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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Hunter007

  1. I envy you being able to get up to the Adirondacks big woods and hunt like that is on my bucket list
  2. I always thought the name of the game in archery is to get up close in way, that is part of the challenge for me anyway. But I guess everyone has there own idea about it .
  3. I can only shoot no more then 25 yards where I live so no I don't get to practice much past that distance. Even if I could where I hunt not really any shooting lanes past that anyway really .
  4. I remember my archery instructor saying years ago shooting at a Archery range is not the same as from in a tree stand after you have been sitting there for a few hours now is it? In the woods in low light . But to each his own there are those that would shoot any distance if they saw a big buck no matter what.
  5. I wonder if sometimes deer get lost some how and and find them selfs moving miles into a new area that way possibly.
  6. Many years ago I was told by my archery instructor that even if the deer does not see the arrow it may just move or here something out of the ordinary and move . That Is why he recommended . Not shooting past 20 yards granted this was over 30 years ago and bows got faster but still past 20 /30 yards your asking for trouble Or lots of tracking .
  7. Good point who knows how many deer get shot run off and the hunter thinks he missed because he does not see any blood sign of the deer only for the deer to die in brush someplace .
  8. I don't know for sure but in the past In preshistoric times i think even before humans there were birds of prey that went after the young of deer . So they could have the instinct to look up from that still built in not to mention humans and there arrows and spears .
  9. And you don't think over time living in a hunted area deer dont evolve to look out for the dangers of archery hunters ?
  10. Just saying me/ you most hunters would not think of using a 9mm to hunt deer . But we have know problem doing it with a bow and arrow that you could make the argument is not really as effective . The truth is they are both very effective if you take a good shot . And not if you take a crap shot .
  11. I am know expert but have you ever seen what a 9mm Hollow point does to ballistics gel . Compared to a arrow Broadhead.
  12. What about deer learning to look up to see if humans are in try stands ? Do you think that is true or a myth ?
  13. Here is a question for someone who has hunted with a pistol I guess Most would not hunt with a 9mm handgun But why would you hunt farther then say 20 or 30 yards with a bow . Does a bow really have that much more killing power then a 9mm bullet ? At those ranges which most would say is not enough gun for the job .
  14. I dont know, but deer don't seem to freak out when wind is blowing real hard and branches and leaves are blowing around do they ? They may have evolved some instinct to know that a arrow is danger . Like I said just speculating it would be impossible to know for sure . Or maybe any thing out of the ordinary spooks them like you said . Or maybe it is a little of both for all we know .
  15. If I had to guess something like super volcano or asteroid will be what ends it .
  16. Just a theory but you would think after 10,000 or more years of humans shooting arrows at them they would evolve some instinct to try and avoid arrows being shot at them . I am not saying you are wrong . Just that there could be more to it then we know .
  17. deer have been hunted by man for at least 10,000 years with bow and arrow. You don't think in all that time they have not evolved to try and not get hit by arrows ? Of course they have some natural instinct to move out of the way .
  18. They probably not only can they here the arrow they can see it and maybe even see the bow limbs cams move, or you move just before ,or as you shoot .
  19. The problem is weight bulk with the shotgun ammo or else I would say it would be the best all around .
  20. Since most the people you meet will have them no sense in using anything else then a Ak 47 , AR rifle or 22lr 9mm 45 cal 12 ga Those would be at the top of my list This way you could more easily trade scavenge ammo
  21. Yea that is the thing unless less you practice a lot anything past 20 25 yards you risk taking not so perfect of a shot . Which when I hunt , i want, try for 100% accuracy . At 20 yards i am pretty sure of that.
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