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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. Nature not the ones supost to be suppying the power around here after Sandy the power company' had years to fix this problem and what did they do nothing.
  2. Mine supost to come back by 11 pm tonight . 715 and nothing yet . I bet anything they will not have it on by 11 tonight .
  3. Yea i know because there to cheep to do it right and just run the lines underground like they do in other country's .
  4. I thought I was have a bunch of back up batterys lithium . For Electronics .Never expected a hurricane in the winter time and have no heat
  5. I am on the sound close to there . recognize this place
  6. Yea And you think they would of learned something from that storm nope . same old s different day
  7. I have 3 lithium batter packs to run electronics they work great but never expected power outage in winter never happens before here now I may buy some think else for this . Get the fire places running again.
  8. The point is the government libs promote the false idea that you don't need to help yourself that they are god and will do it all for you . That is what they teach them in school these days.
  9. You see this is just another example of how these liberals are so naive about governments And gun control. They say you dont need your guns the governments can protect you bla bla bla. When they can't even Keep the f n electricity on or fix the f n pot holes in the streets even in these high taxed areas . You think the dems in Congress have gun control for themselfs .
  10. Its ok but down south for half the money and 1/3 the tax you can get so much better . But like they say location location I love NY . Even with its corruption If not for that this really is the best state in the country in my opinion.
  11. Not the point i should not have to or I could move up in the stixx someplace . And live in a RV . The point is the f n gov exploits you here . Why do you think they want to ban guns . Just so they can inslave us f n even more .
  12. Never had power go out in winter in my life here . Buy a generator that will never be used then have it probably fail from never being used no thanks we lived for thousands of years before electricity and indoor heating I will manage for a few day . Because it cost money like it don't cost us money now ? To buy electricity? Con ed being scumbags Trump is right we are a first world country with 3erd world infostruction. I pay 50k a year in property tax these f ers should bring a extension cord from the town hall to my house . For the money I am forced to pay them . Its because con is pretty much a, Monopoly that they don't put the lines underground. Lobbyists .
  13. How about they put the lines underground In places they know have this problem with trees other country's don't have powerlines exposed like here.
  14. I have 2 fire places in my house they never been used in years Get this now there saying I have to wait until 11 pm tomorrow to get power . That is 48 hours That is bs I pay my bill on time always but have to wait 2 f days to get power from a storm which was not even that bad .
  15. 24 hours with out power piss me off freezing in house i should go to hotel and send con ed the bill Will they pay wondering ? And a tree fell on my garage
  16. I am out of town driving back tomorrow checked the Wi-Fi camera power is down in the house. Hope this crap clears by tomorrow morning.
  17. Really I bet your wrong this is going to increase NRA membership and gun ammo sales like crazy the other side is acually in the minority and will forget about this in week. Why because in reality it doesn't affect them one way or the other it is just something they see on tv .
  18. Even this guy gets it and he is not exactly a conservative. https://youtu.be/VZ8i6EGH4FI
  19. U know I think I have to get into hand loading ammo
  20. Looks like Wal-Mart jumping on the anti gun agenda ban wagon .
  21. Let dicks do what they want i say let the free market decide if they want to not sell to under 21 I'm sure others will pick up the business actually rather company's do some self policing then making a new law. If someone looks like a crazy nobody should be forced to sell them anything.
  22. I always thought basspro and cabels were better big box stores then dicks anyway . Dicks is a lightweight in that market .
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