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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. What make and model? I sent my Mucks to do chores as they were to squeeky in wet grass. Might as well be blowing a bugle as i walk out.
  2. Everything will overflow into deer season, as it usually doe. This year, I have two extra weeks, thanks to the corruption in Albany.
  3. Where did all the previous " Live From the Woods" threads go. Kind of fun looking back at earlier years.
  4. Hope everyone has a safe, productive opener, when ever it may be.
  5. How in the world did you get those panels up there?
  6. Is this the stand you were building on the trailer? I just can't keep track anymore, LOL.
  7. I don't know about PA. but here in New York, I always considered a hay wagon a motor vehicle, by definition anyways. Being pulled by a motor vehicle and all. Pull it with a team of horses, maybe not.
  8. He looks like a young deer to me. Like maybe 30 months old or so. Having the background blocked out like that, it's kind of difficult for me to tell.
  9. That $10 blind could net you a priceless deer. Good luck!
  10. Our local TS didn't get to many in this year. Last years turned to kindling wood, and were never reduced.
  11. If you handle the situation yourself, It could be considered land management, I suppose.
  12. I carry a bag. In it is my little propane stove, lighter, utensil knife, pan,cup, eggs, venison sausage, pancakes batter, homemade butter, maple syrup and a large amount of that orange drink stuff. I through some apples, pears, plumbs, and peaches in the side compartment, along with some of those Little Debbie snack cakes. That should hold me over till lunch. The rest of my deer stuff, goes in my jacket pockets.
  13. Plant the right food for deer; you will see doe well into muzzleloader season.
  14. I watch squirrels run up and down the deer's back. Squirrels are heavy into gathering hickory, beech, walnut, and acorn nuts. Heavy crop of acorns on the same trees, two years in a row now. Five to eight in a bunch. Rare occurance.
  15. Wheat is in the ground. Frost seed to Mammoth Red, Birdfoot Trefoil, Hairy Vetch, and a grass mixture next.
  16. Radish are 23 inches. Oats are waist high. Deer haven't touched the radish. Eating the oats down to inches of the ground. Left a transport disc on one end of the field. About half way down to the disc, untouched. My Irish Spring method.
  17. Not bad in the kitchen and baths areas either, LOL.
  18. An early muzzleloader season was, is, and forever shall be the goal of the DEC.. Deer numbers have nothing to do with their madness. Just an excuse to proceed with their agenda.
  19. Planting has been a problem with sugar beets here, the last few years. They have about a 90 day growing period after emergence. I consider May 15th the cutoff date for planting. I want a mature beet, about now. 2013, deer browsed on them when the bulbs froze. I did have one of the best radish crop then also. They reserved the right to pound them. They couldn't pull the beet bulbs, but radishes laid half eaten, all over the ground. The tap root was very large at the bass of the bulb, which might account for this. It had to of extended down into the ground several feet. Improved the drainage of that area better than a subsoiler would have, at a less expensive rate. I would plant them in some other areas of the farm, if I could get in early enough to do so. This is why radish fill the void. I can always get in, last week of July to plant, and the deer love them. This year however, the headed out oats are their preference. My oat stand is thinning quickly. Not touching the radish. I found the secret, LOL. Bubba was the real beet grower here. Maybe he might chime in.
  20. Paypal is a major credit card and or bank checking account. Simple to set up. Ebay will link you over to set up. Best to do it before you buy. Some really sweet deals right now. I just bought 2 Dell Laptops D630's refurb.for $89 FF.. Last one lasted me 4 years.
  21. I picked up a nice Nextbook 8" on ebay for 50 bucks, FF.
  22. OP.; Your questions are very tough, if not impossible to answer. Heck, New York officials can't even answer them.
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