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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. If you don't use it . It is almost like giving billy bob a free pass at taking a shot in your Direction. So if your smart you will use it . Enough said
  2. After thinking about it . I think showing a atheist going to heaven should not really offend anybody . To me it would be offensively if the picture showed him going to hell . I don't think his disability had anything to do with it . I mean why would anyone get offended showing a picture of them going to heaven a better place . Reserved for the good. Even if he was a atheist .
  3. Not sure if this is tasteful or not really , I guess if your a atheist it may be a little offencive .
  4. Yes great point doc with Orange you can get a better idea of who is around and get to a better hunting locaton . With out it you could be hunting right on top of other hunters and having game be pushed away from you .
  5. From what I seen most guys use it or at least put it on when they see you coming down the trail to let you know there location . At least a hat I use in small game season and jacket and hat in deer season .
  6. They can find 13000 year old bones from woolly mammoths but nobody can come up with any bones crap hair with DNA of this 600 ib man ape ? In all this time I find it hard to believe.
  7. It all depends on the news media if anytime a pro gun law comes up and media takes the side of the gun control people that law, will never get past or over turned . If they kept out of it we would have know safe act bs to deal with it would get over turned.
  8. I would not be surprised if some crafty lawyer does not slap a class action lawsuit against dicks for age discrimination . And violating people's second amendment rights.
  9. If I had to guess as soon as the heat of that shooting fades away and there sales go to crap they will change that rule back to 18 again .
  10. You joke, I have seen people on trails in the woods during hunting season wearing clothes like this .
  11. If they were real someone would of shot it by now for sure . At least that is my theory and the libs would go crazy that you shot a endangered species .
  12. I don't think Bigfoot is real and i have know interest in shooting one either .
  13. O yea with in 6 mouths you will have tree's growing on your lawn already if you don't cut it
  14. I keep falling asleep watching it now. I think I will do what I did with Sopranos just wait till it comes out on Netflix or Amazon this way I can just fast forward all the boring parts.
  15. Oath of Office. Upon taking office, Senators congressmen senators-elect must swear or affirm that they will "support and defend the Constitution." The president of the Senate or a surrogate administers the oath to newly elected or re-elected senators. The oath is required by the Constitution; the wording is prescribed by law. so technically aren't all laws restricting guns from law-abiding citizens . unconstitutional And Politicians who write these laws are actually breaking the law themselves.
  16. Really Was thinking about even building one out of wood down there as a project obvously not going to be as strong as bought one . but I think I could make it strong enough that unless you had a chainsaw you would not be getting in .
  17. Unless your talking salt water ocean/ intercostal. I would take the woods .
  18. Want to get a new bigger gunsafe for my basement problem is the moisture and humidity down there is very high . What is the best way to keep moisture away from guns in a safe that you have used .
  19. Nope you should probably get into casting and reloading your own .
  20. My new deer gun 2 bore Do you think it is to small for deer
  21. I think we need a scientist to answer these questions lol I think live animal test is the best way to know for sure . Or you could go look at some ballistic gel tests on YouTube to see the tissue damage of a particular round the problem there is usally there done at close range not hunting range . That is going to make a difference. I started using what I use from listening to the old timers older hunters with more experiece then me . Father grandfather . I think that is how a lot of guys find themselfs using what they use .
  22. The only reason I would use a less powerful bullet then something like a 30-06 or 12ga for deer is to get a lighter shorter gun . So I may compromise a little for that Or else I don't see no good reason to use less powerful ammo like a .223 unless that is all you got. Bigger bullet bigger hole . But to each his own
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