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Everything posted by REDNECK4LIFE32

  1. 6 hours in woods today. I'm in group 1 also. Starting to forget what a deer looks like in real time and not on camera.
  2. Morning and afternoon if a deer was moving I would have heard them coming from a mile away. Probably just like they heard me lol.
  3. Well sat out tonight over the scrape I found. Nothing about 5 somebody started target practice with a rifle like 20 shots in 5 shot sequence. Should have sat in my back 5 acres have a four or five point that was on camera yesterday during daylight.
  4. Well sat this morning till 10. Nothing. On the way out on the main trail I found a ground scrape near a small pine. Not sure if I missed it on the way in cuz it was dark. Or if he made it while I was in stand. 24 degrees and extra crispy. If something was moving you'd hear it from a mile away. 6 sits now on this state land no deer sighting.
  5. Where'd you kill that deer? Nice looking doe. Good shooting.
  6. Skipped morning hunt. Went and walked around a bit still no sign of rut. No scrapes or rubs. Tracks and dropping so there's deer. Found a good stand site on a hillside with cover but good visibility about a hundred yards. Will hunt it a couple days if nothing I'll move it. Sad part whenever I still hunt I always jump deer not any this year. After morning sit I'm gonna look around a bit more 1500 acres of state surrounded by private land. Seem pressured but it's only me and a guy who only hunts bow and muzzleloader season. Hopefully they start moving.
  7. Congrats on a beauty! You gonna mount him what was the weight?
  8. Hunted light to 930 this am nothing. Back out at 3 walked around no sign of rut action where I'm hunting. Finally sat 445 till dark nothing. Lots of tracks either it's heavily pressured or some good baiting going on. Didn't even jump a deer walking. 2 days hunting hard give it a few more days then changing course.
  9. Just need tortellini for a sausage tortellini soup or ditalini and tomatoes and sauce for minestrone. Looks great.
  10. Well went looking around no rut sign. No ground scrapes or trees rubbed where I was hunting. Tracks everywhere. Brought my climber with me but never set up. Sat last hour and a half no sightings today. More looking tomorrow morning. There thier just a matter of finding them. Adirondack hunting don't get to sit and watch deer usually the deer I see is the one I shoot.
  11. That hunter really wanted that buck! Great track.
  12. I'm lucky I get to see a deer with horns in a season when I'm in the woods. 18 bucks that's insane I'd shoot the first one since I'm not a horn hunter.
  13. Adirondack deer are on there feet. Took a ride just b4 dark counted 10. Was going to sit tonight but rain and wind like crazy. Out in morning.
  14. Happy Halloween! Nothing this year COVID stopped that. Kids on quarantine till nov 9. Have a safe and fearful in a good way Halloween.
  15. Hope I have luck like you when I get off on the 1 st if everything is better.
  16. Well took out some venison steaks and ground up for burger. Italian sausage spaghetti sauce going. Meatballs will go in after it simmers for awhile. Served over spaghetti or whatever I have.
  17. That looks great. I'll be doing some soon. Great for easy quick meal and delicious.
  18. 29 degrees here with killer frost. Would love to be out quarantine with the COVID till the 1 st.
  19. I made that a couple weeks ago with tortellini. It was great.
  20. That sounds great I'll have to try that when I process my next deer.
  21. Thanks it a process I did it on the stovetop and most recipes call for crockpot.
  22. Im trying my best when I'm sick may have been lighting and a darker milk gravy. I'll work on my presentation lol. Definitely try it they serve three different types on veterans day at our local American legion. Chipped beef and sausage and gravy and ground beef and milk gravy. My boys love it.
  23. I've seen it made all three ways sausage hamburger and chipped beef. They serve us it at our veterans day luncheon at the local legion.
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