ADK Native
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On this hallowed day, we shall always remember and should never forget…ALL GAVE SOME, SOME GAVE ALL. Maybe just a coincidence, but on this special day we remember the birthday of one of Americas greatest warriors, General George S. Patton. So Happy Birthday General George S. Patton! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_S._Patton Probably the greatest award I received was earning the same combat patch General Patton did, the US Third Army. Yes, it was a privilege to serve.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/russian-analyst-for-trump-dossier-acquitted-of-lying-to-the-fbi/ar-AA136S5z?ocid=SL5GDHP&pc=SL5G&cvid=7941052fb29543ffa9fe471ebaca111b The article states “ Igor Danchenko, an analyst who provided much of the research for a notorious dossier of unproven assertions and rumors about former President Donald J. Trump and Russia, was acquitted on Tuesday on four counts of lying to the F.B.I. about one of his sources.” First, if Danchenko “provided much of the research for a notorious dossier of unproven assertions and rumors” then what is the truth? Second, if Danchenko was “acquitted on Tuesday on four counts of lying to the F.B.I. about one of his sources” then what were his actual sources and what is the correct information? Third, in my professional experience, is not “lying to the F.B.I.” a felony offense? I guess some can get away with lying and others cannot. Depends on who you are. This “lying’ business reminds me of former President Bill Clinton's alleged sexual misconduct in the Oval Office. Clinton’s response was “I did not have sex with that woman.” Insofar as Danchenko is concerned, he is hardly a trustworthy American patriot. Read on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Danchenko
Biden was a draft dodging coward. He does not care about our Americans. Look at his “exit” from Afghanistan. Look at his disrespect for our deceased military members when instead of staying at attention he looked at his watch! Look at how he delayed sending sufficient military aid to Ukraine to fight one of America’s historically worst enemies Russia. Russia most notably aided our enemies in North Korea and North Vietnam to help kill and injure my brothers and sisters. Russia was pure evil in what they did in both World War I and II against America and her allies. But Biden was a draft dodging coward not wanting to fight communism. Is it Russian collision?
The anti-gun organizations are waging a war of disinformation by their psychological warfare tactics against the weak minded who suffer for a lack of a functioning intellect. These anti-gun organizations just keep feeding incomplete and false information that is accepted as the truth by the weak minded unable or unwilling to think for themselves. They ignore the truth that we have a violent people problem where these pathetic cowards use firearms to commit crime. When was the last if ever time you saw a known anti-gun politician or organization talk about the root causes of violent crime? When was the last time if ever they back up their remarks? An example is that they say you’re more likely to be shot be someone you know. Well that is true, except if the anti-gun supporters leave out a whole lot of truth. First, these are NOT normal loving relationships. Second, the root causes of the criminal use of a firearm is associated with such crimes as the distribution, sale and use of illegal drugs, assault and other crimes. The last war I served in, my unit occupied a building possessing a lot of fire power. We had zero “GUN VIOLENCE’ occurrences. Look at the ignorant anti-gun slogans by anti-gun supporters. Here are some examples: · “COMMON SENSE GUN LAWS” or “GUN SAFETY” when the reality is it’s their same old “GUN CONTROL”. Why insult our intelligence with these twisted slogans that are false? · “GUN VIOLENCE” is really “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. Does the truth hurt that much? · “GUN CULTURE” aimed to demean and criminalize law abiding firearm owners. Discrimination? Hate crime? Why blame law abiding firearm owners? Are they afraid of criminals or do they support the?
I believe everyone has memories of tailgaters, being cut off, driving 10 mph under the speed limit and then they drive 20 mph over the speed limit as you try to pass them, drivers signaling a right turn but then turn left and the list goes on with the completely stupid driving behavior that makes you realize to drive defensively!. Forget about and certainly do not engage with the crazy drivers. Sooner or later these “rude” drivers meet up with someone who is a lower form of life then they are. The encounter is usually not a good one. Driving requires the skill set to always obey the traffic laws, be aware of your surroundings, accept the fact there are many dangerous people operating a motor vehicle that are suffering from mental illness, substance abuse, sheer stupidity or a quest to feed their ego. In the ole days going from point A to point B were a journey, now its and obstacle course. Even on this forum there are some who act out in an uncivilized manner. Look at the inappropriate remarks that include most notably personal attacks. Some are provoked by these remarks or “opinions”. This festers into some to engage one another into uncivil behavior. Sad, but the proof is all over the computer monitor. The politicians want to decide your fitness to possess firearms by seeing what you’re writing on social media.
I would think that those in New York City would embrace their seceding from upstate. You would expect them to be happy to not associate with upstaters. I say this base simply on the fact of the "cultural differneces". Think about it, they are at odds with how upsaters think and live so why should they torture themselves? So why are not the millions in New York City supporting seceding from New York State?
How do gun bans reduce crime?
ADK Native replied to Grouse's topic in Gun and Hunting Laws and Politics Discussions
Gun bans are useless. There intent by totoltiarian politicans is to only harass, intimidate and threaten law abiding gun owners and pander to their ignorant "GUN VIOLENCE" beleiving supporters. Those who support prohibitions and restrictions on lawful firearm ownership are too naive to understand and accept the many terrible root casues that results in "PEOPLE VIOLENCE". Anyone one with a functioning intellect only has to look at decades of government bans on illegal drugs. Those drug bans have not stopped the distrubution, sale and use of narcotics. All of that is a major contributor of "PEOPLE VIOLENCE". Last year over 100,000 Americans died from drug overdoses! Incrediblbly horrible as that fact is, the politicans are unwilling or unable to wage a real war on drugs. So the goverment cannot control illegal drugs that kill many time mopre peole than firearm homocides, how will they control the illegal friearm trade to keep criminals armed? Sadly too many voters swallow the gun control panicia pill. The results leave them wondering why all these nonsense laws do not work on criminals. Ignornace left untreated eventually festers into stupidity. -
Key inflation measure climbs to 40-year high as Fed efforts ring futile and shoppers brace for more pain https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/key-inflation-measure-climbs-to-40-year-high-as-fed-efforts-ring-futile-and-shoppers-brace-for-more-pain/ar-AA12UYEA?ocid=SL5GDHP&pc=SL5G&cvid=7f42abcd195c439daf155976feb5dbf2 “Brace for more pain”? Reminds me of former Bill Clinton's remark “I feel your pain”. Obviously once elected he was feeling something else in the oval office. Clinton was one of the worst presidents. Clinton, a draft dodger hurt our military, but he was a draft dodger so we understand. So when will President Biden’s “Build back better” relieve our “pain”? Apparently Biden's "Build back better" is making our “pain” worse.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/judge-rules-that-new-york-s-concealed-carry-gun-laws-to-remain-in-effect-amid-appeal/ar-AA12TzVH?ocid=mailsignout&pc=U591&cvid=83489200f3954620abc3474cd7297523 The Governor Hochul in the article states “My top priority will always be to keep New Yorkers safe, and we will continue working with the Office of the Attorney General to defend our gun safety laws.” First the “states “My top priority will always be to keep New Yorkers safe” is a myth if you look at the daily violent crime in New York State that never ends. The “top prioririty” appears to be harassing, intimidating and threatening law abiding firearm owners rather than fighting the root causes of “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. Second “we will continue working with the Office of the Attorney General to defend our gun safety laws.”, but how about defending women instead of harassing, intimidating and threatening law abiding firearm owners? What did the Attorney General do about the allegations of former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s sexual assault against women?
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/obama-tells-foreign-leaders-sexist-and-racist-republicans-must-be-beaten/ar-AA12OicK?ocid=SL5GDHP&pc=SL5G&cvid=ee297de787e94bc9b5cda3e583b7b277 Why tell foreign leaders, are they voting in American elections? The article states “Sometimes, it just turns out they’re mean, they’re racist, they’re sexist, they’re angry. And your job is then to just beat them because they’re not persuadable,” Obama said” Name calling by former President Obama? Then again I am not surprised. Obama is one of the worst presidents America has had to endure. An example is Obama continued the war in Afghanistan even after Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan, yes Pakistan, not Afghanistan on May 2, 2011. Still Obama who never served in the military except when he wore his presidential Captain America jacket left our military to be killed and injured in Afghanistan for nothing. Obama also traded an Army deserter and traitor for terrorists. The article states “The event underscored Obama's focus on democracy globally and his effort to bolster a new generation of leaders through his organization.” His organization? So Obama is now training “a new generation of leaders”? In what, being community organizers?
https://cbs6albany.com/news/local/governor-hochul-calls-federal-judge-ruling-on-ny-gun-laws-deeply-disappointing-social-media-judge-glenn-suddaby# The article states “"In the wake of the Supreme Court's reckless decision that reversed decades of established law amid a national gun violence crisis, the State Legislature and I acted decisively to keep New Yorkers safe. The Concealed Carry Improvement Act was carefully crafted to put in place common-sense restrictions around concealed carry permits." said the governor in a statement.” First “the Supreme Court's reckless decision” was not reckless. No, it was "not reckless". It lessened the anti-gun politicians reign of harassment, intimidation and threats directed at law abiding firearm owners rather than go after the dangerous violent criminals in New York State committing “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. Second Governor Hochul “acted decisively to keep New Yorkers safe” only ended up harassing, intimidating and threatening law abiding gun owners. Third the “Concealed Carry Improvement Act was carefully crafted” only to harass, intimidate and threaten law abiding gun owners. This nonsense legislation was only aimed at law abiding firearm owners, not New York State’s coveted violent criminals.
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https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/ny-attorney-general-files-motion-to-overturn-federal-judge-ruling-on-ny-gun-laws/ar-AA12NAKX?ocid=SL5GDHP&pc=SL5G&cvid=b7978112e771432b81f4173559973537 The article states “New York Attorney General Letitia James has announced on Monday that she has filed a motion to appeal a federal judge ruling on NY's gun legislation.” Not surprised AG James is more concerned about supporting the continued harassment, intimidation and threats directed at law abiding firearm owners rather than go after the dangerous violent criminals in New York State committing “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”? The article states “Governor Hochul calls federal judge ruling on NY gun laws "deeply disappointing" What is real disappointing is Governor Hochul, AG James and all their supporters who are unwilling or unable to address and attack the root causes of “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. The article states “Today my office filed a motion to keep the entire Concealed Carry Improvement Act in effect and continue to protect communities as the appeals process moves forward. This common-sense gun control legislation is critical in our state’s effort to reduce gun violence. We will continue to fight for the safety of everyday New Yorkers.” said the Attorney General. “ First its “keep the entire Concealed Carry Improvement Act in effect” even though it attacks law abiding citizens and does not eliminate the real root causes of “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. Second “This common-sense gun control legislation is critical in our state’s effort to reduce gun violence” is anything but “common sense” unless you support the harassment, intimidation and threats directed at law abiding firearm owners rather than go after the dangerous violent criminals in New York State committing “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. Third it is false “We will continue to fight for the safety of everyday New Yorkers.” Just look at the violent crime rate in New York State not from a statisticians warped point of view. Again these politicians use this anti-gun psychological warfare to fool the ignorant because they are unwilling or unable to attack the root causes of “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/americans-want-stricter-gun-safety-measures-gen-z-will-help-us-get-there/ar-AA12qrBa?ocid=SL5GDHP&pc=SL5G&cvid=e0592469e5414864b58d7f781623da12 More proof that our children are NOT being taught to think rationally because they lack the ability to analyze the truth. The article states “She’s putting her faith in her fellow Gen Zers: Give them facts, and they will change the culture of guns.” "Give them the facts"? The common denominators in violent crime is the distribution, sale and use of illegal drugs, the failed mental health care system, the failed public school system that is unwilling or unable to deal with violent youth, the failed corrections system needed to keep violent people out of society and the failed welfare system. Those are the facts. Try fixing those society diseases before advocating for more useless "gun safety" that does not cure the problem of "People Violence". If they do not, They will be left wondering why SAFE Acts and Conceal Carry Improvement laws do not stop criminals. “Culture of guns”? Just another false slogan from the anti-gun psychological warfare playbook used against the weak minded. The fact is “Gun Violence” is “People Violence”, and “Culture of guns” is really “Culture of violence”. Sadly so many are too ignorant to understand the truth. So the problem never gets solved. [O1]
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/11-more-cases-of-defensive-gun-use-show-second-amendment-isn-t-about-deer-in-kevlar-vests/ar-AA12jfp0?ocid=SL5GDHP&pc=SL5G&cvid=a0320628d40c444a9cb3ff12d87d9d7a The article states “Biden mocked (and not for the first time) gun owners as being afraid of “deer in Kevlar vests” simply because they want to defend themselves and their families with the same guns that law enforcement officers use to protect the president and his family.” Typical of an anti-gun politician to make such an in appropriate remark. Instead of addressing the root causes of “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”, Biden makes an inflammatory and ignorant remark. The article states “Almost every major study on the issue has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times annually, according to the latest report on the subject by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Just this year, a more comprehensive study concluded that roughly 1.6 million defensive gun uses occur in the United States every year.” Thankfully all those law abiding citizens were able to protect themselves. Still this information shows just how violent society is in America. And yet we never hear from our politicians how to address “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. The article states “It’s time for the president to retire his old trope about “deer in Kevlar vests” and show himself much more willing to treat the Second Amendment — and those Americans who exercise the rights protected under it — with significantly more respect.” True, but just as important is the need to attack the root causes of “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. Biden and other anti-gun supporters need to think “CRIME CONTROL”, not “GUN CONTROL”. The article states “It’s time for the president to retire his old trope about “deer in Kevlar vests” and show himself much more willing to treat the Second Amendment — and those Americans who exercise the rights protected under it — with significantly more respect.” Respect? Anti-gun politicians have no respect for law abiding firearm owners. They intentionally target law abiding firearm owners with more nonsense gun laws rather than attack violent criminals and the root cause of “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. It appears every time there is a mass shooting they respond with more gun control laws that do not reduce or eliminate “PEOPLE VIOLENCE”. Apparently these anti-gun politicians only want to harass, intimidate and threaten law abiding firearm owners rather than attack criminals.