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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by BizCT

  1. I'm not for the $1MM insurance policy by any means. I just don't think it will be put into place, and if it is, it wont end up being a major issue.
  2. If every NY gun owner needs $1MM in insurance, some insurance company with love the opportunity to make $ and undercut other companies and offer cheap insurance. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Probably wouldn't cost much. I think nra members get like $300k worth of insurance for being a member. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  4. My baitfeeder reels are spooled n ready to go. All my leaders are tied. I changed the battery in my bait bucket. My fishfinder still works. Lake Trout slaying season is readily approaching. In other news, I need to make an appt at golfsmith to get custom fitted for a new set of irons. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  5. Instead of constructing a treehouse, why not just buy warmer clothes? I'll share a little secret with you, there's a store called Cabelas and they have a website. You will never be cold again. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Are you guys coming to the Rockland Community College (Suffern, NY) hunting/fishing expo?
  7. I'm honestly not familiar with the background check process when it comes to long guns. Do stores do a background check when you purchase a shotgun or rifle? All the guns I have (except for my pistol) are guns that have been in the family since the 60's. When we sold a gun recently to a guy in texas, we went through a FFL or FLL whatever its called, but I don't know about any background checks on the seller?
  8. I didn't care my name was posted, but I never said I agree with what they did. With respect to my posting of their names, etc I was just continuing with the updates regarding the battle back n forth.
  9. Sunset Park wat time is it? its time to get alive, its time to represent! CROSSBOWS IN ARCHERY IN 2013!
  10. Correct, I dont care if people know what gun(s) I own. Part of me thinks a background check on ammo/guns could be a good thing. What's stopping criminals from walking into walmart and buying guns/ammo? Yes, my name & address was listed on the Journal News list and I don't care.
  11. Appreciate the offer. Unfortunately I live like 5-6 hrs from you. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  12. The topic is supposed to be about having your name on a list if you buy ammo. As I previously said, I could care less if there are background checks before buying ammo. My name was on the list posted by the Journal News. Do I agree with what they did? Absolutely not, but do I care that my personal name was on the list? No, I could care less.
  13. When the dogs catch the yotes, are they baying the yote in some brush?
  14. Once again, I'm sorry for those offended. I just honestly don't believe hunting with a gun in NY will ever be banned in my lifetime, my future kids lifetime, and so on. It is too big of a industry. Maybe some things will change like how many bullets you can have loaded, or what type of guns you can't use, etc. However, I just don't see them banning shotguns or bolt-action rifles. In CT, If I remember correctly you can only load 3 slugs, whereas I always have 5 loaded in my shotgun for deer in NY. If they change the law to 3 in NY, then so be it. I'll roll with the punches and keep hunting.
  15. Cool stuff....how do you hunt them? I know must guys look for block of land that is like 1milex1mile....then send the dogs in and watch on gps to where they are about to come out...then be waiting or if you got 4 guys you can put each guy on 1 side of the block waiting for when they run out.
  16. Hunting is a bigger industry $-wise than baseball, football, etc. Hunting isn't going anywhere. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  17. I don't play video games. Never did. I played sports n fished as a kid. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  18. Gun and Xbow only. Like I said, hunting will not be banned in my lifetime and neither will hunting with a gun. So I'm good. if they ever banned gun deer hunting in NY, I guess I'd have to move or hunt elsewhere.
  19. This will probably make a lot of people mad, but I honestly could care less about the restrictions on "assult rifles", etc. I love to hunt, but besides sighting in each year before the season, I never shoot. As long as I can hunt, I'm happy. I honestly dont think hunting will banned in NY in my lifetime, so I don't care. I would never live in California because you cant be in possession of any parts of a dead mountain lion. So if something like that happened in NY or I couldn't hunt in NY, I would move elsewhere or hunt elsewhere. I honestly 100% believe that in my lifetime hunting will not get banned in all 50 states or anything crazy like that.
  20. Not bad then. Id gladly buy a house if taxes were only $11k. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  21. Maybe if you don't have kids. I plan to have kids someday and don't think I want to raise them in some 3rd world country. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
  22. Can't hunt Sundays, sucks. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
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