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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Thanks. I love my 20s, they are faster and flatter than a 12 and they dont pound your shoulder as much. I cant wait to see what happens with testing the different slugs.
  2. Why do I think what happened? Me not making a good shot on the deer or the slug only penetrating the ground a couple of inches? As far as the shot goes, 100% my fault, I aimed a little too low and the deer's body was moving up as I pulled the trigger. As for the round only hitting meat and only going into the ground 2 inches from 60 yards away? I dont know, and dont really care, Ill be switching slugs. Ive had too many bad experiences with these ones.
  3. When we were looking for blood or hair, we saw a gleam of something metallic in the shine of the flashlight.
  4. VJP, you act like backtags are a new thing, or that they affect you in any way other than having to pin something onto your jacket. Im no lemming, and get plenty active about issues that would truly affect me or others in a negative fashion. I do not think that efforts to get rid of backtags are going to have any affect on any aspect of hunting. The effort should really be directed at real issues instead of this nit picking nonsense. It just serves as another distraction to the real issues.
  5. was the shotgun requirement for when running with dogs? Im not sure about the regs for using dogs or coon hunting.
  6. You guys can read right in the regs that hunting coyotes at night with a spotlight and any weapon is 100% legal. You are not allowed to shoot coyotes from a car or across a highway, and you are not allowed to do so during any open deer season.
  7. Nope. Broadside. I am stumped...must be the gun...I'll give you $50 for it Its not a pretty gun, but I love it, it was the very first gun I ever bought or owned other than a BB gun. Shes got alot of deer to her name, and will never leave my family. I might retire her at some point though. For now, Id just like to find a more effective slug. I dont like paying $15 a box for slugs that dont do their job very well.
  8. This is just the latest example. The unexpanded slug is not the biggest worry, its the fact that if it only hit meat, why was it slowed down enough to only go 2 inches into the ground on a 60 yard shot?
  9. Yep. Crap performance. Culver, there was a small chunk of meat in the bottom of the hollow point.
  10. Ok, here are pics of the slug. The area that did expand is where a small rock, about the same size as the slug, was lodged in it. As you can see it did not expand the way it should. Add to that we found it after it had only penetrated the ground an inch or two. Far less penetration than youd expect.
  11. Heres the full story... http://abclocal.go.com/wabc/story?section=news/local/northern_suburbs&id=7838864 The guy was arrested and is in jail. Hopefully he spends lots of time there and is never allowed to hunt again. Im with you Culver, I dont ever shoulder my gun unless I am 100% sure of what Im shooting at.
  12. The pics are uploading now, they will be in the other thread.
  13. Yes, they kill even if they dont expand, but the deer tend to run a long way. I shot a doe with the slugs two years ago that ran 500 yards with a double lung/ top of the heart shot. Whaen I looked at the hole on both sides, it was a small hole in and out, the slug did not expand and the deer ran a long way. I am not blaming the slug for not getting this deer, it was a bad shot on my part, but the fact that I hit it in the brisket, which shouldnt take much out of it, and I still found the slug in the dirt, about 2 inches in, mostly unexpanded, is disparaging. Thats why I started the other thread about it.
  14. Look, if you hunt in the southern zone, you have to wear a back tag. I dont care what you were brought up with, thats no excuse. Just put it on, its not that tough to do. You have a tag on your car, motorcycle, ATV, Reg numbers on your snowmobile and boat right? Its the same deal. Why do they really need those things now days? They can put a bar code on your car and read it from quite a way, while youre moving. Why are they needed? I swear, some of you guys would complain about anything lol.
  15. Just a quick update guys, Deer Search called me back at 8pm tonight. Thats only 3 days later lol. They must be low on volunteers, Ive never had them call back in more than 3 hours.
  16. Unless we end up with three this weekend, Ill take you up on that. I need meat in the freezer lol. Thanks!
  17. No, just someone that doesnt give a crap about a backtag. Its like saying why do we have to have 2 plates on our cars in NY when many other states just use 1. Who cares, there are better things to be worried about.
  18. So after doing a bit of research and hearing what has been said, I think the slugs Ill be testing in my gun will be the Hornady SSTs, Remington Premier Core-Lokts, and the Winchester Supreme Elites. If anyone has any other suggestions in sabots, Id like to hear them. BTW, I will not be going with Lightfields, those rounds lose too much steam after 100 yards and arent accurate enough past 50 yards for me. Been there, done that. They were the first slugs I used in this barrel and they were fine up close, but I want to be able to put something down at 125 yards.
  19. Right on. The Remington Copper Solids group great in my gun, Ive been shooting 3 inch groups with them since I really made an effort to figure out what shot best with that gun. Like I said, they arent expanding, and it wasnt just this last time. Ill try to get a picture up of the slug from Saturday, the only expansion happened when it hit the ground.
  20. What in the world is the big deal with back tags anyhow? They are no real inconvenience, just wear them and quit yer b*tchin.
  21. Well if I shoot one you can have it...lol That is going straight into my steel trap memory Bob!
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