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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Had a nice sit, last evening. Couple singles crossed with their mothers at 25 yards, one still sporting spots. A late hatch. Quite sure that one will sport spots during bow.
  2. My trusty 870 in 12. It's taken many a deer. The only gun I trust. Is there any other gun out there, LOL.
  3. All good things must come to an end. Deer came out last evening to say hello. A couple doe with single fawns, a few yearlings, and a handful of nice bucks. All while the tractors mowing the ditch.
  4. It's not uncommon to see spotted fawns right into firearms here, past years. I have a lot to add to this thread for this year, but not until I get a good accurate assessment. I know this year fawn numbers are way down. That a fact, and it worries me. Looked like good breeding numbers, last fall too.
  5. Have you looked into Bad Boys? The only thing the deer hear are the electric motor and tire noise.
  6. You have a larger problem here. Under NYS. law, you can be ticketed for baiting and or feeding deer, even though you didn't place the salt lick there. It applies even if you didn't know it was there during season. As long as your hunting within a certain distance of it, ECO's can nail ya. I would dam well inform my neighbor of it.
  7. Edible beans grow lower plants. Quite a few have planted around us, this year. Kidney and pinto are two types commonly grown locally.
  8. Little scary. I hope those using riffle use extreme care. Hard to judge, back in on the Iroquois where the county line falls. Those using rifle, be careful as, I'm sure the ECO's won't think twice about handing out tickets.
  9. I'd hunt it, no problem. The only worry I'd have was retrieving. Plant a crop not common to the area. Maybe radish oat mixture. Pull those doe in, and you will see bucks. Works for me, every season. Good luck!
  10. Happy Birthday Eddie. I, for one like your style. Your buck pictures too! LOL. Hope you have an enjoyable day.
  11. My future investment. Worked with teams when much younger. Do my part to preserve fossil fuels. Think it would be cooler, (Get it?)
  12. Four years ago really sold me on those Daikons. I just can't say enough good about them. The last couple late summers , was just to dry here. They came up spotty and didn.t have enough moisture to let the chemical fertilizer do it's job. This season has been nearly as perfect and it can get. A nice dark rich nearly blue color shows in all late summer plantings. What I'm looking for now The DEC has changed my motives for deer drawing. , Now I still want to feed, but also to draw doe in for picture buck breeding purposes. We always get early breeds coming in, and I hope to recover some nice pics of the action. Since we can't shoot deer here till after mid October, Might as well shoot'em other ways.
  13. That's one of those 300 sq. ft. or smaller houses, seen on them home improvement shows, airs on the tv..
  14. He needs a few more years of growth for me to aim on him. 140 or larger now.
  15. Good luck on your last plantings. Hope you get a nice, shot in the arm soaker to germinate. We got a "wet my hay stopper" yesterday afternoon and a gully washer, just before midnight. Bad for haymaking but, great for the growing. My first radish, oats, vetch mixture nearly a foot tall now.
  16. A lot of typicals there. We have deer of some of the age groups you post, but they always have kickers.
  17. Congrats! I know she had a good teacher, you. Good luck with the father daughter hunts this season.
  18. it sad'ens me to see such a waste of meat. They all taste the same, no matter what time of the year. I hit it, it's tagged by law enforcement and in my freezer.
  19. Late summer growing conditions are about the best, I remember in years here. Planted ground has enough moisture to maintain good plant growth. Nice sunny to partly cloudy days and warm nights. Radish, oats, and vetch mixtures are doing great. Radish and oats combos are well on there way, 10" of growth with deep rich nitrogen filled leaves. Quite excited about the turnout. Deer have been visiting all areas. Oats are being thinned in some areas, with an occasional radish left over, lie on top. An abundance of early apples, wildlife unable to keep ahead. Deer pick and chose their favorites. Oak tree are now being visited on a nightly basis. Shaping up to be a really nice looking fall. Hope you all, having the same success.
  20. Some cam pics do not do some of these larger rack bucks justice. If he looks decent size in the pics, just wait till he's viewed in person. Had it the other way, also. They looked darn nice in the pics, not as nice in person. Night pics are not near as accurate as daylight shots, in my opinion.
  21. If you get a chance to visit the New York State Fair, you really have to stop by the NYBBC. display. Some really nice, informed people to talk to and really nice mounts on display. They have a new building location over near the racetrack.
  22. Just started on my list from last year projects. I am getting tied of emptying the rain pails in the living room. For this reason, I sure hope it gets cold snows soon, LOL. They tell me September and October are the busiest home improvement months of the year. Guess, I'll add to the number.
  23. Found myself shed hunting again on some free time Friday while scouting. I don't know if it's" ants in the pants" for the coming deer season or something telling me more are still out there.
  24. I've side lined my cams. It was ok for a while to maybe see what is out there, but I went back to the old'en days. More thrilling, for me seeing deer in person. More exciting during season too.More of a back to traditions hunter style. Call me old fashion, LOL. I still carry a pop and shoot on my walks, scouts, and hunts and get some, for me, wonderful pics..
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