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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by REDNECK4LIFE32

  1. No just thyme. Potatoes celery onions lots of belly clams butter heavy cream and half and half and salt and pepper too taste. I like mine with saltines and hot sauce. Very good.
  2. Homemade New England clam chowder tonight. Extra clammy too! 2nd pic without half and half or heavy cream. The green is thyme in there. Should be good.
  3. Bloody Mary to start with with Tito's vodka. While making homemade New England clam chowder. Forgot how good they are.
  4. Fuel oil ordered on Monday came this morning was on a 1/3 of a tank. Final payment was 681.16. Starting to get old every month is the same. South Georgia is looking better everyday.
  5. I filled up in Manning SC on Saturday it was 3.33. Traveling from NY to Georgia yearly south Carolina is usually the cheapest state for gas on my trips.
  6. Unleaded was 3.85 at one gas station today and 4.25 for unleaded at another one a 1/2 mile down road maybe be the same tomorrow. Even down south is up there cheapest I seen was south Carolina 3.33.
  7. What are the interest rates on a 30 year mortgage now. I know last May in Georgia we were quoted 2.5% for a VA home loan with no down payment. Bet there up there now. Still debating whether I want to move permanently or buy a furnished vacation rental condo. Use it when we like and rent it weekly or whatever.
  8. Homemade meatloaf with either baked potato or boiled potatoes and homemade milk gravy. Beets or homemade collard greens and my wife's homemade pecan pie or peach cobbler for dessert.
  9. I know that feeling all to well lol. Our car was packed when we left for home on Saturday. We always go down with less and come back with more. Hate throwing good stuff away. Even the yeti was full of cold grocery items well use them up. Enjoy your trip. I'm gonna head back down to st Simons and come back get wife and kids then go back down for spring break the 15 of April to the 23rd then back home.
  10. I'm gonna go pick up paperwork tomorrow. Good looking out. That's probably why the guy told me that. How much is for paperwork? Then you have to be fingerprinted right b4 submitted? I started the process b4 but never submitted it at time.
  11. Good to know. Im wondering how it will be to get me being a veteran with PTSD. Probably shouldn't waste my money. But my wife will get hers. But I know alot of vets in my situation have there's so we'll see. I'm going to also apply in Georgia where I spend alot of time also.
  12. Make sure to say for hunting and target practicing. Don't say for protection purposes. Know a guy who said that with interview with trooper. He didn't get his. I'm in Clinton county. My wife and I are getting ours also with everything that's happening in this world. Plus traveling you never know who your gonna meet.
  13. Well on way back up north. Stopped to find some pistol and small rifle caliber primers here in south Carolina no places got them. Friend will be disappointed. Gas is 333 a gallon. Next stop stoney Creek VA for big pig bbq. Or the gun shop just off 95 in north Carolina if there open.
  14. My buddies place has great sun sets. Plus got to hold onto some firearms that aren't aloud in NY and ain't compliant. Met some good people a year ago and glad to call them not my friends but family now.
  15. Thanks it was a great getaway. Semi quiet island but made a list of best places in America and they flock lol. I'll be on st Simons in April and closer to friends but overall great trip.
  16. Well just got back from my buddies place on st Simons island. Wife was driving finally seen our first deer of trip 5 of them . Looked like the size of my chocolate Labrador and ribs showing. I was told they were smaller. Finally found the culprit to the tracks on the beach lol. Just nice to see them. Trip is over we leave in the morning. Hoping for a safe trip home without issues.
  17. Well just got back from my buddies place on st Simons island. Wife was driving finally seen our first deer of trip 5 of them . Looked like the size of my chocolate Labrador and ribs showing. I was told they were smaller. Finally found the culprit to the tracks on the beach lol. Just nice to see them. Trip is over we leave in the morning. Hoping for a safe trip home without issues.
  18. Today's adventure is the wild sea turtle rehabilitation center and millionaire s village on Jekyll Island. Then great dunes beach for some beach walking and sun. Later headed to my buddies place on st Simons island for some fishing and dinner. Hopefully the fish will bite. Sunny and high of 78. Beautiful!
  19. Yea I just got a 2 oz sinker a 5 hook and some frozen shrimp did well last year in March when I came down for a month. Caught black drum hard head catfish eel stingray and whiting and blue crab.
  20. No luck fishing yet. People said might get a stray whiting to bite but they said the fishing really gets good in April. They said great tarpon fishing here. Fished from buddies dock on brackish creek no luck but we will try again today.
  21. How's the trip going? Looks like you having a good time? My trip here in Jekyll Island is going by too fast. But enjoying every minute of it. Soaking up sun and heat. Back to reality on Saturday. Enjoy your trip.
  22. Beach day today! Beautiful 75 and little breeze. Perfect. Boy are enjoying the ocean and beach.
  23. Hit the creek by my buddies place nothing biting so caught some sun and visited.
  24. Fishing at my buddies place nothing biting yet. But poles are out and baited.
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