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Everything posted by sbuff

  1. 18 month average wait in Albany county.
  2. I've seen that pic before labeled stealth cam ? https://www.outdoorhub.com/amp/index.php/gruesome-trail-cam-pics-show-mature-whitetail-eaten-alive-pack-coyotes
  3. Cool... My last deer I shot last year was with in 5' of dropping in my trail cameras view . When I walked up to check the deer I didn't even realize I was on camera until after I viewed the chip.
  4. That breech plug won't ignite it 100 percent if I recall. Taken from cva : If you plan to use Blackhorn 209 powder I would highly recommend it a new plug.The Blackhorn 209 Breech Plug is specifically designed for CVA rifle owners that want to shoot any loose powder, not only Blackhron 209™. The plug has a hollowed out flash-hole that enables the loose powder granules to settle closer to the 209 ignition source. Whereas the CVA QRBP plug that comes standard with the rifle has a inch long pin-wide, flash-hole, making it tough to ignite loose powder evenly. Also, the QRBP’s flash hole will sometime get plugged by loose powder more easily than the Blackhorn plug, and you will find yourself constantly cleaning the flash-hole before each and every shot.
  5. Going to compare Energizer, Duracell , ray o vac and harbour freight alkaline batterys in my four cams I left at camp. In the past the ray o vac have performed the best for the price . I understand a setting or two can skew the results but should still be close . More to follow come April when I can get back into camp. Located in 6k the snow is piling up.
  6. I got banned off grey beard out doors about ten years ago for supporting a member who made a breach plug for the NEF line of muzzle loaders. Seems like old grey beard and many others with forum or moderator power feel their dictatorship needs to be displayed . This goes for all forums.
  7. Ugh Santa can't find it local ... Thank god for gun broker . T/C Encore® Pro Hunter™ Katahdin Carbine - Thompson/Center https://www.tcarms.com/firearms/interchangeable-platforms/encore-pro-hunter/encore-pro-hunter-katahdin
  8. I asked Santa for a TC encore pro hunter katahdin in 45/70 . What's on everyone's wish list for Christmas...
  9. Close to 30in latham I'm done with winter already
  10. Close to 20 I bet in Latham
  11. Spending more time with my girls and watching them grow.
  12. We love ours,salmon, chicken wings ,Mott sticks,pierogies, fries,sausage all come out great .We bought the Ninja brand one .
  13. I was going to say the same thing , I'm running a 2000 JD rider and a 2003 craftsman push mower .
  14. Or tell them your going to your local gun shop and they will match sale price
  15. I need a tc encore pro hunter to show up on sale !
  16. Someone miss punched, no chance 1 year old.
  17. I'll run my nikon up with the best and still think Nikon has the best glass in that 100 to 300 price range . Sad to see them go . If I buy another scope now it will be Leopold or weaver .
  18. Leopold, Nikon, bushnell,weaver,vortex all got my vote I'd be buying something with at least 4in of eye relief.
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