Get ready and enjoy the ride..... I have two girls , like they tell me , " girls do it better dad ". They are 9 and 7 .
Soon as that coin is tossed I just hope one of my many squares comes in .
No cattails, bogs, marsh type with trees . Depending on beaver dam depends on water height .Any where from 2 feet to waist heigh in water . Your going to get busted walk in ,it would have to be an all day sit.
Has anyone ever placed a stand right smack in the middle of a swamp. I've seen doe go in and doe go out but the only time we see bucks is when we send 3 drivers through the swamp. Wondering if one would benefit from sitting in a stand right in the middle of it . Thoughts ?
Grilled burgers outside on the ole weber like it was a beautiful spring day .. I hope we don't get winter at all this year .
Grampy where did ya look .