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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. Correct. Shortening the season would drop the pressure by quite a bit and the deer would be out and about more during the daylight hours. If you can only get out gun hunting 2 or 3 days, then pick up a ML or a bow and up the time you have in the woods. Its a pretty simple concept really. I actually started bow hunting for just that reason, to get more time in the woods. I started ML hunting for the same reason this year too. great as long as you are physically capable of bowhunting...no so much if you aren't Ahhhhh, and thats where the x-bow comes into play.
  2. Correct. Shortening the season would drop the pressure by quite a bit and the deer would be out and about more during the daylight hours. If you can only get out gun hunting 2 or 3 days, then pick up a ML or a bow and up the time you have in the woods. Its a pretty simple concept really. I actually started bow hunting for just that reason, to get more time in the woods. I started ML hunting for the same reason this year too.
  3. http://woodenplans.com/category/gun-cabinet-plans http://www.leeswoodprojects.com/gun_cabinet.html http://www.binkyswoodworking.com/JimSportsmen.php http://www.docstoc.com/docs/5798400/free-gun-cabinet-plans
  4. This thread isnt about the overall strategy to help the herd, its just about gun season length. Shortening gun season equal less deer killed, correct? I never said that changing season lengths was THE solution to all of the issues, I said it was PART of it.
  5. shortening the GUN season is part of it. The overall season should be extended. What state with a rep for great hunting has 5 consecutive weeks of gun hunting?
  6. What you quoted are the restrictions for night hunting, not daytime hunting. The rules are slightly different.
  7. What are you talking about? If its broke dont fix it? :
  8. Gun season is 4 weeks long plus another of ML which makes 5, where have you been? If you go back and look at what I originally said toward the beginning of the thread, youd see that I would like to see a 2 week gun season, followed by a week or so of going back to bow/x-bow, then a 2 week Late ML season with iron sights only. I believe that it would put less stress on the deer herd and make for better hunting for everyone. BTW, dont preach to me, I hunt 8h as well and spend more time in the woods than the average guy.
  9. taking a couple of weeks off of gun season would dramatically reduce the pressure on the deer. Havent you noticed how they all come out of the woodwork during late season, because gun pressure has dropped off? Most guys I know are done hunting after the first couple of weeks for the most part anyway. If you made ML season 2 weeks and didnt allow scopes, guys would only end up losing 1 week of a firearms season.
  10. Thanks everyone, Im going to finish cutting her up tonight, and we will be grilling up some backstrap tomorrow evening before we go hunting yotes!
  11. The only things fox effect are small game and turkey eggs and poults. They have zero effect on deer except they scavenge dead ones. Ive seen deer and fox out in fields together, the deer watch them and once in a while blow at them, but thats about it.
  12. It works just as well even when there is no snow on the ground. You have to remember, deer dont see colors like we do, they see more of a black and white with blues and greens.
  13. No offense Sam but you are not doing the farmer any favors by posting the location where that buck was shot if its legit. Good point, name of landowner removed.
  14. Id be trying to figure out where hes coming from and get closer to there before Id sit in the same blind hoping. Good luck.
  15. The other day I saw them out in the fields at full force at 1 in the afternoon. I have been seeing them both on the way to work and home as well. Ive been seeing alot of turkeys too.
  16. So I have hunted all kinds of cold, windy weather with this camo and it just plain rocks. Never did I wear anything under it other than my base layers and the only part of me that was covered and got cold, was my feet. Time for new boots I guess. The Warp Knit fabric is quiet as can be and doesnt hang up on brush. Burdocks stick to it, but what dont they stick to? I will not hesitate to buy more from Predator, great quality stuff.
  17. Thanks Doe, yeah it feels great to end that drought. I havent gone 2 years without a deer in a looooooong time lol.
  18. We need one of those count down clock on here...."272 days til bow season"..lol John? You working on that yet????
  19. For me in this stage of my life the wife, kids, parents, etc. are way more important to me. Hunting is just a temporary escape for a couple of months each year. I will think about next hunting season NEXT hunting season. Over the years I have learned that one misses out on many things in life simply waiting for the next hunting season. Debbie downer!
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