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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. As some of you may have read in another topic, I have been using Remington Copper Solid slugs in my 20 gauge with the problem of it going through the deer without expanding and leaving very small entry and exit holes. I am done using them, and am looking to find a slug that will give me the same type of performance accuracy wise, but will expand better upon impact. I havent had time to do much research, but I thought I had heard Hornady was making a ballistic tip slug for 20 gauge now? What are you guys using?
  2. HAHAHA, glad you liked it bud! ;D
  3. Nothing wrong with the meat on that deer. As soon as you skin it out, it looks the same. Id eat it.
  4. I guess I stand corrected, didn't mean to sound ignorant So what I meant is if you use any type of illegal attractant you should stay home. Since that is what the topic is about I though it was pretty much a given. I wasnt trying to make you sound ignorant or anything like that erussell, just thought Id say it nicely before someone jumped on it lol.
  5. Thanks guys. Yeah Bob, it sucks. Ill be back after him with the ML, who knows, maybe Ill get lucky. Ill start another thread about slugs lol.
  6. This is my favorite part of the story... "We are here to witness the slaughter and help bring it to the public's attention," said Janine Motta, of Manalapan, in Monmouth County, who said she is a member of the Animal Protection League. Metler is executive director of APL, which is headquartered in Englishtown, also in Monmouth County. Motta called on New Jersey to pursue non-lethal means of controlling bear-human conflicts, "like several states already do." However, when asked which states she was referring to, Motta said, "I can't name them at this moment." When she returned after consulting with Metler, she said, "It's parts of some states," but again was not able to give specific examples. Of course she cant site any examples. Antis arguments are always full of baseless points and misinformation. These people are a joke.
  7. Why wouldnt it stop with crossbows, they are archery equipment, so they fit perfectly into archery season. I truly hope that more people that read your flawed logic (similar to that of Chicken Little), dont get sucked into a sky is falling attitude by thinking that I, or others that share a similar opinion, would ever want to introduce guns in any form into archery season. I simply see no reason to exclude archery equipment from archery season, and I dont see a crossbow being slightly more accurate or easier to become proficient with as a bad thing.
  8. I think you are right, but its tough to tell because the rain overnight washed away any blood. His trail was easy to see in the bean field once it was light out, and either he is one clumsy deer or he was stumbling alot. I found where he went into the woods, and kicked through every bit of thick stuff I had permission to get to. I kicked a bunch of deer out of there, it looks to be one of the main bedding areas. BTW, this is not the first time I have shot a deer and the slugs I use just punch a smallish hole and dont expand. The last time I shot a deer with those slugs, it didnt expand and the deer ran 500 yards after a good vital hit. Ill be changing slugs after this year, no more solid copper for me. Oh, and Ive borrowed a ML from a guy that wont be using it. Ill be out this coming weekend again.
  9. 100% correct. If and when the dog is brought out, the only weapon will be my gutting knife.
  10. So if you use scents, food plots or calls, you should stay home erussell? Sorry, but those are all types of attractants. C'mere deer is consumed by the deer, is not a food plot and is therefore illegal.
  11. This topic has been moved to Small Game Hunting. [iurl]http://huntingny.com/forums/index.php?topic=2774.0[/iurl]
  12. Yeah ok Doc, I never said I didnt want to discuss the topic and I never danced around the issue. You were the one to start twisting things. If youd like to discuss my original statement, Id be perfectly happy to.
  13. I went back out to look. All blood is gone with the rain. I found the spot where I shot it, 4 foot by 2 foot area of white hair with a little brown hair. Found his trail through the bean field and where it looks like he went into some thick woods. I am trying to get permission from the land owner to search the woods. Deer search still hasnt called. I have a friend that knows someone with a cadaver dog that is good wjth tracking deer. He will call them if deer search doesnt come. Im still hopeful but its not looking good.
  14. So yesterday I had a buck come out that I believe is the big nontypical that ive had 2 encounters with this year. I shot at him when he was at @ 60 yards. I saw him jump straight up and kick his back legs out right as I shot, then he took off at a dead run with his tail tucked. By the time I got down and started looking around, it was dark. One of my friends came over and we found the slug, which wasnt expanded much, some whit and brown hair, then nothing for a touch over 100 yards. At that point we found small spots of bright red blood, then he crossrd a road and wsnt into a cut bean field which was all mud, so we stopped looking as we didnt want to push him. I marked the trail with orange tape and called deer search. Havent heard back yet. Im hunting now with another buddy, but will go back and search more this morning. Ill be bummed if we dont find it, but if not, I hope he lives to try and outwit me next year lol.
  15. Not the blue jacket? Arrow, deer see the blue spectrum of light the best. Sorry to hear about that blur. Try again today if you can.
  16. I shot the big nontypical at 420. Tracking him now.
  17. Went home for lunch, now im back in the stand. I grabbed my trusty old mossberg for this sit. I have my pistol as well just in case I need the range.
  18. Just had 3 doe come through. Couldnt get them to stop in a lane.
  19. I put a stalk on the bottom ive been watching and then sat early this morning. Didnt see anything so I packed up and headed to my honeyhole. Ive heard a ton of shooting so the deer must be on their feet. We will see I guess.
  20. http://www.etradebabymail.com/?mId=38002376.3
  21. Look Doc, making assumptions and taking everything to the extreme like you are doing is whats dangerous. My line of reasoning adds up to nothing more than what was said. The only possible way to twist it into what you are saying is to totally change it, which takes it from one line of reasoning to another. I could take almost any line of reasoning and twist it into just about anything I want if I change enough words in it.
  22. A tiger pit! Great idea Geno! ;D
  23. two things Ive learned this year... 1 - Never stop trying to gain access to more land, it will happen eventually. 2 - Find a way to lock or secure all of your stands and blinds.
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