed them their fines. They didnt have lawyers, but why would you? The fines really arent that steep anyway. We had never kicked them off previously, no warnings, just called the Sheriff. The areas they were on had no noticeable "improvements" within eyeshot.
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