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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by REDNECK4LIFE32

  1. Adirondack 3 point from our yearly muzzleloader season honey hole.
  2. Redneck inginuity at the American legion daily. SSS the three s's stop shine and shoot. Crazy stuff come hunting season. Wonder why I can't see a deer lol.
  3. Apples and carrots all set on the side of the road. Waiting on road kill lol. My walking boot and muzzleloader ready for hunting.
  4. You know bullets you didn't like impact during red light green light? I don't think many people liked it but was netflix#1 and number one costumes lol.
  5. I thought they'd at least keep the girl for more drama for another season but. The games were crazy. Red light green light move dead!
  6. I watched this Netflix #1. Pretty messed up show. Shows what desperate people will do for money . The curator of the games has a pretty good brain and had alot of time on hands to create this show. Who has watched it. I didn't know what I was going into but it kept wanting to see more. Always kept on edge and had a great surprising end to the 1 st season. Straight human brutality brillianly thought out.
  7. My youngest son is a die hard Yankees fan corrupted by his uncle. Loves Derek Jeter. My wife is from just outside of Worcester mass so she is a huge red Sox s fan. House divided lol. I didn't think they stood a chance against Tampa. I think that ground rule double changed the series.
  8. Cheating Astros again it's getting old! Sox's and Giants world series I hope.
  9. Hot and Italian sausage with peppers and onions and tomatoes on fresh rolls and pasta box and baked beans and Caesar salad.
  10. No people get the dropped apples by the bin at local orchards by the truck beds rounded. Carrots come by dump truck and people bag them and put by the road there from Canada. Corn is sold by the bag by a dairy farmer. Either on road side or signs points where to go. Wonder why I'm not seeing deer in my neighbors agricultureal fields. Warm to I'm guessing.
  11. Well at least we know the Adirondack deer will be well fed lol. Apples 50 lbs bags $7 carrots $6-$7 50lbs and 100 lbs of corn $13. All along the roads up here. It's crazy!
  12. Cast iron seared burgers and into oven at 375 to finish with pepper jack cheese and American cheese .Broccoli and cheese mushrooms and onions and bacon on top of burger. Cucumbers.
  13. You better he over watched the neighborhood flower beds lol And landscaping;
  14. Did buckle make it onto a euro wall mount or just into a bin full of racks lol?
  15. That was no ordinary buck his name was buckle as I recall right.
  16. Smoked pork butt and homemade macaroni and cheese and collard greens and a yam and coleslaw
  17. Stuffed shells prepared and going in oven and a Sam's club rotisserie chicken the kids can't wait to eat lol
  18. These were from my neighbors arch above her door lol she normally does jelly and juice she wanted wine so I'm trying. I usually make raspberry wine my wife loves sweet she wants not so
  19. Venison stuffed cabbage soup substituted rice for cauliflower rice. Fresh cabbage from garden.
  20. Made 2 1/2 gallon s of grape wine today. In fermenting bucket.
  21. Anyone have a grape wine recipe they can share? I got 25 lbs of concord grapes from my neighbors vines. Can I boil them down on the stove?
  22. GameDay food buffalo chicken dip and chili. Bills won!
  23. Congrats on the purchase. So much can be done with them.
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